2011 January 22-April 07
Here’s an update on Wagner College’s most recent coverage in the public media.
For links to previous media updates click here Jan 22 New York 1A NY1 story told of how Wagner College students, coordinated by Assistant Dean of Campus Life Curtis Wright, worked with United Activities Unlimited to teach students at P.S. 18 about the value of community. The program, which took place on Friday, Jan. 21, was held as an observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day national holiday earlier that week.
Watch the New York 1 story Jan 23 Staten Island AdvanceStaten Island Advance arts editor Michael J. Fressola profiled Wagner College adjunct theater professor Susan Fenley.
Read the profile about Susan Fenley in the Advance Feb 1 Staten Island AdvanceIn a special account written for the Staten Island Advance, former Wagner College President Norman Smith described his escape from Egypt at the peak of the recent revolution. Smith has been working for the past several years on a new, American-style university to be opened in Alexandria.
Read former President Norman Smith's story Feb 3 Staten Island AdvanceLast spring, Wagner College journalism student Ashraf Hasham wrote a feature story profiling fellow student (and Parker Towers Residence Hall night guard) Richie Williams as an assignment for the class taught by reporter/professor/former Alumni Office staffer Tevah Platt. Shortly after Commencement in May, the Staten Island Advance expressed an interest in publishing the story. Hasham waited. And waited. And, finally, his patience paid off: Hasham’s story about Richie Williams ‘10 was published in the North Shore section of the Advance.
Read the profile about Richie Williams Feb 8 New York 1As the Egyptian revolution played itself out on the streets of Cairo, half a world away, New York 1 reporter Amanda Farinacci interviewed three Wagner College students whose families come from Egypt about the unrest in their home country: Andrew Boshra and Madonna Zaki, both 2010 graduates, and Marina Metry, a senior majoring in psychology.
Watch the New York 1 story of the Egyptian students Feb 24 Staten Island AdvanceStaten Island Advance theater writer Jodi Lee Reifer previewed the Wagner College Theatre’s Main Stage production of “Smokey Joe’s Café.”
Read the story about Smokey Joe's Cafe Feb 25 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance previewed an upcoming conference, organized in part by Wagner College history professor, Lori Weintrob, on the history of Staten Island.
Read about the upcoming conference in the Advance Feb 27 Staten Island AdvanceStaten Island Advance arts editor Michael J. Fressola previewed the upcoming Stage One production of “Loose Knit,” including an interview with director Mickey Tennenbaum.
Read about the Stage One production of "Loose Knit" Mar 1 Staten Island Parent magazineA two-page story in the March issue of Staten Island Parent magazine profiled Professor Laura Martocci’s anti-bullying initiative, SARA (Students Against Relational Aggression).
Read the story about the bullying initiative Mar 1 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance previewed the upcoming April 14 appearance at Wagner College by former NYSE chief Dick Grasso.
Read the story about the appearance in the Advance Mar 2 New York Jewish WeekA weekly newspaper profiled Wagner College urban studies professor and Jewish chaplain Rabbi Dr. Abe Unger, who is heading Staten Island’s new Office of Jewish Community Affairs.
Read the profile in New York Jewish Week Mar 4 Staten Island AdvanceWhen New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wanted to give a budget address for the benefit of his constituents in Greater New York, what venue did he choose? Wagner College, of course! Read the story in the next day’s Staten Island Advance by political editor Tom Wrobleski.
Read about the budget address in the Advance Mar 13 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance reporter Stephanie Slepian reviewed the new book co-edited by Wagner College history professor Lori Weintrob, “Discovering Staten Island: A 350th Anniversary Commemorative History.”
Read the review about Discovering Staten Island Mar 20 New York 1A two-day conference marking the 350th anniversary of the European settlement of Staten Island, organized by a group co-chaired by Wagner College history professor Lori Weintrob, is highlighted in this story aired on New York 1.
Watch the story about the two-day conference on New York 1 Mar 24 New York 1NY1 featured a story by reporter Mara Montalbano on the latest census figures for the City of New York. Wagner College urban studies professor Abraham Unger was interviewed for his expertise on the unusual increase in Staten Island’s population over the past decade.
Watch the New York 1 story by Mara Montalbano Mar 27 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance arts editor Michael J. Fressola reviewed the current exhibition by Wagner College studio arts professor Jenny Toth on display in the Wagner Gallery.
Read about the exhibition by Jenny Toth Mar 28 Broadway WorldOur friends at the theatrical news website, BroadwayWorld.com, previewed the upcoming Main Stage production of “Seussical the Musical” by the Wagner College Theatre.
