2018 February 19-April 29
Concerns of students about religious proselytizers on campus had resulted in increased security.
Read about increased security Mar 8 ChalkbeatAnother expansion of Wagner’s college-readiness initiative opened earlier this year at Port Richmond’s P.S. 21. “A staff member from Wagner College visits P.S. 21 on Thursdays to coordinate college-related activities, such as a research project about the college, tours of campus, and tickets to basketball games. And students from the college, high school and the middle school mentor the elementary school students,” said this news story on the Chalkbeat website.
Read the Chalkbeat story Apr 27 WSFA, Birmingham News, APThe Montgomery, Ala. NBC TV affiliate posted a news story about the two finalists for the presidency at Tuskegee University, the prestigious, historically black institution founded by Booker T. Washington. One of those finalists is Wagner College provost Lily McNair. The story says that a decision by Tuskegee’s board of trustees is expected by May 4, though Tuskegee’s own website cites a May 11 deadline. Additional stories were published on Sunday in the Birmingham (Ala.) News, and by the Associated Press.
Read the WSFA story Read the Birmingham News story Read the Bristol Herald Courier story Apr 29 AdvanceWagner College football tackle and alumnus Greg Senat ’17 was drafted this weekend by the Baltimore Ravens.
Read the Advance story about Greg Senat HONORARY DEGREE CONTROVERSY Feb 27 News & AdvanceThe Lynchburg, Va. newspaper (home of Liberty University) ran a story about a Lehigh University petition to revoke Donald Trump’s honorary degree, noting that Liberty would not revoke the two honorary degrees it has awarded to Trump. The final paragraph noted that Wagner College trustees had taken no action on a similar petition to revoke the honorary doctorate it had awarded Trump in 2004.
Read the story about Lehigh and Liberty Feb 28 UpworthyA story on the Upworthy website focused on the Lehigh University faculty petition recommending that their trustees revoke Donald Trump’s honorary doctorate. (Read the end of the story for a short explanation of Upworthy’s background.) The writer assumed that the faculty vote was sufficient to strip Trump of the honorary degree; it was not. The story mentioned that Wagner had given another honorary doctorate to Trump.
Read the Upworthy story Feb 28 Washington PostAnother news story about the Lehigh University faculty petition to revoke Donald Trump’s honorary doctorate. The story briefly mentions that Wagner College has also issued Trump an honorary degree.
Read the Washington Post story Mar 29 ForbesForbes senior education editor Susan Adams wrote a story reviewing the controversies over the several honorary degrees that had been awarded to Donald Trump, including the one Wagner awarded him. As per our policy, we did not respond to Adams’s request for comment.
Read the Forbes story WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE Feb 21 Broadway WorldPreview: The award-winning Wagner College Theatre presents a Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS concert honoring the life and music of Michael Friedman on Friday, Feb. 23 (following that evening’s performance of WCT’s “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson”) at Wagner College’s Main Stage Theatre.
Read about the BC/EFA story Feb 24 silive.comThe Staten Island Advance website featured a preview of “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson” by reporter Victoria Priola.
Read the silive story Mar 1 AdvanceThe Advance Weekly Entertainment section featured an illustrated announcement of the Wagner College Theatre’s production of “'Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson” that weekend.
Read the Advance story about "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson" Mar 1 Broadway WorldThe Broadway theatrical news website previewed the Wagner College Theatre’s “Dance Project 2018,” being presented in our Stage One studio theater.
Read the Broadway World story Mar 25 AdvanceRetired Advance arts editor Michael J. Fressola wrote an extended feature celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Wagner College Theatre program.
Read about the 50th anniversary Apr 11 Broadway WorldA preview of the Wagner College Theatre production of “Hair: The Tribal Love-Rock Musical.”
Read the Broadway World story about hair Apr 19 AdvanceThe Advance Weekly Entertainment section included a short story about a Wagner College Theatre alumnus, Alex Boniello ’13, who had just been signed to a significant role in the multiple Tony Award-winning Broadway production, “Dear Evan Hansen.” Also in the cast is WCT alumna Olivia Puckett; the Advance story featured a photo of Boniello and Puckett performing together in the WCT production of “School of Lies.”
Read about Alex Boniello Apr 19 New York 1Arts reporter Stephanie Simon, accompanied by NY1 anchor and theater critic Roma Torre, previewed the Wagner College Theatre production of “Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical,” on stage through Sunday, April 29.
Watch the video of Hair Apr 26 AdvanceThe Advance Weekly Entertainment section calendar featured a plug for the final weekend of the Wagner College Theatre production of “Hair.”
See the calendar promo Apr 26 AdvanceWagner College alumnus Philip Straniere ’69, retired civil court judge, was a student activist and member of the Varsity Players when he was a student on Grymes Hill. Straniere writes an homage to the Wagner College Theatre, which was created 50 years ago when he was a student at Wagner.
Read the essay about WCT Apr 27 Advance“Inside Out” social columnist Carol Ann Benanti plugs the Wagner College Theatre production of “Hair,” on stage for its final weekend of performances.
