Dr. John Dalland (Wagner faculty & Psychology Chair 1958-1962)

Dr. John Dolland

Dr. John Dalland

Dr. Dalland took his PhD in psychology from Columbia University in 1958 with the dissertation entitled "Spectral thresholds in the starling (Sturnus Vulgaris)." His Ph.D. work was supervised by Dr. Helmut Adler, a prominent comparative psychologist. Dalland conducted research in behavioral, perceptual, and physiological psychology in bats (auditory) and birds (visual). After Wagner College, he conducted research on bat auditory processing at Princeton University and is well known for his development of a behavioral method for determining auditory thresholds in animals. He spent the remainder of his academic career at State University of New York in Potsdam.








Dalland published the paper below in 1959 in the Journal of Comparative & Physiological Psychology. His position at Wagner College is mentioned in the note at the bottom of the page.
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