2016 May 10-October 03
In the Wedding section, columnist Alix Strauss wrote “Till Wrinkles Do Us Part: Introducing the Brotox Groom,” quoting Wagner College psychology professor Miles Groth, an expert in male studies. “For a very long time, emphasis was placed on what a man did, not how he looked, while women were judged on the opposite,” said Groth. “We’ve gone away from that.”
Read Alix Strauss' New York Times story May 15 New York Times MagazineThe clue in this week’s New York Times Magazine crossword puzzle, 4 down? “______ Island, home of Wagner College”
See the crossword puzzle May 26 Inside Higher EdThe daily higher education electronic newsletter listed the four Wagner College faculty members granted tenure this year.
See the Inside Higher Ed brief Jul 10 Staten Island AdvanceColumnist Carol Ann Benanti wrote about the Distinguished Educator Award recently given to Wagner College education professor Jennifer Lauria.
Read about the Distinguished Educator Award Jul 10 New York TimesIn the Sunday Times’ Real Estate section, the “Living In” feature focused on Grymes Hill — and, of course, included a description of the Wagner College campus. “The campus is just so beautiful, even to just drive by it,” one neighbor was quoted as saying.
Read the New York Times Real Estate section Jul 14 Staten Island AdvanceIn a follow-up column, Carol Ann Benanti reported on all eight of the educators who had been honored by Wagner College with Distinguished Educator Awards.
Read the report on all eight educators Jul 19 Philadelphia TribuneWagner College student athletes, part of the college’s MOVE program, performed volunteer work in a garden in Philadelphia’s Germantown neighborhood. The service day was organized by Wagner’s Center for Leadership and Community Engagement.
Read the Philadelphia Tribune article Jul 24 That's Inked UpA graphic-arts blog published a profile of Wagner College art professor Bill Murphy’s work.
Read the profile on Bill Murphy Aug 4 BusinessWireFitch Ratings affirmed Wagner College’s BBB- rating on $12.7 million outstanding Build NYC Resource Corporation revenue bonds, series 2012, and said, “The rating outlook is stable.”
Read the BusinessWire Report Aug 24 Newsday et al.Inside Sources, a media distribution service, distributed an op-ed essay by Wagner College communications chief Laura Barlament about a recent study by Wagner researchers of the phenomenon of “helicopter parents” and its impact on the actual well-being of freshmen. The essay was published in Newsday, the Davis (Calif.) Enterprise, the Jacksonville (Fla.) Journal Courier and the Honolulu Star Bulletin, among other papers.
Read the essay in our online Newsroom Aug 26 Staten Island AdvanceEducation reporter Diane Lore wrote about “Move-in Day for Class of 2020.”
Read the story about Move-in Day Sep 15 Staten Island AdvanceCarol Ann Benanti highlighted the eight leaders honored at the Wagner College DaVinci Society’s annual scholarship dinner.
Read about the DaVinci Society's eight honorees Sep 26 Staten Island AdvanceReporter Mira Wassef documented the fatal struggle of an anonymous Wagner College alumnus with opioid addiction, as recorded in his journal and by his family.
Read Mira Wassef's story Oct 3 New York TimesIn a front-page, above-the-fold story, the New York Times chronicled the fatal struggle of Wagner alumnus Jonathan Ayers ’10 with opioid addiction, as documented by his journal and interviews with his family, including his mother, Wagner administrator Ann Ayers.
Read the New York Times story about Jonathan Ayers PRESIDENT GUARASCI May 10 NewsdayAn op-ed essay by President Richard Guarasci, “What Picking a College is Really About.” “Here are two ways we can help teens research how a school best prepares a student for a career and a life with real value,” President Guarasci writes.
Read President Guarasci's Newsday op-ed essay Aug 28 Austin American-StatesmanInside Sources distributed an op-ed essay by President Richard Guarasci on recent proposals made by presidential candidates for tuition-free public college. The essay was published on Sept. 5 in the Austin (Texas) American-Statesman.
