2015 May 13-September 13
Advance social columnist Carol Ann Benanti highlighted the Wagner College Chai Society Community Mitzvah Awards dinner, including profiles of the award winners.
Read the story about the Chai Society Awards dinner May 19 Huffington PostIn an opinion essay, Wagner College President Richard Guarasci wrote that the key challenge of higher education today is in “matching students’ wants with communities’ needs.”
Read President Guarasci's essay in the Huffington Post May 23 AdvancePhotojournalist Jan Somma-Hammel wrote and photographed this year’s story on our commencement exercise, which featured author Wes Moore.
Read Jan Somma-Hammel's story about commencement May 28 MTVWagner College African history professor Ousmane Traoré was tapped by MTV to interpret the modern history of his native Senegal for an episode of its “Rebel Music” series on the way protest music has influenced political life in that West African country.
Read more about Ousmane Traoré and watch the complete episode Jun 5 Philadelphia TribuneThe late Rev. James E. Gunther, a former trustee of Wagner College, was eulogized.
Read his obituary in the Philadelphia Tribune Jun 10 AdvanceWagner College’s New Educators at Wagner program, an advanced training seminar for new teachers led by education professor Carin Guarasci, presented its annual Distinguished Educators Awards.
Read about the New Educators program Jun 11 Broadway WorldDuring the annual Reunion Weekend awards luncheon, Christina DeCicco was honored by her alma mater.
Read the story on Broadway World about Christina DeCicco Jun 12 Various PublicationsTwo separate publications cover the Wagner College alumni who were honored during the annual Reunion Weekend awards luncheon.
Staten Island Advance - Wagner College honors four alumni for community service.
Reno Gazette-Journal- Wilifrid honored for spiritual contributions
Read the story about the honorees in the Staten Island Advance Read the story about honoree Rilifrid Jun 17 AdvanceA short piece about the newly elected president of the Wagner College Guild.
Read the story about the newly elected president Jun 27 AdvanceWagner College urban studies professor Abraham Unger was one of the sources consulted for a story about several new malls being planned for Staten Island.
Read Abraham Unger's story in the Advance Jul 1 Nurse.comThis nursing news website published a story by a Wagner College graduate student and a nursing professor about a recent medical mission to Mexico.
Read the story on Nurse.com Sep 13 AdvanceThe Advance previewed the New York Women’s Foundation’s annual Neighborhood Dinner, which will be held for the first time ever on Staten Island and hosted by Wagner College.
Read the story about the New York Women's Foundation's dinner PORT RICHMOND PARTNERSHIP & 30,000 DEGREES Jul 16 Advance & New York 1Both the Staten Island Advance and New York 1 reported on a unique documentary theater project sponsored by Wagner College, bringing together community members from Port Richmond to discuss issues raised by the death of Eric Garner the year before and develop a series of sketches. The program, “Every Time You See Me,” was staged three times on the anniversary of Garner’s death.
July 16 - Advance - Lauren Steussy previews the July 17 performance
July 17 - Advance Lauren Steussy reported this text and video story
July 18 - NY1 - Shannan Ferry reported this video story
Shannan Ferry reported on the signing of an agreement expanding Wagner College’s Port Richmond Partnership.
Watch the story on the expansion of the Port Richmond Partnership Aug 24 AdvanceA front-page story examined the 30,000 Degrees initiative, spearheaded by Wagner College President Richard Guarasci, that has brought together the three colleges on Staten Island to work toward increasing the number of baccalaureate degrees here by 2025.
The news story was followed on Aug. 26 by an unsigned editorial in the Advance, “A United Front on the Need for Higher Education,” wholeheartedly endorsing 30,000 Degrees.
Read the story about the 30,000 Degrees Initiative Read the editorial in the Advance CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM May 15 ForbesJoshua Spivak, senior fellow at Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform, wrote an opinion essay at the beginning of this summer’s campaigning for the 2016 presidential race that explored the question, “What shot does a candidate who’s never held government office have at the nomination?”
