2013 January 25-May 08
Julian Smith, writing about “The Water Temple of Inca-Caranqui” for an Archaeology magazine story about Inca hydraulic engineering, quoted Wagner College anthropology professor Gordon McEwan, an authority on the subject.
Read Julian Smith's article in Archaeology Feb 5 Huffington PostWagner College political science professor, Jewish chaplain and sometimes blogger Abe Unger wrote an essay for the Huffington Post, “How our Children Learn.”
Read Abe Unger's Huffington Post essay Feb 11 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance previewed the upcoming Black History Month lecture by Tricia Rose.
Watch an excerpt of her inspirational address Mar 1 CPA JournalThe CPA Journal featured an article by Wagner College accounting professor Margaret “Peg” Horan and her husband, Thomas Horan, on “Strategies for Reducing the Alternative Minimum Tax Liability.”
Read the article in the CPA Journal Mar 11 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance announced that our upcoming commencement speaker would be noted civil rights activist Myrlie Evers-Williams.
Read the commencement speaker announcement Mar 16 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance featured a story on the history-making wedding of former Wagnerian editor Gene Barfield ’75 and his partner, Tim LaCroix, who were the first gay couple to marry in Michigan.
Read about the wedding in the Advance Mar 21 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance AWE section featured “Paintings by Chandini Pinilla,” the current exhibition in the Horrmann Library’s Spotlight Gallery, in a standalone illustration on its calendar page.
Read about the exhibition in the Horrmann Library Mar 21 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance Arts Editor Michael Fressola prominently featured a performance by the Wagner College Choir and vocal ensemble Stretto in his AWE story on two vocal concerts scheduled that coming weekend on Staten Island.
Read about the two vocal concerts Mar 29 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance City Editor Ken Paulsen wrote a humorous news story, triggered by a Twitter posting, about a minor auto accident on campus that left some bystanders wondering if a little dog had been driving the car in question.
Read Ken Paulsen's story about the accident Apr 5 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance Jewish Life page highlighted the winners being honored at the upcoming Wagner College Chai Society Community Mitzvah Awards banquet.
Read about the Chai Society Awards banquet Apr 19 The New Books NetworkThe New Books Network posted an interview with Wagner political science professor Cyril Ghosh about his new book, “The Politics of the American Dream: Democratic Inclusion in Contemporary American Political Culture.”
Apr 29 Crain’s New York BusinessCrain’s New York Business editor Judith Messina included a Wagner College accounting student in her story about business graduates who were bypassing Wall Street in their post-commencement job search.
Read Judith Messina's story on Crain's New York Business May 7 New York 1New York 1 reported that Wagner College had celebrated Nurses Day this year with an important distinction as they received the Center of Excellence Award from the National League for Nursing.
Watch the New York 1 story about Nurses Day ATHLETICS Jan 23 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance ran a photo of Wagner College Athletic Hall of Fame gathered during a basketball game against St. Francis of Brooklyn.
See the photo of the Athletic Hall of Fame Jan 31 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance covered Wagner College Athletics’ reinvention of last year’s successful philanthropic partnership with Shop Rite supermarkets and the Advance: the “25 Tons of Food” drive to stock Project Hospitality’s food pantry shelves. The new target for 2013 doubled that goal.
Read the story about the philanthropic partnership Feb 17 The Newark Star-LedgerThe Newark Star-Ledger profiled Wagner College’s basketball head coach in “Bashir Mason Survived Jersey City’s Streets.”
Read the profile about Bashir Mason in The Star Ledger Jan 1 Staten Island AdvanceAn Advance story looked at how the latest Internet meme, the Harlem Shake, had manifested on Staten Island — including a hilarious rendition staged in the Spiro Sports Center VIP Room by Wagner Athletics.
Read the story about the Harlem Shake in the Staten Island Advance Watch the video on the Wagner Seahawks Youtube channel Apr 13 Two Local PapersThe Advance and the Post reported on the arrest and expulsion of two Wagner College football players over allegations of theft from a dorm room.
Read the story about the arrest in the Advance Read the story about the arrest in the New York Post TRAFFIC SAFETY Feb 18 Staten Island AdvanceAn article in the Staten Island Advance, “A Crime Unsolved,” recalled the tragic hit-and-run killing last year of Wagner College nursing student R.J. Tillman.
