2013 September 30-January 14
Robert De Vincenzi ’76, an economics and business administration major, lost his class ring on a 1977 trip with buddies to the Bahamas. Thirty-five years later, after losing his Staten Island home to Hurricane Sandy, Robbie got the surprise of his life: A couple from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, had found his ring on the beach while honeymooning in the Bahamas. They had the ring cleaned, found Robert’s name inscribed on the inside, and called Wagner’s Alumni Office. Staffer Rebecca Colucci tracked Robert down (his phone was out of order after Sandy) and reunited him with his ring on 12/12/12 (Dec. 12, 2012). There were multiple print and broadcast stories produced about the incredible ray of hope that pierced the storm clouds in the life of alumnus Robert De Vincenzi — from The Southeast Missourian and KFVS-TV in Cape Girardeau, to the Advance and a couple of New York City local TV news affiliates, to Fox News and the Daily Mail of London.
Read and watch all of the news stories WAGNER COLLEGE PITCHES IN WITH HURRICANE SANDY RELIEF Nov 9 New York TimesNew York Times sports writer Jonathan Zeller wrote this inspiring story about how our football team, led by Walt Hameline, had prepared for a big game on Nov. 3 in Albany in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy — even while those athletes were pitching in on Staten Island relief efforts.
Read the New York Times Sports story Nov 11 Staten Island AdvanceThe front page of the Sunday Advance was devoted to a story package about the many helping hands volunteering for relief work on Staten Island — including Wagner Cares, a program spearheaded by President Guarasci and SGA President Greg Balaes.
Read the story about the relief work Nov 11 The Press of Atlantic CityThe Press of Atlantic City ran a story about Bridgeton native (and Seahawk football player) Dominique Williams and the entire football team’s involvement in Sandy relief work.
Read the story on The Press of Atlantic City Nov 16 LacrossWagner College’s men’s lacrosse team was just one of the college lacrosse teams whose Hurricane Sandy relief efforts were profiled by Inside Lacrosse magazine.
Read the story about Wagner's Lacrosse Team in Lacrosse magazine Dec 1 WNYW-TVFox News local affiliate WNYW-TV aired a story about the work Wagner College physician assistant students were doing in a Staten Island shelter for victims of Hurricane Sandy. (Please excuse the quality of the video; it was shot with a home video camera as the story aired on a television set.)
Watch the story on WNYW-TV CAREY INSTITUTE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM Oct 22 The AtlanticJoshua Spivak, senior fellow at Wagner College’s Hugh L. Carey Institute for Government Reform, wrote on opinion essay for The Atlantic magazine following the first presidential debate, proffering an interesting proposal: “Everyone hates the moderators — so let’s just get rid of them.”
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay in the Atlantic Oct 26An op-ed essay by the Carey Institute’s Joshua Spivak on “That Pesky Electoral College,” published just a few days before the 2012 presidential election, ran in several papers: the Los Angeles Times, the Savannah Morning News, the Tallahassee Democrat and the Athens (Ga.) Banner-Herald.
Read Joshua Spivak's op-ed essay about the Electoral College Nov 6 New York TimesJoshua Spivak provided his special brand of historical perspective for this essay on the closely divided electorate, “The ’80s Want Their Politics Back – the 1880s,” published in the New York Times’ “Campaign Stops” blog.
Read Joshua Spivak's essay published in the New York Times' "Campaign Stops" blog Dec 17 The WeekJoshua Spivak asks, “Why does Obama keep raiding the Senate for his cabinet.”
Read the essay about Obama's cabinet in The Week Dec 18 The WeekThe death of Senator Daniel Inouye, president pro tem of the U.S. Senate, prompted Joshua Spivak’s essay, “Why the U.S. Must Change its Presidential Succession Rules.” (The president pro tem of the Senate is third in line for the succession, after the speaker of the house and the vice president.)
Read Joshua Spivak's essay in The Week Dec 28 The WeekJoshua Spivak looks to history for perspective on John Boehner’s upcoming fight for reelection as speaker of the house.
Read the essay about John Boehner in The Week Jan 14 The WeekJoshua Spivak considered the historic record in his examination of “Why Democratic presidents keep choosing Republicans as their defense chiefs.”
Read the op-ed essay in The Week WAGNER COLLEGE THEATRE Sep 30 Staten Island AdvanceStaten Island Advance arts editor Michael J. Fressola previews the Wagner College Theatre’s upcoming Sondheim revue by interviewing director Drew Scott Harris.
