Module I Courses, Fall, Junior Year
NR351 Dimensions of Health Promotion in the Community (2 Units)
The focus of this nursing course is to introduce the nursing major to nursing and promotion of health in a variety of settings. Topics such as basic community needs and assessment, culture, wellness, communication and preparation to enter the community health care system are explored. A clinical lab and community experience component is included with this course to introduce students to basic nursing skills and to enhance therapeutic interactions and primary prevention awareness.
$60.00 Lab Fee
NR353 Dimensions of Health Assessment (1 unit)
This nursing course prepares the nursing major to become adept at utilizing the nursing process for assessment of the client as well as the importance of accurate and thorough history taking. A laboratory component is included with this course.
$35.00 Lab Fee
NR355 Pharmacodynamics (1 unit)
This course is designed to define and explain the nurse’s role in understanding the nursing process for administration of medications in various community settings. Classes and actions of drugs are a key part of the content.
NR356 Medial Dosage Calculations (0.5 units)
This course prepares health professionals to calculate oral and parental drug dosages with a focus on safety and accuracy. Three systems of measurement and conversion are practiced. This course also provides a psychomotor skills laboratory experience. The understanding of drug orders and drug labels with calculation accuracy is emphasized by clinical scenarios and examples.
$35.00 Lab Fee
Module II, Spring, Junior Year
NR364 Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (1.5 units)
The nursing process is used to promote and restore the health of the childbearing family. Students examine the bio-psychological and socio-cultural stressors that influence the health states of families throughout the prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum and newborn periods. A clinical component is included.
$60.00 Lab Fee
NR366 Nursing Care of the Childrearing Family (1.5 units)
The nursing process is used to promote and restore the health of the child from infancy through toddler hood, preschool, school-age adolescent, and the young adult. Students examine the bio-psychological and socio-cultural stressors that influence the health states of children within each developmental stage and within the family. A clinical component is included.
$60.00 Lab Fee
NR368 Nursing Care of the Family in Illness I (1.5 units)
The nursing process is used in the promotion and restoration of health of those individuals who are experiencing an alteration in cellular function and growth, oxygenation, metabolic, and sexual functions. A clinical component is included.
$60.00 Lab Fee
Module III, Fall, Senior Year
NR400 Nursing Research (1 unit)
This course builds on student’s prior knowledge of select nursing studies. Students discuss and critique qualitative and quantitative nursing studies. The importance of research
in nursing to the consumer and practitioner of nursing are examined.
NR465 Psychodynamic Dimensions of Psychiatric-Mental Health (1 unit)
This course presents an overview of psychiatric-mental health care issues prevailing in society. It offers the essential research based content related to nursing care theory and practice. Content includes understanding the nurse’s role development within this specialty and developing skills of assessment, intervention, and evaluation of clients exhibiting impaired behavioral responses to stressors in their environments. Legal, ethical, and advocacy considerations are included. This course includes a clinical component.
$35.00 Lab Fee
NR469 Nursing Care of the Family in Illness II (1 unit)
This course utilizes the nursing process to promote and restore the health of individuals who experience alterations in tissue perfusion, digestion/elimination and motor-sensory function. This course includes a clinical component.
$35.00 Lab Fee
Module IV, Spring, Senior Year
NR472 Community Health Nursing (1.5 units)
This course focuses on the community as a continuum of care. The students utilize the nursing process within the community context to promote, restore and maintain the health of individuals, families and groups. A community based clinical component is included.
$60.00 Lab Fee
NR474 Nursing Leadership and Management (Learning Community)(1 unit)
This course introduces the role of the nurse as leader. Leadership styles and management theory will serve as the foundation for the study of supervision, finance, budgeting, delegation, organizational structure, allocation of resources and case management within a multitude of health care settings. The students will enhance their abilities to become independent decision makers through communication and collaboration with health care professionals in various clinical settings.
NR476 Dimensions of Mental Health Nursing in the Community (0.5 unit)
In response to the contemporary body of research that studies and reports on health implications of mind-body-socio-spiritual connections, this course offers students the opportunity to examine stress and holistic approaches to stress management. Theories of anxiety presented by Peplau, and the stress research of Cannon, Selye, and Benson are studied. Holistic nursing theorist such as, but not limited to, Nightingale, Rogers and Watson are applied. Concepts of psychoneurimmunology and the impact of emotions on health states are examined. Content is studied through the lens of ethics and research. This course includes a clinical component.
$35.00 Lab Fee
NR490 Reflective Tutorial -Senior Practicum (Learning Community) (1 unit)
This senior capstone course is to be taken in the last semester prior to graduation. The nursing process is used to promote, restore, and maintain the health states of individuals, families, and groups. Students develop independence under the direct guidance of a selected agency preceptor. Students cultivate the development of their professional role by using leadership abilities to become an active member of the healthcare team, a patient advocate, and a coordinator of health care. They reflect upon their experiences in seminar via oral and written communication.
$60.00 Lab Fee
Other Nursing Courses:
NR050 Foundation for Success: Basic Nursing Overview -Offered Every Semester (0-1 unit)
This course is required if a student needs clinical and theory remediation to maintain matriculation in lieu of a leave of absence in order to progress in the Nursing Program.
NR212 Human Sexuality: Across the Life Span - Offered Spring (Gender Minor) (1 unit)
This is a survey course designed to provide the student with an evidence based background on human sexuality. Historical and research perspectives are integrated throughout the course as well as discussion, and examination of differing view points and current issues.
NR375 Challenges of Professionalism in Nursing - Offered in the Fall (1 unit)
This course is designed for the registered nurse student. It offers the student the opportunity to confront current professional issues with a focus on identifying future implications for the role of the professional nurse.
NR517 Comparative Healthcare Practices – Offered in the Spring (1 unit)
This course requires one week of travel during Spring Break to a practice site identified as a community in need of nursing intervention. There are a minimum of 35 theoretical, clinical and cross cultural hours experienced at the practice site. Five hours of pre and post sessions include: theoretical foundation on the populations health/culture needs; debriefing and reflective learning. The practice site under the direction of course faculty in collaboration with a Non-Government Organization (NGO). This course is for Registered Nurses (RN/BS and Graduate students). Based upon space availability, interested seniors who wish to attend may be interview and accepted upon permission of Chair. All fees must be paid to the NGO, if applicable, prior to attendance. Required health forms/licenses must be current and on file.
NR591 Special Topics - Offered Periodically (1 unit/ 3 credits)
This course allows for discussion and analysis of current issues and/or research in response to student and departmental interest.
NR 593 Independent Study - Offered Every Semester (0.5-1unit/1-3 credits)
This course is for qualified seniors who may arrange to investigate a special problem. Permission of faculty advisor needed.
NR595 Disaster Emergency Preparedness - Offered Periodically (1 unit) (Class meets for 6 week and 1 field trip)
This course is designed for the Registered Nurse student. It offers a basic understanding of natural and man made disasters, including terrorism, with a focus on the public health risks and public health/hospital emergency response. In addition to lecture and discussions, students will participate in disaster scenarios, case studies, and take a field trip to the NYC Office of Emergency Management.