2018 April 30-September 20
A Harlem, New York weekly newspaper profiled Wagner College student athlete Miracle Nwobu.
Read the Amsterdam News story May 8 Multiple PublicationsOn May 8, historic Tuskegee University announced that Wagner College Provost Lily D. McNair had been named as its first female president, with her term officially beginning on July 1. Below are links to several of the news stories announcing her selection:
• May 8, Opelika-Auburn News, Wagner College’s McNair named Tuskegee’s first female president
• May 8, WIAT-TV, Tuskegee University names Dr Lily D McNair president
• May 8, WSFA, WBRC & WTVM, Tuskegee University names first female president in 136-year history
• May 9, Associated Press, Tuskegee names first permanent female president
• May 9, Diverse Magazine, Tuskegee Names Lily D McNair as President
• May 10, US Black Engineer magazine, Women making history at HBCUs (Lily McNair)
The lead story in the May 12 issue of the Staten Island Advance was Wagner College’s biggest event of the year: commencement.
Read the extended story and see the pictures May 18 Washington PostThe Washington Post published an editorial letter by Wagner College art history professor Laura Morowitz commenting on an op-ed essay by Eugene Robinson about the myth of “real Americans,” as opposed to “those of us who live and work in diverse urban communities, [read] international sources and [engage] in work that affects people around the world,” in the words of Dr. Morowitz.
Read her letter and see link May 20 AdvanceThe Sunday paper’s weekly “Social Calendar” featured the Wagner College Chai Society’s upcoming Community Mitzvah Awards.
See the illustrated story Jul 18 DipNoteAn article published on DipNote, an official blog of the U.S. State Department, highlighted the service activities of this year’s Mandela Washington Fellows program for young African leaders studying at U.S. colleges and universities this summer, including those at Wagner College.
Read the DipNote article Jul 26 Daily Mail & Times of LondonIn May, a scholarly journal called Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences published a study by Wagner College sociology professor Chien Liu entitled, “A Theory of Sex Difference in Changes in Marital Sexual Satisfaction.” A few weeks later, the study drew the attention of a reporter at one of the U.K.’s major illustrated tabloids, the Daily Mail, which ran a story titled, “Cheating Men can Blame their Brain: Males are Hardwired for Promiscuity say Experts.” The next day, the Times of London ran its own version on the front page, titled, “Fancy That: Men’s Brains Hardwired for Promiscuity.”
Read "Cheating Men can Blame their Brain" Read "Fancy That: Men's Brains Hardwired for Promiscuity" Aug 1 Brooklyn Daily & WPIX-11Wagner College adjunct art professor Isabelle Garbani designed a customized version of the Milton Bradley board game, “Life” — but Garbani’s version was meant specifically to highlight the challenges faced by immigrants. On Aug. 1, Julianne McShane of the Brooklyn Daily published her story about the game, titled “Facts of ‘Life’: Ridge Artist’s Take on Classic Board Game Spotlights Immigrants’ Experiences.” A couple of days later, local TV station WPIX-11 aired its own story about Garbani’s game
Visit the game's website Read the Brooklyn Daily article Watch the story about the game Sep 13 AdvanceThe AWE section’s calendar ran briefs two weeks in a row for a gallery reception for Sage Reynolds’s exhibition in the Wagner Union Gallery, “A Life with Paper, Paint & Metal.”
See the Sept. 13 brief See the Sept. 20 brief Sep 20 AdvanceAdvance reporter Tracey Porpora profiled Wagner College nursing student Brianna Bove in this front page story, focusing on Bove’s battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Bove plans to become a nurse practitioner oncologist through her studies on Grymes Hill.
See the story about Brianna Bove Sep 20 AdvanceAdvance society columnist Carol Ann Benanti wrote about the upcoming scholarship and awards dinner held each year by Wagner College’s DaVinci Society. Among this year’s honorees is Wagner College President Richard Guarasci, who is retiring next June.
Read Benanti's story in the Advance COLLEGE RANKINGS Aug 8 AdvanceIn August, the Princeton Review released its annual best colleges guide, which featured Wagner College — and our theater program was ranked #5 on the Best College Theaters list.
Read about the Princeton Review Sep 12 AdvanceThe local paper ran a brief reporting that Wagner College had been ranked in the top 25% of regional universities in the latest U.S. News & World Report “Best Colleges” guide. U.S. News had also listed Wagner as a “best buy.”
Read about Wagner's ranking WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE May 6 AdvancePhilip Straniere ’69 M’73, retired Staten Island civil court and supreme court judge, previewed the upcoming 50th anniversary gala of the Wagner College Theatre, scheduled for later that week. During his undergraduate years at Wagner, Straniere had been president of the intramural Varsity Players theater club.
Read about the 50th anniversary May 16 AdvanceVictoria Priola wrote a story about Wagner College Theatre alumnus Alex Boniello ’13 taking a major role in the huge Broadway smash musical, “Dear Evan Hansen.”
