2014 May 11-September 24
At the beginning of the annual “rankings season,” education columnist Diane Lore wrote a story about Wagner College’s high placement in the Princeton Review survey, with first place on the Best College Theaters list and a first-ever appearance on the Best College Newspapers list for the Wagnerian.
Read the story about Wagner's ranking in the Princeton Review Sep 23 U.S. News & World ReportWagner College’s high overall regional ranking and consistently outstanding performance in the area of high-value programs resulted in a feature spot in the lead article for this year’s Best Colleges guide.
Read our Newsroom story about the high-profile media appearance Download the U.S. News story YOUNG AFRICAN LEADERS INITIATIVE Jun 23 Lusaka (Zambia) VoiceThe national Zambian newspaper featured this column by local leader Zila Milupi about her first week in the Young African Leaders Institute program this summer at Wagner College.
Read the column in the Lusaka Voice Jul 8 New York 1Amanda Farinacci reported this story about the visit by Wagner’s YALI fellows to Lifestyles for the Disabled, a nonprofit organization on Staten Island, to see how the NPO operates.
Watch the story about the YALI visit on New York 1 Jul 17 Asbury Park PressPhotographer Mike DeSocio filed a video story about a field service experience taken by our YALI fellows at a Toms River, N.J., nonprofit organization called Ocean of Love, a charitable organization dedicated to helping Ocean County children with cancer and their families.
Watch the story about the visit with Ocean of Love Jul 19 Asbury Park PressTwo days after Mike DeScocio posted his video story, reporter Francesca Cocchi’s story about the Toms River field experience, “African Students Visit Toms River,” appeared in the print edition of the Asbury Park Press.
Read the story in the Asbury Park Press Jul 15 Wagner College NewsroomOn July 15, our Communications Office staff filed a print and video package in the college’s online Newsroom about the Young African Leaders Initiative program on campus. That package was the basis for several customized stories emphasizing various YALI participants from the 19 participating countries. Those customized releases found their way into the public media by various means.
Visit the Newsroom Read the story about the Young Liberian Leader Read the story from the embassy in South Africa Jul 18 Wagner College NewsroomJuly 18 — Two U.S. embassies posted on their websites our stories about YALI participants from the countries they serve: the U.S. Embassy in Liberia and the embassy in South Africa.
Read the story about the Young Liberian Leader Read the story from the embassy in South Africa Jul 23 Staten Island AdvanceEducation columnist Diane Lore adapted our Newsroom package for publication in the local media market on Staten Island.
Read Diane Lore's adaptation Jul 28 Wagner College NewsroomOur happiest media surprise came on Monday, July 28 at the YALI Town Hall gathering in Washington, D.C., when President Barack Obama lifted a quote taken from one of our personalized press releases to summarize the impact of the YALI program on participants.
Watch video of President Obama's remark Jul 26 New York 1Reporter Jessica Orbon reported on the “graduation” ceremony Wagner College held for its 25 YALI participants.
Watch the story about the YALI Graduation COMMENCEMENT May 23 Staten Island AdvanceStaff reporter Kiawana Rich wrote a news story about this year’s nursing school pinning ceremony, “Newly Pinned Nursing Students Include Wagner Defensive Tackle.”
Read the story about the pinning ceremony May 24 Staten Island AdvanceStaff photographer Jan Somma-Hammel wrote and photographed this story about Commencement 2014 and Julian Bond’s address, “Civil Rights Activist Inspires Wagner Graduates.”
Read the story about the 2014 Commencement URBAN STUDIES May 11 New York 1Abraham Unger, Ph.D., assistant professor of government and politics and director of urban programs at Wagner College, provided expert insight into the changing demographics of Staten Island for a series produced by New York 1 reporter Amanda Farinacci.
Watch both New York 1 stories Jul 22 Wall Street JournalWagner urban studies professor Abraham Unger was called upon for perspective in a story on the killing of Eric Garner, “Tensions High Before Staten Island Death in Chokehold.”
