Psychology Faculty


The Department of Psychology is located in the Division of Social & Behavioral Sciences.

There are four full time members of the Department and their offices are located on the first floor of Parker Hall. Our curriculum also benefits from the expertise of our adjunct professors. Social & Behavioral Sciences faculty mailboxes are located in 204 Parker Hall.

If students need assistance, they can contact our Administrative Assistant Pat Mustacchio in 211 Parker Hall (Social & Behavioral Sciences Office), 718-390-3253.

The Department is chaired by Dr. Celeste Gagnon, Chair of the Division of Social & Behavioral Sciences.


Jessica England

Assistant Professor of Psychology

718-420-4490 104 Parker Hall

Interests: counseling psychology, vocational psychology, marginalization and economic constraints, qualitative research methods

Amy Eshleman

Professor of Psychology

718-420-4278 112 Parker Hall

Interests: social psychology, prejudice, stigma, gender, behavioral economics

Laurence J. Nolan

Professor of Psychology

718-390-3358 Parker Hall 101

Interests: human eating behavior, habit formation, biopsychology

Carolyn Taverner

Clinical Professor Parker Hall 111

Interests: Childhood development; Grief & bereavement

Chair, Division of Social & Behavioral Sciences


Celeste Marie Gagnon

Professor and Division Chair

718-390-3126 Parker Hall 110

pronouns: she, her

Professor Emeritus


Miles Groth

Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Interests: existential-phenomenological and humanistic psychology, psychology of men and boys, psychotherapy, continental philosophy

Mark Wagner

Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Interests: sensation & perception, psychophysics, environmental psychology, philosophy of mind.

Academic Administrative Assistant


Patricia Mustacchio

Academic Administrative Assistant

718-390-3253 Parker Hall 211

Adjunct Professors


Amanda Arcieri

Adjunct Faculty Faculty mailbox: Parker Hall 204

Interests: Social psychology, prejudice and stigma.

Mirette Misak

Adjunct Faculty

Joseph Pantone

Adjunct Faculty Faculty mailbox: Parker Hall 204

Interests: Mental health & wellness

Sara Patterson

Adjunct Faculty, Psychology Department Faculty mailbox: Parker Hall 204

Interests: Child life, end of life care

Denise Rossilli

Adjunct Faculty Faculty mailbox: Parker Hall 204

Interests: Faculty diversity in education


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