Read about Alex Boniello May 17 Tams-Witmark BlogJim Colleran wrote “ ‘Hair’ at Fifty: A Conversation with the Wagner College Theatre Cast” for the website of the licensing company that owns the musical, “Hair,” which celebrated its 50th anniversary with a performance this spring by the Wagner College Theatre.
Read the Tams Witmark piece Jun 4 New YorkerA story in the June 4 issue of the New Yorker featured Wagner College Theatre adjunct dance professor and former Rockette Mary Six Rupert.
Read about Mary Six Rupert Jul 26 AdvanceThe AWE section ran a second story on Wagner College grads starring in the Broadway hit, “Dear Evan Hansen,” highlighting the addition of Wagner College Theatre alumna Olivia Puckett as a featured performer alongside WCT alum Alex Boniello.
Read about Alex Boniello and Olivia Puckett Aug 9 AdvanceThe AWE calendar listed the Hemlock Theatre production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” being produced in our Stage One studio theater.
Read about Hemlock's production HOLOCAUST CENTER Jun 14 AdvanceWagner College history professor and Holocaust Center director Lori Weintrob was featured in a news story about a Holocaust remembrance event at the Staten Island Jewish Community Center.
Read about the Holocaust remembrance event Sep 17 AdvanceA Sept. 16 celebration at Wagner College, sponsored by our Holocaust Center, brought Holocaust survivors together with Wagner students to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
Read about the celebration HUGH L. CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Apr 30 American LawyerJoshua Spivak, a public relations executive and a senior fellow at the Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform at Wagner College, is an internationally recognized authority on recall elections. In this article for American Lawyer magazine, Spivak examines the history of judicial recall elections.
Read the American Lawyer op-ed May 1 The HillJoshua Spivak writes an op-ed essay that explores the history of his subject, as he has done many times over the years. This time, his subject is “fusion tickets” — the unusual practice employed in New York state of allowing candidates to run under multiple party banners.
Read the Hill essay Jun 6 Associated PressAn AP story on a California judicial recall election cited expert commentary by Joshua Spivak.
Read the Associated Press story Jun 6 Wall Street JournalJoshua Spivak was sought out by a Journal reporter for insight on the California judicial recall election in the case of the judge who sentenced a Stanford University student athlete to a six-month imprisonment following a sexual assault conviction.
Read the Wall Street Journal story Jun 7 Bloomberg Law PodcastBloomberg reporter June Grasso interviewed Joshua Spivak about the California judicial recall election.
Listen to the Bloomberg Law Podcast Aug 20 politics.co.ukJoshua Spivak wrote an op-ed for a U.K. political news website about attempts to recall U.K. parliamentarian Ian Paisley Jr., son of the notorious Rev. Ian Paisley, a key figure in the Troubles of recent Northern Ireland history. Paisley Jr. was accused of accepting favors from the Sri Lankan government in return for lobbying activity.
Read the politics.co.uk essay Sep 5 The HillJoshua Spivak wrote a historical survey of the role of superdelegates in the Democratic Party’s presidential nominating process, saying that changes being proposed to limit their role until after a first ballot made sense.
Read Joshua Spivak's essay on the Hill Prof. Abe Unger May 31 AdvanceAbe Unger, an associate professor and director of urban programs in our Department of Government and Politics, provided expert commentary for a story on new warehousing businesses making their home on Staten Island’s West Shore.
Read the Advance story Jun 8 siliveA story posted on the Staten Island Advance website, silive.com, mentioned that Wagner College political science professor Abe Unger was one of the featured speakers at the keynote breakfast for the Green & Clean Festival 2018, an event dedicated to “a sustainable Staten Island.” Unger has been an adviser to various Staten Island groups on development issues.
Read about the Green & Clean Festival Jul 1 Washington MonthlyA story on business improvement districts, their benefits and their liabilities, briefly mentioned Wagner professor Abe Unger, author in 2016 of a major study, “Business Improvement Districts in the United States: Private Government and Public Consequences,” published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Read the Business Improvement Districts study Read the Washington Monthly story Jul 9 siliveA story on the Advance website examined the local manifestation of a national trend in the reinvention of shopping malls. Wagner urban studies professor Abe Unger was one of the story’s sources.
Read the silive story Jul 11 N.Y. Jewish WeekAbe Unger is not only a political science professor at Wagner College; he is also the campus rabbi, as well as spiritual leader of the Congregation Ohav Zedek synagogue in Bayonne, N.J., and author of the upcoming book, “A Jewish Public Theology: G-d and the Global City” (in press by Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield). In an op-ed essay published in the Jewish Week newspaper, Unger examines the diminution of American Jewish life.
Read about "A Jewish Public Theology" Read the Jewish Week essay Aug 16 siliveThe Advance posted on its website a story about Staten Island’s East Shore Local Development Corporation, whose project manager is Wagner College professor Abe Unger.
Read about the East Shore