2010 March 31-May 06
“Disney’s Beauty and the Beast at Wagner College Theater” — This Broadway theater website has consistently helped us publicize both Main Stage and Stage One productions on campus.
Read the Broadway World story about Beauty and the Beast Apr 1 Staten Island Advance“Disc Jockey Gives History Lesson” — The Advance ran a “standalone” photo of veteran rock DJ Peter Fornatale speaking at Wagner the previous evening.
Read the Advance story about DJ Peter Fornatale Apr 2 Forbes Magazine“Don’t Repeal the 17th Amendment” — As usual, Joshua Spivak of Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform has written another insightful op/ed essay that has been published in a major national periodical — always highlighting in the closing identifying paragraph his affiliation with Wagner College.
Read the Carey Institute op-ed in Forbes Magazine Apr 5 Staten Island Advance“Take a Bite out of Mosquitoes” — Biology Professor Horst Onken was one of the sources for a seasonal news story on public health and mosquitoes. The story jumped from Page One to an inside page.
Read about public health and mosquitoes in the Advance Apr 5 Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education“Rethinking Volunteering: Several New York Colleges Introduce a New Way to Encourage Student Service” — This specialty higher ed magazine ran a 3-page story on New York Campus Compact, in which Wagner College’s civic engagement programs figured prominently (from the middle of the second column on the second page to the end of the story).
Read the Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Apr 8 Staten Island Advance“A ‘Cell’ of a Production” — A short but positive preview of the final Stage One show of the year, Sarah Ruhl’s “Dead Man’s Cell Phone.”
Read about "Dead Man's Cell Phone" in the Advance Apr 8 New Jersey Law Journal“Menendez's Critics Shouldn't Jump Up and Down Just Yet” — Another Spivak op/ed.
Read the story in the New Jersey law Journal Apr 8 Inside Higher Ed“Male Studies vs Men’s Studies” — This story by Jennifer Epstein, published in one of the premier national daily news sources on higher education, focused on a conference hosted at Wagner College by psychology professor Miles Groth on April 7 to explore “a new academic discipline focusing on male studies at the university level.” The story was highlighted in the monthly Inside Higher Ed roundup as one of the top three most commented upon stories — 79 at the last count. This event was the most written about activity on the Wagner College campus in years, bar none; 26 stories were posted following the April 7 event on the websites of such periodicals and blogs as the Huffington Post, the Washington Post, Forbes, the National Post (Canada), Salon.com, Fox News, the Calgary Herald, The Dartmouth, Mother Jones and Times Higher Education. The Inside Higher Ed piece is a good representative of the massive coverage, as are the comments posted at the end of the story.
Read the story on Inside Higher Ed Apr 11 Staten Island Advance“Wagner College Protesters Return to Find Little Has Changed” — On April 10, a group of alumni held a symposium to mark the 40th anniversary of the occupation of Cunard Hall to protest the lack of diversity at that time on the Wagner College campus. The following day, the Advance ran a distinctly one-sided story on the symposium, written by senior reporter Judy Randall; we’ve annotated her article to correct the record she filed. Several participants in the symposium and members of the audience responded to the Advance story, including: Sharon Richie-Melvan, Wagner’s first African-American homecoming queen and a member of the group that occupied Cunard (profiled in the latest issue of Wagner Magazine); Dorothy Davison, dean of the library, and Robert Benson, professor emeritus of philosophy; symposium organizers Mike Kelly and Lonnie Brandon, and alumna MaryRose Barranco Morris.
Read about Seeds of Change Read the corrected information in the Advance Read about the response to the Cunard Occupation symposium story Apr 11 New York 1 cable news channel“Once Upon a Time on Staten Island” series — History Professor Lori Weintrob contributed to a series aired by NY1 on the history of Staten Island.
Apr 15 Staten Island Advance“At Wagner College, a Portrait by Many Artists” — Staff writer Tevah Platt knows Wagner well, having once worked in the Alumni office and currently teaching an upper-level creative writing course as an adjunct professor. In this story, Platt tells how art professor Jennifer Toth and her students worked with a group from the Lifestyles for the Disabled program to create a mural.
Read the story in the Advance about the mural Apr 15 BroadwayWorld.com“Wagner College Theater Presents Beauty and the Beast” — A somewhat more extended preview of the upcoming Main Stage finale.
Read about Wagner College Theater's "Beauty and the Beast" Apr 17 silive.com“Wagner College Displays Seniors’ Art Work” — The Staten Island Advance website highlighted the 2010 Senior Art Show.
Read about the Seniors' Art Work on silive Apr 20 Staten Island Advance“Wagner College to Host Economic Symposium”
Read about the Economic Symposium in the Advance Apr 21 Staten Island Advance“Staten Island’s Wagner College Stages ‘Beauty and the Beast’ ” — The Theater Department gave this preview high marks.
Read about Beauty and the Beast in the Advance Apr 23 Staten Island Advance“Island Campuses Urged to Court Veterans” — Wagner College chief of staff David Martin appears at center in the photo for this story.
See the photo about Wagner chief of staff in the Advance Apr 23 Staten Island Advance“Say Happy Birthday to Staten Island” — Claire Regan, associate managing editor of the Advance, wrote this article about a reception and presentation at the home of President and Mrs. Guarasci to highlight educational initiatives being developed by Wagner College, St. John’s University and the College of Staten Island in connection with the upcoming 350th anniversary of the first European settlement on Staten Island, spearheaded by a committee co-chaired by history professor Lori Weintrob.
Read about the SI-350 reception in the Advance Apr 24 Democrat & Chronicle (Rochester, N.Y.)“College Graduates Fuel Rochester’s Fame” — Columnist Jim Memmott (a former St. Lawrence University colleague of President Guarasci’s) recalled Wagner College’s founding in Rochester.
Read the story in the Democrat & Chronicle Apr 26 Crain's New York Business“Passing the Funding Test” — Judith Messina chose Wagner College as one of her examples in this story on successful higher ed campaigns conducted in tough economic times. Both President Guarasci and Vice President for Institutional Advancement Myra Garcia were quoted as sources.
Read the story in Crain's New York Business Apr 28 Staten Island Advance“Blown Away in a Matter of Seconds” — Reporter Maura Yates wrote this moving story about the visit by two survivors of the A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II.
Read Maura Yates story in the Advance May 5 "Painting Perceptions" blog“Bill Murphy” — An extended essay on the work of Wagner art professor Bill Murphy, including a number of his paintings.
Read about Bill Murphy in the "Painting Perceptions" blog May 6 Staten Island Advance“Wagner Students Tackle Autism” — Advance sports editor Jerry Lee highlights a fundraiser for an autism awareness organization coordinated by senior Rachel Delp of Freehold, N.J., backed by Up ’Til Dawn, the Promising Student Society and the Student Government Association. Together, our students raised $1,200 this year.
Read the story about the autism awareness fundraiser