Design Technology Management
The Design, Technology and Management (DTM) Concentration includes Stage Management, Drafting, and Design Courses, including Lighting, Costume, and/or Sets. There are many opportunities to practice by working on the various departmental productions. An interview is required for acceptance into the program.
- TH 011 TH Lab (4 - 1/2 units)
- Production Assignments – at least one from two categories.
- TH 014 Technical (4 - 0 units)
- TH015 Design (4 - 0 units)
- TH016 Management (4 - 0 units)
- TH017 Audience Services (max of 1 - 0 units)
- TH 103 Script Analysis
- TH 106 Introduction to Acting
- TH 111 Introduction to Design - S&F
- TH 210 Drafting for the Stage
- TH 220 Computer Visualization
- TH 233 History of Theatre
Senior Learning Community
- TH 400 SLC Senior Seminar or TH 424 Design Studio
- TH 595 SLC Advance Theatre Practicum
Select Four (5) units from the following: (three must be upper level classes)
- TH 109 Stage Costuming
- TH 110 Scenic Painting
- TH 112 Stage Craft
- TH 211 Stage Properties and Set Dressing
- TH 228 History of Costume and Fashion
- TH 240 Stage Makeup
- TH306 Sound Design
- TH 313 Costume Design
- TH 321 Scene Design
- TH 323 Lighting Design
- TH 324 Period Styles Design
- TH 350 Stage Management
- TH 424 Design Studio (may not be used for multiple requirements)
- TH 463 Advanced Lighting Design
- TH 464 Advanced Scenic Design
- -alternate fifth - 291 or 591 Special Topics