Read President Guarasci's Austin American-Statesman essay Sep 8 Staten Island AdvanceWagner College President Richard Guarasci was part of the opening day festivities at Port Richmond High School, a member of the college’s Port Richmond Partnership. The program was attended by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, public schools commissioner Carmen Farina and state assemblyman Michael Cusick (D-Mid-Island).
Read about the opening day festivities COLLEGE RANKINGS Aug 31 Staten Island AdvanceEducation reporter Diane Lore wrote about Wagner College’s appearance in the Princeton Review’s new “Best 381 Colleges” guide, and the Wagner College Theatre’s posting as the #3 collegiate theater program in the nation.
Read Diane Lore's story on the Princeton Review Guide Aug 31 New York oneNew York 1 included Wagner College in its story about Staten Island colleges that had been featured in the new Princeton Review “Best 381 Colleges” guide and the latest Washington Monthly rankings.
Read New York One's story on the Princeton Review COMMENCEMENT May 18 N.Y. Daily NewsA Wagner College spokesman was quoted in this story about one university that bans the throwing of mortarboards at graduations.
Read the N.Y. Daily News story May 19 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance followed up on the story that was published the day before in the Daily News about throwing mortarboards at graduation ceremonies, including a quote from a Wagner College spokesman.
Read the follow up story in the Staten Island Advance May 21 Staten Island AdvanceThe annual commencement story.
Read the commencement story May 27 Jewish StarA Long Island newspaper reported on the honorary doctorate awarded by Wagner College to Jewish WWII resistance fighter Romi Cohn at our 2016 commencement program.
Read about the honorary doctorate awarded to Romi Cohn HOLOCAUST EDUCATION & PROGRAMMING CENTER / CHAI SOCIETY Jun 17 Staten Island AdvanceSocial columnist Carol Ann Benanti highlighted a program at the Staten Island Jewish Community Center that was co-sponsored by Wagner College to honor local Holocaust survivors.
Read the column on the Jewish Community Center program Jun 17 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance published an op-ed essay, “Orlando Massacre: We Must Not Be Bystanders,” written on behalf of the Wagner College Chai Society by Wagner history professor Lori Weintrob and Chai Society leaders Robin Lefkowitz and Victor & Kim Avis.
Read the op-ed essay on the Orlando Massacre Sep 20 New York OneWith the approach of the Jewish New Year, Wagner College’s Holocaust Education and Programming Center invited several Holocaust survivors to speak at a remembrance luncheon.
Watch the story of the remembrance luncheon Sep 28 New York OneAs its Staten Islanders of the Week, New York 1 named the Holocaust survivors who volunteer to tell their stories for the Wagner College Holocaust Education and Programming Center.
Watch the New York 1 story CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM May 17 CNBCJoshua Spivak, a senior fellow at Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform, wrote a prescient op-ed essay, “Trump, Clinton Campaign Will Be Nasty.”
Read the op-ed essay about the campaign Jun 6 BuzzfeedAn online news platform published a story about an effort to recall a Stanford judge. Carey Institute fellow Joshua Spivak, a nationally recognized expert on recall elections, was quoted.
Read the Buzzfeed story Jun 6 NewsweekIn the runup to the Democratic National Convention, Joshua Spivak wrote an op-ed, “Bernie Sanders Promises a Bloody Platform Battle Over Israel.”
Read the op-ed essay on Bernie Sanders Jun 7 Wall Street JournalJournal education writers Melissa Korn and Miriam Jordan consulted Joshua Spivak for a news story, “Stanford University Sexual Assault Case Prompts Backlash.”
Read the Wall Street Journal story Jun 8 CNBCIn this historical perspective, Joshua Spivak mused on the subject, “Will Hillary Clinton Choose Bernie Sanders as Her Running Mate?” His answer? “Dream tickets are always popular subjects for campaign debates. But they are called dreams for a reason. They rarely happen in real life.”
Read Joshua Spivak's CNBC op-ed essay Jun 14 Foreign AffairsVenturing abroad, Joshua Spivak wrote an op-ed essay for Foreign Affairs magazine about “Venezuela’s Risky Recall.”
