Since 1957, Wagner College has given the Stanley Drama Award. Join us this evening for the presentation of the 2022 Stanley Award to Luke Yankee for his play, "Marilyn, Mom and Me." Finalists for this year's awards will also be recognized: Robert Kerr for "Ask Me Anything," and Harold Hodge Jr. and Charlie Romano for "Call Me From the Grave."
Also join us tomorrow night at 7 o'clock in the Manzulli Boardroom for a dramatic reading of the 2022 Stanley Drama Award-winning play, "Marilyn, Mom and Me" by Luke Yankee, directed by Mickey Tennenbaum.
The Stanley Drama Award was established in 1957 by Mrs. Alma Timolat Stanley in conjunction with the Stanley-Timolat Foundation, which supports aspiring playwrights. The national competition is administered by the Wagner College Theatre, with past judges including such notables as playwrights Edward Albee and Paul Zindel, actresses Geraldine Page and Kim Stanley, and producer David Susskind. Past winners, which were chosen for this award before they were professionally produced, have included such groundbreaking works as "Ceremonies in Dark Old Men" by Lonne Elder III and "Rent" by Jonathan Larson.