Read the story about Putting it Together Oct 3 Broadway WorldBroadway World announced the opening of “Spring Awakening” in Wagner’s Stage One studio theater.
Read the Broadway World story about Spring Awakening Oct 24 Broadway WorldBroadway World announced the opening of the Wagner College Theatre production of “Legally Blonde: The Musical.”
Read the Broadway World story about Legally Blonde Nov 15 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance Weekly Entertainment tab featured the renovated Main Stage auditorium in Main Hall on its cover, and Wagner College Theatre student (and Advance newsroom intern) Eric Petillo wrote a story about the Main Hall restoration project that had just concluded.
Read the story about the renovated Main Stage auditorium Nov 16 Broadway WorldBroadway World announced Wagner College Theatre’s upcoming production of “School for Lies” in the Stage One studio theater.
Read the Broadway World story about School for Lies Nov 25 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance arts editor Michael J. Fressola wrote a preview of Stage One’s “School for Lies” for the Sunday Arts section.
Read the story about School for Lies PRESIDENT GUARASCI IN THE NEWS Oct 9 Huffington PostPresident Richard Guarasci and Scott Warren wrote an article for the Huffington Post, “Restoring the Civic Mission of Higher Education.”
Read Richard Guarasci and Scott Warren's story in the Huffington Post Oct 12Wagner College trustee chairman Warren Procci and President Richard Guarasci appeared in a captioned photograph highlighting the previous day’s rededication of the restored Main Hall.
See the photograph from the rededication of Main Hall Oct 13 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance ran this story on the gala fundraiser held on Friday, Oct. 12 to commemorate Richard Guarasci’s 10th anniversary as president.
Read the story about President Guarasci's 10th anniversary gala Nov 5 Crain’s New York BusinessCrain’s New York Business editor Judith Messina tapped President Guarasci for his insights on college costs for her story, “Tuition Gulf is Widening.”
Read the story in Crain's New York Business OTHER WAGNER STORIES Sep 30 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance arts editor Michael J. Fressola reviewed Griselda Healy’s new exhibition in the Wagner College Gallery.
Read the story about the 'Figure in Motion' exhibition Oct 4 Staten Island AdvanceThe Staten Island Advance included Wagner history professor Lori Weintrob on its panel of experts to provide perspective on the first presidential debate between Obama and Romney.
Read about the debate in the Staten Island Advance Oct 18 CBS SportsCBS Sports’ “Eye on College Basketball” blog profiled the new Seahawks men’s basketball coach, Bashir Mason.
Read the CBS Sports story about the new basketball coach Oct 19 Staten Island AdvanceThe Advance Jewish Life page featured a series of presentations, “Film and the American Jewish Experience,” to be presented this academic year by Wagner College’s Chai Society.
Read the story in The Advance Jewish Life Oct 24 New York 1New York 1 aired a story on the exchange agreement between Wagner College and Israel’s Kibbutzim College.
Read the story on New York 1 about the agreement Dec 28 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance report Deborah Young called upon Wagner College economics professor Mary Rose Leacy for expert perspective in a story on the potential impact of the “fiscal cliff” facing the federal government.
Read the story featuring Mary Rose Leacy in the Advance Jan 3 The MercuryThe Pottstown, Pa. Mercury, hometown newspaper of Wagner College graduate student and fifth-season football player Steve Ciocci, profiled his record of volunteerism and leadership. “Even though Ciocci was named to the All-NEC first team as an offensive lineman and played in last month’s third annual FCS Senior Scout Bowl in Myrtle Beach, S.C., his greatest honor — on or off the football field — was being selected to the Allstate American Football Coaches Association’s Good Works Team and working with youngsters over the past week as part of the 79th annual Sugar Bowl festivities,” wrote reporter Don Seeley.
Read the story about Steve Ciocci in the Mercury Jan 14 Staten Island AdvanceAdvance reporter Tracy Porpora wrote about the progress achieved in enhancing traffic safety on Grymes Hill after the tragic death of Wagner College nursing student R.J. Tillman last year in a hit-and-run incident on Howard Avenue. The progress has been due mostly to the efforts of a group spearheaded by Wagner Magazine editor Laura Barlament.
Read the story about traffic safety on Grymes Hill