The SLC serves as the bridge between the major and post-college opportunities by inviting students to examine how the historical and contextual foundations of psychology have led to where the field is today and how they can apply their various academic experiences to their professional lives moving forward.
The SLC includes PS 441 History of Psychology and PS 400 Senior Reflective Tutorial. Both courses function together in critically reviewing and connecting influential psychological research, theory, and practice that prepares psychology majors across diverse career paths. PS 400 requires a 100-hour field experience in psychology, and both courses integrate this experiential learning requirement into their curriculum, assignments, and discussions.
Additional Information
See the Psychology Department website for ideas under the internships link. Placements can also be found at the Center for Career Development and Experiential Learning (CCDEL) located in the Union.
Students who want to enroll for an Internship (PS 497) or Independent Study (PS 593) in addition to the senior LC may do so in another semester. Experiences such as these do not replace the senior LC placement for the senior RFT.
The senior LC is usually offered in the Fall and Spring semesters (check with your advisor).