In celebration of Earth Month in April, Wagner College will host a series of lectures on environmental challenges, crises and creative responses. Find the full schedule below.
This lecture Series is sponsored by ACE, Pi Sigma Alpha, and the Departments of Anthropology and Sociology, Government and Politics, and History.
Lecture Series on Environmental Challenges, Crises and Creative Responses
All events will take place in the Manzulli Boardroom in Foundation Hall.
Wednesday, April 3, 2:40-4:00 p.m.
“A Slow and Curvy Response to the Imperiled American Dream”
Mary Caputi, Professor of Political Theory, California State University, Long Beach
Tuesday, April 16, 2:40-4:00 p.m.
“Is Recycling Real? Tackling the Plastic Crisis”
Brett Palfreyman, Associate Professor of History, Wagner College
Monday, April 22: Earth Day
Pi Sigma Alpha students, the Student Government Association, and all students working on projects related to environmental concerns, such as the Compost Project and Sustainability, will come together. Students say they want to make Wagner more green. SGA has stated this as its top priority. Details to follow.
Wednesday, April 24, 2:40-4:00 p.m.
Seabed Mining, (Un)sustainability and Climate (In)justice
Rosanna Carver, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria (BC)