Faculty and Staff
The Department of Physical Sciences is a part of the Sciences and Mathematics Division, led by Bin Zhu, Division Chair.
Physics Faculty
Gregory Falabella
Associate Professor
718-390-3403 gfalabel@wagner.edu Megerle Science Building 111Research: in-flight ice accretion on aircraft, research in physics education, computational physics.
Chemistry Faculty
Mohammad Alauddin
718-390-3127 malauddi@wagner.edu Megerle Science Building 215Research: Arsenic contamination in well-water systems.
Racquel DeCicco
Associate Professor
718-390-3395 racquel.decicco@wagner.edu Megerle Science Building 218Research: Synthesis and behavior of conjugated organic molecules, chemical education
Nick Richardson
718-420-4124 nrichard@wagner.edu 4th Floor UnionVice Provost for Academic Affairs.