
Thank you for your interest in the Music Department at Wagner College. Auditions are required for those applying for admission to the Vocal Performance Major and those seeking a Music Scholarship.  Students submitting applications for the Vocal Performance Major and those seeking a Music Scholarship, need to submit their application by February 1st. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions by calling 718-390-3411.

Music Department Audition Day – February 4, 2024

Invitations are sent to applicants who have expressed an interest in music and have been cleared to audition. Details on appointments and video auditions are included in your audition invitation.

The audition requirements for Wagner’s Theatre program are separate from the Music auditions. Please visit the Theatre audition guidelines page for more details.  Students may audition for both Theatre and Music.

Students may audition as vocalists, instrumentalists, or both, but a Music Scholarship will be awarded in only one specialization. Recipients of Music Scholarships will also receive individual instrumental or vocal lessons. They are also required to participate in a music performance ensemble each semester in order to maintain their scholarship. Assignment to particular instructors and ensembles is by the Music Department after consultation with the student and the ensemble directors.

Audition Requirements 

Audition Requirements

  • Students accepted in the major will receive the departmental music scholarship.
(please note, an accompanist will be provided)
  1. Two contrasting musical selections which showcase the best attributes of your vocal skill. Traditional repertoire, such as an aria, art song, operetta selection or musical theatre standard is preferred. We need to hear selections that demonstrate your lyrical singing ability and your ability to change styles. (i.e. slow lyrical selection and an up-tempo selection) Preferably, one selection should be in a foreign language, but this is not required.
  2. Interview with the Voice faculty about your musical goals at Wagner College
 For further information, please email Dr. Thomas Juneau at We look forward to discussing your future in singing at Wagner College!

Vocal Audition Requirements

(please note, an accompanist will be provided)

  1. Two contrasting musical selections which showcase the best attributes of your vocal skill. Traditional repertoire, such as an aria, art song, operetta selection or musical theatre standard is preferred. We need to hear selections that demonstrate your lyrical singing ability and your ability to change styles. (i.e. slow lyrical selection and an up-tempo selection) Preferably, one selection should be in a foreign language, but this is not required.

Vocal Area questions may be directed to Dr. Thomas Juneau at

Instrumental Audition Requirements 

  1. Two contrasting musical selections which showcase the best attributes of your Instrumental skill. We need to hear selections that demonstrate your ability to change styles. Students should prepare two short works or excerpts from longer works (i.e. ensemble music).
  2.  Sight-reading examples
  3.  Major and Minor scales

For further information, please contact Dr. Jose Diaz, Director of Bands, (718)390-3135 or

Audition Requirements

Students accepted in the major will receive the departmental music scholarship

Vocal Audition Requirements

  • Two contrasting musical selections which showcase the best attributes of your vocal skill. Traditional repertoire, such as an aria, art song, operetta selection or musical theatre standard is preferred.  We need to hear selections that demonstrate your lyrical singing ability and your ability to change styles. (i.e. slow lyrical selection and an up-tempo selection) Preferably, one selection should be in a foreign language, but this is not required.

Instrumental Audition Requirements

  •  Two contrasting musical selections which showcase the best attributes of your Instrumental skill. We need to hear selections that demonstrate your ability to change styles. Students should prepare two short works or excerpts from longer works (i.e. ensemble music).
  •  Major and Minor scales

For further information, please contact Dr. Jose Diaz, Director of Bands, (718)390-3135 or

Choir Placement Auditions

In Person Auditions 1-3pm & Virtual Auditions 3-5pm
Hearings for choir placement and voicing will be Sunday, 8/23. Even if already assigned to a choir, all new choir singers are required to sing this simple hearing, which will consist of vocalization, voice-part assessment and a discussion with Dr. Juneau about which ensemble is the best fit. Please email Dr. Juneau at with further questions. Auditionees will be required to sign-up for a time via the link. In-person auditions will happen on the first floor of Campus Hall in alternating rooms. Only one singer will be allowed on the first floor at a time. The check-in table will be outside of Campus Hall.