2012 May 03-June 29
Charlotte Crockford, host of the radio program, “Feminist Edition,” interviewed Amy Eshleman and Jean Halley about their book, “Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race.” The program airs on WUML-FM, Lowell, Mass.
Listen to the interview from "Feminist Edition" Jun 17 Pacifica RadioMark Judkins Helpsmeet, host of the Pacifica Radio syndicated program, "Northern Spirit Radio," interviewed Eshleman and Halley about "Seeing White."
Listen to the interview on Pacifica Radio WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE May 21 Adirondack Daily Enterprise“Dramatic opportunity for local grad” — Adirondack Daily Enterprise reporter Chris Knight wrote about how Wagner College Theatre student Michael Bullard ’13 had been chosen to play the role of Baby John in the international touring company of “West Side Story.” Bullard plans to return to Grymes Hill to finish his degree after the tour finishes next year.
Read the story on the Adirondack Daily Enterprise May 22 Northampton Herald“Holland Resident Performed at World Premier of ‘Goddess Wheel’ ” — Northampton Herald Assistant Editor June Portnoy wrote this story about WCT student Elizabeth Miller’s performance in “Goddess Wheel.”
Read the story in the Northampton Herald Jun 29 Playbill“Chatting with ‘Evita’s’ Christina DeCicco, the ‘Alternate Eva’ ” — Playbill reporter Andrew Gans’ 3,500-word interview with WCT alum Christina DeCicco ’02, one of the two actresses starring as Eva Peron in the Tony-nominated Broadway revival of “Evita.”
Read about Christina DeCicco on Playbill HUGH L. CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM May 7 Huffington Post“Why college students matter” — In a column for the Huffington Post, government professor and Carey Institute fellow Abe Unger says that, despite political gridlock in Washington, “Real change is happening on the ground in a place ironically considered by much of America to be a universe apart: college.”
Read Abe Unger's story in the Huffington Post May 8 LaCrosse Tribune“Historic primary to set recall matchup” — LaCrosse (Wisc.) Tribune reporter Chris Hubbuch tapped Carey Institute Senior Fellow Joshua Spivak, a nationally recognized expert on recall elections, as a source for this story on Wisconsin’s gubernatorial recall.
Read the story in the LaCrosse Tribune May 16 The Atlantic“Scott Walker and the Strange Rise in Recall Elections” — Joshua Spivak wrote this opinion essay for The Atlantic.
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay about Scott Walker in the Atlantic May 19 The Post-Crescent“Wisconsin’s laws primed state for recall” — Joel Christopher of the Appleton (Wisc.) Post-Crescent recaps the gubernatorial recall election with a little help from our own Joshua Spivak.
Read the story in the Post-Crescent May 30 International Business Times“Recall fever: As Scott Walker fights to keep his post, recall elections spread across U.S.” — Ashley Portero used Joshua Spivak as one of her sources for this International Business Times story.
Read the story in the International Business Times May 30 Politico“Wisconsin recall’s boomerang effect” — Joshua Spivak wrote this opinion essay for Politico.com.
Read the story on Politico.com May 31 Milwaukee Public Radio“Recall campaign approaches the finish line” — Milwaukee Public Radio’s Mitch Teich interviews Joshua Spivak on the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall.
Listen to the interview on Milwaukee Public Radio Jun 1 Roll Call"Wisconsin Recall Attempt Might Backfire in Presidential Election" — An op-ed essay by Joshua Spivak published in Roll Call.
Read Joshua Spivak's essay in Roll Call Jun 4 USA Today“Recall targets Wis. Gov. Walker, reversal of union rights” — Judy Keen includes a quote from Joshua Spivak in this USA Today story.
Read the story on USA Today Jun 5 New York TimesIn a special Wisconsin recall edition of “The Caucus,” the New York Times government and politics blog, Times Chicago bureau chief Monica Davey gave a parenthetic “shout out” to our own Joshua Spivak in answering a reader’s question: “For those who want to learn more about the peculiar world of recalls, Joshua Spivak, a senior fellow at the Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform at Wagner College in Staten Island, N.Y., knows a ton about them and his writings on this are interesting.” She linked to Spivak’s blog.
Read the story in the New York Times Jun 5 The GuardianIn the course of live blogging for The Guardian, one of the U.K.’s leading dailies, Richard Adams also plugged Joshua Spivak: “There are politics wonks and then there is Joshua Spivak – who would win some sort of ‘wonk of the wonks’ award if one exists (and there should, any takers?). Spivak’s specialty is the recall election. His blog post contains everything you wanted to know about recall elections ever, the end. Where else would you learn that ‘a recall was approved against Arizona Governor Evan Meacham (Republican) in 1988, but Meacham was impeached and removed by the legislature on the day the signatures were verified’?”
