2011 August 31-November 21
Our last Media Update was posted on August 31. Quite a bit has been written about Wagner College since then in the public media. Below are summaries and links to all the news about Wagner published or broadcast between Aug. 31 and Nov. 30, 2011.
Aug 31 Staten Island Advance"Goodnight, Irene" - Wagner College’s student evacuation to the Sutter Gymnasium was included in a wrapup of emergency actions taken on Staten Island in the face of an oncoming hurricane in August
Read the story "Goodnight, Irene" in the Advance Sep 5 New Jersey Today (et al.)"Equality of Privilege" — an op-ed essay on inequality in employment opportunities, written by professors Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman from their book, “Seeing White,” was published on the New Jersey Today website, an online portal for several weekly community newspapers in New Jersey. It was also published in other newspapers that subscribe to the Wagner College News Service.
Read the op-ed essay in New Jersey Today Sep 11 Hypervocal.com"Buzzell, Get Your Camera" — a former student, now a video producer, posted a 5-minute video he shot on Sept. 11, 2001, from Harbor View showing the World Trade Center after it had been hit by two jet planes. Also posted was the student’s interpretive essay.
Read the story on Hypervocal.com Sep 12 Bella NYC Magazine"The Beauty of Education" — stringer Saskia Lynge included a full page, with photo, on Wagner College in a story about the relative beauty of Staten Island college campuses
Read the story in Bella NYC Magazine Sep 13 Broadway World"WCT Announces 2011 Fall Season"
Read the WCT Season announcement on Broadway World Sep 18 Staten Island Advance"Wagner College's DaVinci Society Will Support Students" — a preview/promo for the DaVinci Society’s annual scholarship/awards dinner
Read the story about the DaVinci Society in the Advance Sep 22 Huffington Post"The Old Electoral College Switcheroo" — a Carey Institute op-ed by Joshua Spivak
Read the essay about the Electoral College Sep 22 Reuters' Great Debate blog"Will the Bush team kill Perry's campaign?" — another Spivak op-ed
Read the op-ed in the Reuters' Great Debate blog Sep 23 Staten Island Advance"Lecture at Wagner to Consider Status of 'American Synagogue' " — previewing a Wagner College Chai Society lecture
Read the preview of the lecture in the Advance Sep 27 Journal of the Print World"Conjuring the Hunter" — a first-person article by art professor Bill Murphy about his work
Read the story in Journal of the Print World Oct 6 Staten Island Advance"DaVinci Society Dinner at Hilton a Big Draw" — Big photo story inside the Advance on the DaVinci dinner
Read the story about the DaVinci Society Dinner in the Advance Oct 6 Broadway World"WCT Stages 'Catholic School Girls' "
Read the Broadway World story about Catholic School Girls Oct 6 Campaigns & Elections magazine"The Recall Boom" — a Spivak op-ed
Read the op-ed about the Recall boom Oct 8 Staten Island Advance"New Chaplain has Connections to Wagner College" — news story about appointment of Pastor James Smith as new lead chaplain
Read the story about the new chaplain in the Advance Oct 9 Staten Island Advance"Catholic School Girls' Comes of Age" — review/promo of new show in the Stage One studio theater
Read the story about Catholic School Girls Oct 10 The Daily"The Primary Problem" - Spivak op-ed
Read the essay "The Primary Problem" here Oct 15 Good Morning America"College Basketball Player Jumps Over Mom for Slam Dunk" — GMA screened a viral video of a Wagner basketball player’s leap over his mother during a slam dunk contest the previous week
Watch the video of the slam dunk on GMA Oct 17 Broadway World"Wagner College Theatre to be Given 'Emerging Young Artist' Award" — on an award being given to the Theatre Department by the Council on the Arts and Humanities on Staten Island
Read about the Emerging Young Artist Award in Broadway World Oct 17 New York 1"Wagner College to Open Inclusive Spiritual Center" — on the new chaplain, and President Guarasci’s plans to refurbish the Chaplain’s Cottage as a new office/meeting space for the chaplains/chapel program
Read the story about the Center for Spirituality on NY1 Oct 20 Staten Island Advance"Muslim Students' Blood Drive Honors the Dead of 9-11" — news story about a blood drive organized by Wagner College’s Muslim Student Association
Read the story about the Blood Drive Oct 26 Wall Street Journal"Training Animals to Serve as Therapists for Humans" — we contributed to a WSJ philanthropy profile on the late Bruce Geary ’52, whose bequest endowed a program that trains therapy animals
Read about therapy animals in the Wall Street Journal Oct 31 The Daily"The old VP Switcheroo" — a Spivak op-ed
Read the op-ed essay in The Daily Nov 1 New York 1"Wagner College Students Learn by Giving Back to the Port Richmond Community" — a freshman learning community learns about Wagner College’s Port Richmond Partnership by visiting the community
Read the New York 1 story about the Port Richmond Partnership Nov 3 Staten Island Advance"Wagner College Readies Laurels for Staten Island Educators" — promoting a contest recognizing principals and teachers in Staten Island schools sponsored by our Education Department’s “New Educators at Wagner” program, which is directed by Carin Guarasci
Read the story about the educator nominations in the Advance Nov 9 New York 1"Wagner College to Stage 'Next to Normal' "— news story on a Wagner student theater group that was staging the first-ever collegiate production of “Next to Normal”
Watch the New York 1 story about Next to Normal here Nov 12an Australian Broadcasting Corporation national radio program, “Into the Music,” aired an episode entitled “The Passion of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach,” which included the insights of renowned Bach scholar David Schulenberg, professor of music at Wagner College.
Nov 13 New York Times"New Doubt over Arrest that Ended a Dream" — story about a bad cop whose unwarranted arrest in 2005 of a Wagner athlete resulted in the student’s removal from the college baseball team
Read the New York Times story about the arrest Nov 14 New York 1"Wagner College Student Crowned Newest Miss Staten Island" — highlighting the first step in Jamie Lynn Macchia’s climb up the Miss America scholarship pageant ladder
Watch the New York 1 story about Miss Staten Island Nov 15 WUWM Milwaukee"Gubernatorial Recall Effort Underway" — Joshua Spivak of Wagner College's Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform was featured in a 15-minute segment on “Lake Effect,” a public affairs program on Milwaukee's WUWM-FM public radio. For more detail, and a link to the interview, visit our website.
Listen to the WUWM Milwaukee segment Nov 15 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel"Walker recall effort kicks off" — Spivak was quoted as an expert source in this news article.
Read the story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Nov 15 Associated Press"Recall effort against Wisconsin Gov. Walker begins" — another news article quoting Spivak
Read the story in Associated Press here Nov 21 Advance"Students Rally Behind Those With Lupus" — the Physicians Student Association organized an event to raise funds to fight lupus
Read the story about the rally in the Advance