Read the story about the accident in the Advance Apr 22 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance reported on the dedication of a new bike rack on campus to the memory of the late nursing student R.J. Tillman. Present for the dedication were Tillman’s mother and brother, Nancy and David Tillman.
Read the story about the dedication FACULTY OBITUARIES Mar 1 VdGSA NewsThis issue of VdGSA News, the monthly newsletter of the Viola de Gomba Society of America, featured a touching memoriam for Dr. Ronald Cross, Wagner College’s late Auguste Riemann Professor of Music.
Read the memoriam for Dr. Ronald Cross Mar 6 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance obituary for Wagner music professor Ron Cross.
Read the obituary for professor Ron Cross Apr 9 Staten Island AdvanceAn Advance obituary memorialized the late English Professor Emerita Jean Normandy ’61 M’64.
Read the obituary for Emerita Jean Normandy HUGH L. CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Jan 25 The WeekJoshua Spivak, a senior fellow at Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform, wrote an op-ed essay for the news magazine, The Week, on the Electoral College system.
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay about the Electoral College for The Week Jan 28 City & State MagazineCity & State magazine invited Seymour Lachman, director of the Carey Institute, to comment for a story on “The 10 Greatest Governors” of New York State. Naturally, he picked Governor Carey.
Read the story on City & State magazine Feb 12 The WeekThe Carey Institute’s Joshua Spivak wrote an op-ed essay for The Week on “Why the State of the Union Still Matters.”
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay for The Week Apr 9 The WeekThe Carey Institute’s Joshua Spivak wrote for The Week about the possibility of Massachusetts’ U.S. Senator Scott Brown moving to New Hampshire to run for office there.
Read Joshua Spivak's essay about Senator Scott Brown Apr 24 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance reported on the return visit to the Carey Institute of Joseph Salvo, chief demographer for the City of New York. Salvo laid out the patterns of foreign immigration to NYC, breaking out the differences between Staten Island and the other four boroughs. Watch a video of Salvo’s presentation, take a look at the figures from his Power Point slideshow and read the Advance story in our online Newsroom.
Read the Staten Island Advance story about Joseph Salvo See Salvo's presentation in our online Newsroom May 8 New York TimesWhen New York Times political reporters Thomas Kaplan and Jesse McKinley put together a story about how the recent spate of corruption arrests in the New York State Senate would affect the blue:red balance of power, they naturally called upon former Seymour Lachman, a former state senator and founding director of Wagner’s Carey Institute for Government Reform, for an informed opinion.
Read Thomas Kaplan and Jesse McKinley's story in the New York Times WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE Feb 17 Staten Island AdvanceStaten Island Advance Arts Editor Michael J. Fressola previewed the Wagner College Theatre production of Jonathan Larson’s classic rock musical, “Rent,” 20 years after Wagner awarded the playwright/composer the Stanley Drama Award for a developmental version of the show.
Read the story about "Rent" Feb 19 Broadway WorldBroadway World previewed the Wagner College Theatre production of “5 Women Wearing the Same Dress.”
Read the Broadway World story about "5 Women Wearing the Same Dress" Feb 21 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance Weekly Entertainment tab featured Michael Fressola’s story, “ ‘Rent’ Control,” as its cover/centerspread story, highlighting it with a front-page “skybox.” Fressola reviewed the WCT’s Main Stage production of “Rent.”
Read the review about Rent in the Advance Mar 1 Staten Island AdvanceEric Petillo, a Wagner College student interning in the Staten Island Advance newsroom, wrote a preview of the benefit performances of “The Vagina Monologues” being staged that coming weekend at the college.
Read the story about "The Vagina Monologues" Mar 22 Staten Island AdvanceWagner intern Eric Petillo’s story in the Advance previewed a benefit show being staged that coming Saturday for AIDS relief by Wagner College Theatre students.
Read the story about the benefit show Apr 30 Staten Island AdvanceAn Advance story highlighted the final Main Stage show of the Wagner College Theatre’s 2012-13 season, “Guys & Dolls.”
Read the story about Guys & Dolls in the Advance May 3 Staten Island AdvanceA final Advance story from graduating Wagner intern Eric Petillo highlighted the final performance of the season in the Stage One studio theater, the annual “Dance Project” program of original choreography.