Read the story on the Guardian Jun 5 Minnesota Public Radio“Wisconsin’s recall election in context” — Joshua Spivak was interviewed for Minnesota Public Radio’s local Morning Edition broadcast by Cathy Wurzer.
Listen to Joshua Spivak's interview for Minnesota Public Radio Jun 5 The Christian Science Monitor“Think the Wisconsin recall is rare? It's just one of 103 so far this year” — Liz Marlantes, writing for the Christian Science Monitor’s “D.C. Decoder” blog, draws on Joshua Spivak’s Recall Elections Blog for facts and historic perspective on the Wisconsin recall.
Read the story on The Christian Science Monitor Jun 6 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel“Democrats' control of Senate may be temporary: Power may shift again by November” — In a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story published the day after the gubernatorial recall election, Jason Stein and Patrick Marley draw upon Spivak’s expertise in analyzing the vote’s impact.
Read the story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Jun 12 The Hill“Obama’s big sigh of relief in Wisconsin” — Joshua Spivak wrote this opinion piece for The Hill about what the Wisconsin recall election results meant for the president’s reelection prospects.
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay for The Hill COMMENCEMENT May 17 Staten Island Advance“Flickers of hope for job-hungry grads” — Victoria Crispo of Wagner College’s Center for Career Development was one of the sources contributing to this front-page Staten Island Advance story by Deborah Young about job prospects for new college graduates. Degree candidates Troy Savino and Victoria Felix talked about their own job prospects.
Read the story about the new college graduates May 18 Staten Island Advance“Wagner College nursing pinning ceremony” — Staten Island Advance photographer Irving Silverstein recorded the annual pinning ceremony for this year’s nursing graduates.
See the photos from the Nursing Pinning ceremony May 19 Staten Island Advance“Wagner grads told to mark life’s moments” — Advance reporter Frank Donnelly chronicled this year’s commencement exercise, which featured Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel as the keynote speaker.
Read the story about this year's commencement May 25 The Rock Island Argus“Rock Island man awarded honorary doctorate” — The Rock Island Argus reported that Wagner College trustee Howard Braren ’50, of Rock Island, had been awarded an honorary doctorate at this year’s commencement program.
Read the story about Howard Braren in The Rock Island Argus May 25 Savannah Morning News“Savannah woman awarded honorary doctorate” — The Savannah Morning News ran this story about the honorary doctorate that had been awarded to Louise S. Kaufman ’75 M’78, retiring chairwoman of our board of trustees, at commencement.
Read the story in the Savannah Morning News GENERAL COVERAGE May 9 Staten Island Advance“Wagner College hoopsters host Lifestyles for the Disabled event” — Staten Island Advance Deputy Sports Editor Jerry Lee wrote this story about the meetup between Wagner’s men’s and women’s basketball teams and the clients of Lifestyles for the Disabled in a program called Disabled Layup for Life Jamfest.
Read the story about the event in the Advance Jun 7 Staten Island AdvanceStaten Island Advance reporter Keely Mohin and New York 1’s Mari Fagel talked with Wagner College planetarium director Dennis Anderson about a $250,000 equipment and facilities upgrade about to begin at the planetarium, thanks to a grant from N.Y. State Senator Marty Golden (R-Brooklyn).
Read the story about the Planetarium Jun 7 Staten Island Advance“New Educators at Wagner program” — A standalone photo in the Staten Island Advance honored the winners of Wagner College’s Distinguished Educators Awards, given by the New Educators at Wagner program to standout Staten Island school teachers and administrators.
See the photo from the Distinguished Educator Awards Jun 19 Staten Island Advance“Public safety officer from Staten Island’s Wagner College accused of stealing student mail” — Stephanie Slepian wrote this story for the Staten Island Advance.
Read the story about the public safety officer Jun 24 Staten Island Advance“Is the state out to get Staten Island’s nonprofits?” — The Staten Island Advance ran a news story, followed by an editorial, about action taken by the New York City Finance Department revoking the property tax exemptions for some nonprofit organizations on Staten Island. Wagner’s exemption for 1 of its 8 property tracts was among those revoked; the college is appealing.“Is the state out to get Staten Island’s nonprofits?” — The Staten Island Advance ran a news story, followed by an editorial, about action taken by the New York City Finance Department revoking the property tax exemptions for some nonprofit organizations on Staten Island. Wagner’s exemption for 1 of its 8 property tracts was among those revoked; the college is appealing.
Read the news story in the Advance Read the editorial in the Advance