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  • October 5, 2023 › Speakers & Discussions

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25th Anniversary of the Wagner Plan

October 5, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Please join the Wagner College community for a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts.

Launched in 1997, Wagner College’s nationally recognized academic program, the Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts, combines learning communities with civic engagement, internships, and research and ensures that students graduate with skills that employers value.

Thursday, October 5, 5:30pm in Spiro Hall Room 2: Panel Discussion
Beginning with a short film, President Emeritus Richard Guarasci will guide a panel conversation with faculty, alumni, and community members about projects that exemplify the creativity and practicality of the Wagner Plan.

Thursday, October 5, 6:30pm in the Union Atrium: Gallery Opening & Reception
Following the panel, a reception and gallery open will be held for Stronger Together: 25 Years of Discovery, featuring a map of all the sites students have engaged with as they embarked on their community learning, as well as Wagner Plan artifacts.


Please contact Nicole DeStefano, Director of Development and External Relations for more information.

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