Read the story about the Dance Project in Stage One IMMIGRATION Apr 10 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance featured a story on a student- and faculty-organized rally supporting immigration reform in the runup to a major demonstration scheduled later that week in Washington.
Watch the New York 1 story about the rally Watch the complete event video on our Youtube channel Apr 11 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance followed up on its April 10 story with this feature on the Staten Island delegation’s trip to Washington for the national immigration rally at the U.S. Capitol. The group included a contingent from Wagner College.
Read the story about the trip to Washington Apr 24 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance reported on the return visit to the Carey Institute of Joseph Salvo, chief demographer for the City of New York. Salvo laid out the patterns of foreign immigration to NYC, breaking out the differences between Staten Island and the other four boroughs. Watch a video of Salvo’s presentation, take a look at the figures from his Power Point slideshow, and read the Advance story in our online Newsroom.
Read the whole story and see the Presentation in our online Newsroom Apr 25 Staten Island AdvanceThe following day, the Advance reported on an annual awards program that opened a panel discussion on the Hispanic identity on Staten Island.
Watch a preview story by New York 1's Amanda Farinacci Read the story about the awards program in the Advance Watch the complete event video of the panel Apr 28 Staten Island AdvanceThe Sunday Advance featured a story by Arts Editor Michael Fressola on an exhibition, “Hispanic Staten Island,” on display in the Horrmann Library’s Spotlight Gallery.
Read the story about the exhibition WAGNER EVENT VIDEOS ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Jan 29History professor M. Ousmane Traore moderated a panel discussion of “Strength in What Remains” by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Kidder, which was last summer’s reading selection for the incoming freshman class. Kidder relates one man’s inspiring American journey from homelessness in Central Park to Columbia University Medical School after surviving genocide and civil war in Burundi and Rwanda. The panelists were: Carl-Olivier “C.O” Prime, a senior from Haiti whose family lives in Montreal; Yvonne Taylor, a freshman from Liberia; Sidiq Souleman, a senior from Ghana; Rebecca Barrett, a freshman from Hawaii, and Gabrielle Tricorico, a freshman from Staten Island who traveled last summer to Tanzania to do volunteer work in a remote village.
Watch the video of the panel Feb 1On Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, Wagner College sponsored a panel discussion on Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-nominated film, “Lincoln,” titled “Spielberg’s Lincoln: Fact or Fiction?” The panel members appearing in the video are, from left to right: Dr. Steven Thomas, an English professor who wrote a popular blog contrasting “Lincoln” and another contemporary film about American slavery, Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”; Anthony Trombetta, a junior history major from Staten Island; Dr. Rita Reynolds, moderator, a history professor who studies American slavery; Erin Pentz, a sophomore and president of the History Club, from Kenilworth, N.J., and Patrick Bethel, a junior history major from Waterbury, Conn.
Watch the video of the panel discussion Read the film blog Mar 7 Crain’s New York BusinessCrain’s New York Business columnist Greg David visited the college to talk about his new book, “Modern New York: The Life and Economics of a City.” The book follows the high-stakes drama since the 1960s of real estate development, the growth of inequality, the role of immigration and the prospects for diversification in New York City.
Watch the video featuring Greg David Apr 4Wagner College held its annual Civic Engagement Recognition Awards program to support those members of the college community and its community partners who have gone the extra mile in furthering Wagner’s goal of changing the world, one neighborhood at a time, through partnerships between higher education and community leaders. Those attending the program said it was one of the most inspiring of the year.
Watch the 2013 Civic Engagement Awards Apr 10Wagner College’s Social Justice Dialogue series re-examined the topic of diversity at the college. Presentations were given by Lonnie Brandon and Toni Whitlock, two Wagner alums who, while they were students, participated in the occupation of Cunard Hall in 1970 as members of a student organization, Black Concern, to press the college to address diversity issues in student recruitment, faculty and staff composition, and curriculum. Wagner Provost Lily McNair talked about what the college is doing today to address those issues.
Watch the discussion series about Diversity at Wagner Apr 25Wagner College's 4th Annual Presidential Economic Summit featured legendary executive Jack Welch, author and commentator Suzy Welch and CNBC Wall Street journalist Maria Bartiromo for a free-wheeling conversation and audience Q&A session. The program was livestreamed over the Internet.
Watch the livestream