Read the story in the Wall Street Journal CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM May 14 City & StateJoshua Spivak, senior research fellow for Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform, wrote an opinion essay for the New York government magazine, City & State, titled “The Solution to New York’s Useless Lieutenant Governor Position.”
Read the City & State essay Jun 10 Reuter's 'Grate Debate' blogJoshua Spivak wrote a commentary on “Election Laws That Prevent Elections.”
Read the essay on the Reuters blog OBITUARIES May 21 Staten Island AdvanceObituary for retired music professor Margery Mayer Steen.
Read the story about Margery Mayer Steen Sep 21 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance ran an obituary for the late Janice Buddensick, former business administration professor at Wagner.
Read the story about Janice Buddensick GENERAL COVERAGE Jun 7 Staten Island AdvanceEducation columnist Diane Lore wrote about our annual awards program for local teachers and principals, “Wagner College Honors 8 Top Educators.”
Read the story about our annual awards program Jun 13 Staten Island AdvanceDiane Lore wrote a news story about our new Doctor of Nursing Practice program, “Wagner College Adds Doctorate In Nursing.”
Read the story about our new Doctor of Nursing Practice program Jun 17 Staten Island AdvanceSocial columnist Carol Ann Benanti featured a photo of our own Wagner College Guild in her “Inside Out” column.
See the column featuring the Wagner College Guild Jun 24 Nerd ScholarThis website featured Wagner College in its blog on favorite pre-college programs. We were highlighted as their “most community-oriented.”
See a screen capture of the Nerd Scholar blog Aug 22 Staten Island AdvanceDiane Lore, herself the parent of an incoming Seahawk freshman, wrote a story about Move-In Day for the Class of 2018.
Read the story about Move-In Day Aug 31 Staten Island AdvanceDiane Lore wrote a story about a new public sculpture, “Storybooks” by George Wayne Lundeen, that had been installed on the Sutter Oval in front of the Horrmann Library. The almost life-sized sculpture depicting a woman and two children reading books was the gift of the Spiro family.
Read the story about the new sculpture Sep 1 Staten Island AdvanceA guest writer’s story, “Wagner Planetarium Director Dennis Anderson Ponders UFOs and the Enigma of the ‘Arthur Kill Lights’,” highlighted a passion of one of our faculty members.
Read the story about Dennis Anderson Sep 11 Staten Island AdvanceA news story highlighted the upcoming Wagner College DaVinci Society scholarship and awards dinner.
Read the story about the DaVinci Society events Sep 19 Staten Island AdvanceA follow-up story by reporter Melinda Gottlieb reported on the annual DaVinci dinner.
Read the story about the annual DaVinci dinner Sep 20 New York 1On Saturday, Sept. 20, New York 1 aired a story about the upcoming Wagner College Theatre Main Stage production of “Hello Dolly,” directed and choreographed by Norbert Joerder.
Watch the story about Hello, Dolly! Sep 20 CBS SportsCBS Sports aired a story about a most unusual event in the annals of collegiate athletics: the wedding of the daughter of a Division I head football coach on a Saturday in the middle of football season. Wagner College Coach Walt Hameline was able to swap schedules with friendly rival Monmouth University to open up the one day this fall when the facility his daughter Kelly wanted to be married in was available.
Watch the CBS Sports story Sep 23 Huffington PostGovernment professor and campus rabbi Abe Unger wrote another installment on his Huff Post Religion blog, “How the Jewish New Year Can Change our World.”
Read Abe Unger's story in the Huffington Post Sep 23 New York 1When Wagner College Democrats, a student club, organized a campaign event on campus for their congressional candidate, New York 1 political reporter Courtney Gross used the footage in a broader story about the campaign.
Watch the story about the campaign event Sep 24 Staten Island AdvancePolitical editor Tom Wrobleski and colleagues likewise reported about the Democratic candidate’s visit to the Wagner College campus within the larger context of the congressional campaign.
Read their stories in the Staten Island Advance