Read the Foreign Affairs op-ed essay Jun 17 San Jose Mercury NewsJoshua Spivak wrote an op-ed essay, “Recalling California Judge is Next to Impossible.”
Read the San Jose Mercury News essay Jul 7 CNBCJoshua Spivak wrote an op-ed essay, “Why Trump, Clinton VP Picks are Such a Big Deal This Year.”
Read the CNBC op-ed essay Jul 9 The AdvocateThe Baton Rouge, La. daily newspaper quoted Joshua Spivak in a news story about a Louisiana recall election, titled “No Easy Task.”
Read The Advocate story Aug 9 USA TodayIn an op-ed, Joshua Spivak took a historical look at the question of what would happen if the GOP presidential nominee dropped out of the race.
Read the USA Today op-ed Aug 17 WJIM-AMLansing, Mich. conservative talk radio host Steve Gruber interviewed Joshua Spivak. The interview was supposed to be a look at the historical implications if, hypothetically, Trump pulled out of the presidential race, but turned into a personal attack on Spivak, which Joshua handled with great aplomb.
Listen to the WJIM-AM interview Aug 30 Fox News LatinoJoshua Spivak took another look at Venezuela’s recall statute.
Read the Fox News Latino essay Sep 2 Huffington PostJoshua Spivak wrote about the New York Times’s recent decision to cut back on metro coverage of Greater New York in favor of expanded national and world reporting.
Read the Huffington Post essay Sep 15 CNBCIn the runup to the first presidential debate, Joshua Spivak agreed with Donald Trump that “it’s time to dump the moderator.”
Read the op-ed essay on CNBC Sep 27 Staten Island AdvancePolitics reporter Rachel Shapiro sat in on Wagner College’s presidential debate viewing party, sponsored by the Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform.
Read Rachel Shapiro's story on the debate PROF. RABBI ABRAHAM UNGER Jul 11 Huffington PostWagner College’s Abe Unger is not only a government & politics professor — he is also our campus rabbi, as reflected in a thoughtful op-ed essay he wrote about this summer’s racial unrest, “Time For a Healing.”
Read the Huffington Post op-ed Jul 12 WPIX-TVA local news broadcast reported on steps that had been taken by NYC’s public school district to cover a large religious symbol on a building leased for public school use from a religious organization on Staten Island. Urban studies professor Abe Unger was interviewed for the story.
Watch the WPIX-TV story Aug 16 Jewish WeekLooking forward to the Jewish High Holy Days, Wagner College campus rabbi Abe Unger wrote about “The Promise of Redemption” for a New York publication.
Read the Jewish Week essay MANDELA WASHINGTON FELLOWSHIP Jul 27 New York OneLocal cable news channel New York 1 reported on a visit by Congressman Dan Donovan (R-SI/BK) to Wagner College’s Mandela Washington Fellows, a summer program that brings young African leaders to study for 6 weeks on Grymes Hill.
Watch the story on Congressman Dan Donovan's visit Aug 7 Staten Island AdvanceClaire Regan reported on Wagner College’s Mandela Washington Fellowship program for young African leaders.
Read the story on the Mandela Washington Fellowship program Aug 15 Huffington PostOn the Politics Canada blog, Ethiopian writer Samuel Getachew praised Barack Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative, using fellow Ethiopian Marta Tsehay as an example. Marta had just completed her studies at Wagner College as a Mandela Washington Fellow.
Read Samuel Getachew's Huffington Post blog WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE Sep 27 Staten Island AdvanceReporter Victoria Priola wrote a preview of the upcoming Wagner College Theatre production of “Avenue Q.”
Read the story on Avenue Q Sep 28 New York OneNew York 1 reported on a visit with Wagner College Theatre students from a member of the original Broadway cast of “Avenue Q.”
Watch the story on Avenue Q Oct 3 Broadway WorldA preview of the Stage One studio theater production of David Auburn’s “Proof,” opening Oct. 4.
Read the story on Stage One's Proof