Wagner College extends its warmest congratulations to Alexa Dietrich, associate professor of anthropology, who is the 2015 winner of the Julian Steward Award for her first book, “The Drug Company Next Door: Pollution, Jobs, and Community Health in Puerto Rico,” published by NYU Press.
This recognition from the Anthropology & Environment Society, a section of the American Anthropological Association, is awarded every 2 years to the “best book published in environmental anthropology.”
Past awardees since the 2003 inception of this honor have included Roberto González, Paul Nadasdy, J. Terrence McCabe, Julie M. Cruikshank, Stephen Lansing, David Crawford, Michael R. Dove and Erik Mueggler.
Alexa S. Dietrich joined the anthropology faculty at Wagner College in 2007. She earned her A.B. from Barnard College and her MPH and Ph.D. from Emory University.
Follow this link to the Amazon.com page for “The Drug Company Next Door.”