Psychology Major (BA and BS)

The Psychology Department offers two degree programs in psychology. One leading to the BA and the other leading to the BS degree (Note: BS requires minor in science or math).

To declare a major in psychology, please submit the online major/minor declaration form on the Registrar's website.

Course of Study in Psychology for BA and BS degrees

Students are required to complete 11 courses (units) in psychology

A. Five core courses (with suggested time to enroll; most core courses are offered in  fall and spring semesters):

  • PS 101 Introduction to Psychology (freshman)
  • PS 201 (formerly PS 116) Psychological Statistics and Methodology (recommended sophomore year)
    *includes PS 201L (lab), fulfills General Education requirement for Technological Competency
  • PS 213 Psychological Assessment (recommended junior year, PS 201 required)
    Psychology: Then and Now

    • PS 400 Senior RFT in Psychology
    • PS 400E Senior LC Internship (0 units)
    • PS 441 History of Psychology

B. At least two of the following experimental psychology courses
(Note: students are required to have completed PS 201 prior to enrolling in these courses).  You are encouraged to take more than two if you are planning to apply to a doctoral program. An extra one of these counts as a psychology elective. Due to changes in the faculty, some of these courses are offered more often than others. Check with advisor.

  • PS 302 Learning and Motivation
  • PS 303 Sensation and Perception
  • PS 304 Memory and Thinking
  • PS 306 Human Development
  • PS 308 Social Psychology

C. And at least four additional psychology courses (including additional experimental psychology courses if you wish).

Download Major Checklist (always consult with your academic advisor)

Additional Information for Psychology Majors

Psychology course list is available here. Note that many courses have prerequisites which must be satisfied.

Students are required to complete 11 courses in psychology (PS code classes).

If you have psychology as a second major, your senior LC will be in your first major. However, you must complete PS 441. To complete 11 units in psychology without PS 400, you will need to complete an additional elective in psychology in its place.