Posts Tagged ‘the environment’


Receive a broad but rigorous education in basic scientific principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy in nature. We provide hands-on experience in electronics, optics, nuclear physics, astronomy and solar energy.

International Affairs

Reflect on the global economic and political interdependence of the post-Cold War world. We’ll help you understand how and why countries interact, and how the world has been influenced by history, politics, economics, and culture.

Interdisciplinary Studies

Do your interests span multiple departments and areas of study? Maybe creating your own major is for you. Build a rigorous program of study to investigate interdisciplinary topics, problems, and questions.


Studying history will prepare you to respond to breaking global news and to debate conflicting views. Using newspapers, films, novels, and legal documents, you’ll learn how to argue persuasively, read and research carefully and write creatively.

Government & Politics

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it’s crucial that you understand the democratic system and other forms of governance. You’ll develop reasoning and analytical skills and build competence in oral and written expression.

Environmental Studies

Environmental issues are among the most pressing facing humanity. Investigate the nature and causes of environmental problems and consider solutions to those problems. You’ll look at the biological, physical, and social aspects of ecology and environment.


Get a solid foundation in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical and biochemistry as you explore the relevance of chemistry. Lab work brings you out of the textbook and lecture to work hands-on with the material.


Anthropology is global in its perspective, comparatively studying humankind in all places and throughout time. You’ll develop an understanding of culture and how it unites human social, political, biological, and historical experiences.


Explore the fields of modern microbiology including microbial genetics, clinical microbiology, applied microbiology, immunology, molecular biology and microbial physiology. You’ll be prepared for graduate study and a career as microbiologist in public health, industrial or research laboratories.


In biology, we explore the science of life: the principles that govern life processes, molecular to ecosystem levels of organization, and the impact of biological issues on our lives. You’ll be taught respect for life, the environment, and the place of humans in the biosphere.