Read the Broadway World story about Seussical Mar 28 USA TodayA story in USA Today about college dorms doing double duty as conference venues for outside groups featured the expert commentary of Carole Lavinio, director of conferences for Wagner College’s Office of External Programs.
Read the story in USA Today about college dorms Mar 29 Staten Island AdvanceA Staten Island Advance story focused on the commencement speakers announced at the Island’s three colleges, including noted New York City historian Kenneth Jackson, who will speak at Wagner College’s commencement exercise on May 20.
Read the story about the commencement speakers Mar 31 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance Weekly Entertainment section previewed the upcoming Archeology Fair scheduled at Wagner College the following Sunday.
Read the story in the Advance Weekly Entertainment Section Apr 1 Staten Island AdvanceA portion of the Advance “Jewish Life” column highlighted the upcoming lecture by Rabbi Abe Unger to the Wagner College Chai Society.
Read the story about Rabbi Abe Unger's lecture Apr 1 Inside Higher EdInside Higher Ed, one of the two leading daily news publications in the field of higher education, ran a story by reporter Allie Grasgreen on religious life at two colleges with historic ties to established religious denominations. One of the two colleges was our own Wagner College, ably represented by Provost Devorah Lieberman and Chaplain Richard Michael.
Read the story on Inside Higher Ed Apr 3 Examiner.comAn online news blog featured a story on the Archeology Fair held that weekend at Wagner College.
Read the examiner.com about the Archeology Fair Apr 4 New York 1For the fifth year in a row, Wagner College women staged a powderpuff football game to raise money for Autism Speaks, an autism education foundation. The April 3, 2011 fundraiser was reported in a news story on New York 1 the following day.
Watch the story about the powderpuff game Apr 7 Staten Island AdvanceThe weekly North Shore section of the Staten Island Advance highlighted a new science scholarship at Wagner College established through the generosity of the late Ben Certo ‘48, a chemistry graduate.
Read about the new science scholarship CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Feb 15Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform, directed by Professor Seymour Lachman, a political scholar and former New York state senator, is in a category by itself when it comes to recounting the college’s media coverage. The Carey Institute consistently generates more media coverage and placements than any other element of our community.
Joshua Spivak, a Carey Institute research fellow, writes “op-eds” — opinion/editorial essays — on topics of current importance that are published in some of the nation’s great newspapers and magazines. He is in especially strong demand as an expert on recall elections. Here are Spivak’s most recent op-eds:
"Rumsfeld's Biggest Unknown"
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed in Reuters Great Debate Feb 23 AOL News"Wisconsin Election Recall Reality Check"
Read the essay in AOL News Feb 25 Forbes Magazine"The Brewing Attempts to Game the Electoral College"
Read the essay in Forbes Magazine Mar 8 Law 360"Repairing N.Y.'s Toxic Judicial Election System"
Read the essay in Law 360 Mar 18 Politico.com"Recalls Now Cheaper, Faster"
Read the essay on Politico Mar 22 The Daily"The New Heave-Ho"
Read the essay in The Daily Mar 12Spivak is also in demand as an expert source for news stories around the country about recall elections:
Mar 12 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel"State Recall Movement Stands Alone in U.S. History"
Read the story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Mar 14 Christian Science Monitor"Next Up for Wisconsin: The Mother of all Recall Drives"
Read the story in the Christian Science Monitor Mar 14 Miami Herald"If Pols Get the Boot in Recall, What Happens Next?"
Read the story in the Miami Herald Mar 15 Associated Press"Miami-Dade County Voters Remove Mayor Carlos Alvarez"
Read the story in the Associated Press Jan 26Seymour Lachman, director of the Carey Institute, was himself cited as a news source and, along with Robert Polner, the co-author of his political best-seller “The Man Who Saved New York,” was interviewed on New York 1’s “Inside City Hall” program and invited to share his opinion on a national news site’s op-ed page:
Jan 26 New York 1The NY1 interview focused on Lachman and Polner’s 2010 political biography of Hugh Carey, which had been hailed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a course map for how New York State could steer clear of rocky fiscal shoals in the wake of the Great Recession.
Watch the New York 1 interview featuring Lachman Feb 24 The EconomistThe Economist cited Professor Lachman in a news story on newly inaugurated New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the unions he will have to woo to win support for his first budget.
Read the story in The Economist Mar 2“Bankruptcy Is Not an Option” (op-ed)
Read the story in AOL News