2012 July 10-September 24
Wagner College Athletics, ShopRite Staten Island supermarkets and the Staten Island Advance announced the “25 Tons of Food” drive, a joint campaign to 50,000 pounds of canned and dry food to stock the pantry shelves at Project Hospitality, one of the members of Wagner College’s Port Richmond Partnership. Stories on the campaign launch by the Advance and New York 1 were bundled together on our website.
Read and watch the story about the food drive here Jul 11 Advance“Wagner College lauded for Port Richmond Partnership program that immerses students in community-building initiatives” — The Staten Island Advance reported on the distinction awarded to Wagner College and the Port Richmond Partnership at the New York City Department of Small Business Services’ annual Neighborhood Achievement Awards program, held at Gracie Mansion, the mayor’s official residence.
Read the story about the award for the Port Richmond Partnership here HUGH L. CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Jul 27 Public Service Europe and politics.co.uk“Romania latest example of recall election trend” — Public Service Europe and politics.co.uk published this op-ed essay by Joshua Spivak, a nationally renowned expert on recall elections and a senior research fellow at Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform.
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay in Public Service Europe and politics.co.uk Aug 24 Time "Swampland"“The Tea Party’s New Model: Experienced Candidates Magnifying Movement’s Influence” — Time magazine’s “Swampland” political blog published Joshua Spivak’s take on Tea Party influence in the 2012 elections.
Read the story in Time magazine's "Swampland" political blog here Aug 27 Forbes“With Their Conventions, Republicans and Democrats Whistle Past the Graveyard” — Forbes magazine published this essay by Joshua Spivak.
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay in Forbes here COLLEGE RANKINGS Aug 21 Staten Island Advance“Wagner makes Princeton Review’s ‘Best 377’ ” — by Advance education writer Jillian Jorgensen.
Read the story about the Princeton Review Ranking in the Advance here Aug 30 Advance“Wagner ranked among best universities” — Advance reporter Tracey Porpora wrote that Wagner College had place in the top 15% of schools nationwide in Washington Monthly magazine’s annual college rankings, which focus on the public good being done by American colleges and universities.
Read the story about Washington Monthly's ranking here Sep 14 Advance“SUNY, Staten Island’s Wagner College shine in higher ed rankings” — Advance reporter Deborah Young wrote about the annual U.S. News & World Report college rankings, including Wagner College’s placement at the top of New York State listings for “programs to look for” and, for the fourth year in a row, as an “up and coming” regional institution. Wagner posted #26 among northern regional universities.
Read the story about the U.S. News & World Report ranking here Sep 15 Advance“Staten Island’s Wagner College looks like a million — despite unflattering headline” — The Advance’s Tracey Porpora wrote about the way Newsweek magazine featured a photo of our own Main Hall on its cover, backing a headline that read, “Is College a Lousy Investment?” Porpora explained that the story had nothing to do with Wagner College — that the stock photo was acquired from an agency as something typical of American colleges. Porpora then recounted Wagner’s high placement in this year’s Princeton Review, Washington Monthly and U.S. News & World Report college rankings.
Read the story about the Newsweek feature here WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE Jul 10 Playbill“Celebrity Buzz Cue & A with Christina DeCicco” — Playbill magazine’s Matthew Blank compiled this story on Wagner College Theatre alumna Christina DeCicco ’02, who performs the lead role in Broadway’s “Evita” twice a week.
Read the story about Christina DeCicco here Sep 18 Broadway World“Wagner College Theatre Main Stage opens ‘Putting It Together’ 10/3” — Broadway World announced on its website the first show of the 2012-13 Main Stage season.
Read the Broadway World story about Putting It Together here GENERAL COVERAGE Jul 10 Staten Island Advance“Staten Island college students juggle social circles at home and away at school” — Dr. Sharon N. Kiuhara, director of the counseling center at Wagner College, provided perspective for this Staten Island Advance story by intern Keely Mohin.
Read the story featuring Dr. Sharon N. Kiuhara here Jul 15 Staten Island Advance“Out of the shadows” — Advance arts editor Michael J. Fressola wrote this review of Staten Island Camera Club’s “best of” exhibition then on display in the Horrmann Library’s Spotlight Gallery.
Read the story about Staten Island Camera Club's exhibition here Jul 25“Wagner College to rename football field in honor of Hameline” — Advance sports columnist Cormac Gordon wrote this story.
Read the story about the renaming of the field here Aug 5 NJToday.net“Letting go when your child leaves for college” — NJToday.net, the online incarnation of New Jersey’s oldest weekly newspaper, published this light-hearted column from the Wagner College News Service, aimed at parents who were sending children away to college for the first time, drawing upon the resources of Wagner Campus Life deans Ruta Shah-Gordon and Sara Klein.
Read the story on NJToday.net here Aug 22 New York 1“Report: Outlet Mall Being Floated Along Staten Island Waterfront” — Abe Unger, a professor of urban studies at Wagner College, was one of the sources tapped by New York 1 reporter Amanda Farinacci for this story about an outlet mall that might be built along the Staten Island waterfront.
Watch the New York 1 story about the Outlet Mall here Aug 25 Advance“Local colleges welcome freshmen” — An Advance story on freshmen move-in at Staten Island’s three colleges prominently featured Wagner College. The story was written by Advance interns Melissa Quijano and Danielle Lucchese ’14.
Read the story about the new freshmen here Sep 1 New York 1 & Staten Island AdvanceBoth New York 1 and the Staten Island Advance reported on the brief address given by Wagner College alumnus Frantz Placide ’10 at the Republican National Convention earlier that week.
Watch and read the story about the address given by Frantz Placide here Sep 7 The Bellevue Reporter and the Pocono RecordTwo hometown papers, the Bellevue (Wash.) Reporter and the Pocono Record (Bushkill, Pa.) ran briefs about local students who were part of a phenomenon we highlighted in a Newsroom press release about the 7 sets of twins who enrolled together in this year’s incoming freshman class. (An intern at the Staten Island Advance has also been assigned to work on a story about our freshman twins, but it has not yet appeared.)
Read both stories about the local students here Sep 21 Staten Island Advance“Staten Island’s Wagner College lauds 6 community leaders” — The Advance ran a story and photo highlighting our annual DaVinci Society scholarship and community awards dinner.
Read the story about Wagner's community leaders here Sep 24“Wagner profs send Social Security 'fix' to the White House” — Veteran Advance reporter Judy Randall wrote about a research paper by Wagner business professors Donnie Crooks and Cathyann Tully proposing a set of reforms to stabilize the Social Security program. Crooks and Tully had sent the paper to both the Republican and Democratic presidential campaigns.
Read the story about professor Crooks and Tully's proposal here