Read the Advance story about Hair HOLOCAUST CENTER Mar 8 AdvanceThe first of numerous stories in a variety of publications about a new, original drama based on the accounts of several Holocaust survivors, collected and curated by Wagner College’s Holocaust Center. The title of the drama is “In the Light of One Another: A Meditation on Resistance drawn from the Testimony of Survivors.” It was co-authored by Wagner history professor and Holocaust Center director Lori Weintrob and directed by Wagner College Theatre professor Theresa McCarthy.
Read about the piece Mar 18 silive & AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance website posted reporter/videographer Shira Stoll’s story and video about “In the Light of One Another.”
Watch the silive video on our Youtube channel Read the story from the March 22 print of the advance Apr 3 siliveThe Staten Island Advance website previewed an April 10 screening at Wagner College of a half-hour video documentary recounting the stories of Holocaust survivors living on Staten Island. The documentary, produced with the aid of the college’s Holocaust Center, was directed by Advance videographer Shira Stoll. The documentary is titled, “Where Life Leads You.”
Read about the documentary Apr 10 AdvanceStaten Island painter Gregory Perillo donated a series of 33 paintings about the Holocaust to the Wagner College Holocaust Center. Some of the paintings were on display in the Horrmann Library’s Spotlight Gallery.
Read about the gallery Apr 11 AdvanceIn a front-page commentary, Advance Editor Brian Laline introduced the new documentary by Advance videographer Shira Stoll, “Where Life Leads You,” that began streaming on the newspaper’s YouTube channel that day.
Watch "Where Life Leads You" Read Laline's commentary Apr 12 AdvanceMore than 100 people showed up for the Wagner College premiere of “Where Life Leads You,” the documentary film about the stories of Holocaust survivors living on Staten Island that was directed by Advance videographer Shira Stoll and supported by the college’s Holocaust Center.
Read the Advance story about the film Apr 16 N.J. Jewish NewsReporter Debra Rubin wrote an extended story about the upcoming performance of “In the Light of One Another” at Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth.
Read the N.J. Jewish News story Apr 19 AdvanceOn the Opinion page, Advance political columnist Tom Wrobleski wrote an essay, “Forget the Holocaust? It could happen if we’re not careful.” His column was inspired by his colleague Shira Stoll’s documentary, “Where Life Leads You,” produced with the support of the Wagner College Holocaust Center.
Read the op-ed essay Apr 20 AdvanceKristin Dalton profiled Goldie Schwartz, one of the Holocaust survivors featured in Shira Stoll’s documentary, “Where Life Leads You,” produced with the support of the Wagner College Holocaust Center. Schwartz was honored at the Staten Island Advance’s annual Women of Achievement luncheon.
Read Dalton's profile story HUGH L. CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Mar 19 The HillJoshua Spivak, a senior fellow of the Carey Institute, writes op-eds for numerous publications and serves as an expert news source, especially on the subject of recall elections. In most of his op-eds, he gives readers history lessons on how certain affairs were addressed in the past, providing valuable perspective. In this op-ed essay for The Hill, a newspaper focused on government policy, Spivak says that “Trump is not the first president to fire Cabinet officials to bury news.”
Read the Hill op-ed Mar 31 Elsevier WeekbladThe article entitled “Hardliners aan de macht (Dutch, ‘Hardliners in power’),” about Trump’s appointment of new cabinet members, featured expert comments from Joshua Spivak. “I explained some of the history behind cabinet replacements and how it is different from Europe,” Spivak told us. “In Europe, firing a minister can bring down the government; here, it barely makes a ripple.” Elsevier Weekblad is a Dutch weekly news magazine. With a circulation of over 86,000 copies as of 2015, it is the Netherlands’ most popular news magazine.
Read the Elsevier Weekblad story Apr 11 CNBCJoshua Spivak gives a historical comparison of the turnover rates for Republican speakers of the house, versus Democrats.
Read the CNBC op-ed Apr 11 Ventura County (Cal.) StarAn editorial in the local newspaper for coastal Ventura County, just north of Los Angeles County, examines a recall ballot that would remove from office the mayor and three of the four members of the Oxnard city council. The editorial cites information about the history of recall elections provided by Joshua Spivak.
Read the Ventura County editorial Apr 20 AdvanceRookie reporter Clifford Michel previewed the upcoming debate at Wagner College between the six candidates for the Democratic nomination to run for New York’s 11th congressional district seat, currently occupied by Republican Dan Donovan, who is facing his own challenge for the Republican nomination from former congressman Michael Grimm, who resigned from Congress after being convicted of tax fraud. The Democratic primary debate was co-sponsored by the Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform.
Read the Advance preview Apr 25 New York 1New York 1 aired a live report by correspondent Courtney Gross on the Democratic primary debate for New York’s 11th congressional district seat. The debate, co-hosted by Swing Left, the Democratic Party of Staten Island and the Carey Institute, was held at Wagner College.
Watch the New York 1 report Watch the complete debate Apr 26 AdvanceClifford Michel’s report on the Democratic debate in the 11th congressional district race.
Read Michel's story in the advance