Read Joshua Spivak's essay in Forbes May 21 Orange County (Calif.) RegisterSpivak, who has become one of the leading national experts on recall elections, wrote that the odds favored an Orange County, California judge who was facing a recall effort.
Read Joshua Spivak's essay in the Orange County Register Jul 6 Manchester (U.K.) GuardianFollowing a mass murder in a Charleston, S.C. church, Spivak wrote an op-ed for a major English newspaper about future prospects for gun control in the United States.
Read the essay in the Manchester Guardian Jul 18 Las Vegas Review-JournalSpivak wrote about an effort to recall a North Las Vegas municipal court judge.
Read the essay in the Las Vegas Review-Journal Jul 29 CNBCSpivak wrote about Donald Trump’s reliance on “old media” coverage rather than the use of social media to push his message out.
Read Joshua Spivak's essay in CNBC Aug 16 AdvanceThe Sunday Advance dedicated the entire front page of its Opinion section to an essay by Seymour Lachman, founder and dean emeritus of the Carey Institute. The essay was titled, “Will Political Corruption in the NYS Legislature Ever End?”
Read Seymour Lachman's essay in the Advance HOLOCAUST-RELATED Jun 14 Advance & New York 1Both the Staten Island Advance and New York 1 produced stories about an annual Staten Island Jewish Community Center program where Wagner College history professor spoke about our new Holocaust Education and Programming Center:
Staten Island Advance - Staten Island Holocaust survivors and families honored at JCC celebration
New York 1 - Staten Island celebrated Holocaust survivors
Read the story about the survivors and families in the Advance Read and watch the New York 1 story COLLEGE RANKINGS Jun 9 U.S. News & World ReportU.S. News published a story ranking the top 10 colleges with the most interns — and Wagner College was ranked among the 5 colleges that placed 100% of their students in internships at least once during their undergraduate careers.
Read the story in the U.S. News Jun 25 New York 1NY1 parenting reporter Shelley Goldberg interviewed Princeton Review publisher Rob Franek about his companies new publication, “Colleges That Pay You Back.” Franek recommended Wagner College’s Evelyn L. Spiro School of Nursing for those seeking careers in the nursing field.
Read the story about Colleges That Pay You Back on NY1 Aug 3 Princeton ReviewWagner College appeared, once again, in Princeton Review’s annual “Best 380 Colleges,” and the Wagner College Theatre program was ranked #2 in the nation.
See the story about the Princeton Review in the Newsroom Aug 12 MoneyWagner College was included in Money magazine’s annual “Best Colleges for Your Money” list.
Read the story about Wagner in our Newsroom Aug 12 ForbesFor the third year in a row, Wagner College appeared on Forbes magazine’s “America’s Top Colleges” list.
See the story about the Forbes list Aug 31 PayScaleAccording to PayScale’s report on alumni earnings, released earlier this summer, Wagner College ranked #16 in New York State.
Read the story about the PayScale ranking Sep 9 Three PublicationsIn a single page in our online Newsroom, we consolidated links to three newly published national college rankings released that week: U.S. News & World Report, Princeton Review and USA Today.
(That page is no longer active.)
A Liberian news website reported on two of our Mandela Washington Fellows.
Read the story on Front Page Africa Jul 28 Health ReportersAn African health news website reported on one of our Mandela Washington Fellows from Nigeria.
Read the story on Health Reporters Aug 3 Voice of AmericaAt the YALI Presidential Summit, President Barack Obama cited one of Wagner College's Mandela Washington Fellows in his introductory remarks, and tagged another Wagner Fellow to ask the concluding question during his Q&A session. Following the summit, Voice of America, the broadcast news service of the U.S. State Department, aired a feature story on one of our Mandela Washington Fellows and shorter individual profiles of several more Fellows.
See all of the videos in our Newsroom