The Psychology Department requires that students in Psychology 101 complete 1.5 hours of research-based experiential learning. The requirement may be fulfilled through any combination of the following activities:
· participating in psychological research studies posted on the Experiment Management System,
· reviewing approved psychological research papers,
· reviewing approved Academic and Cultural Enrichment events that report psychological research.
The research requirement is worth up to 1.5% of your final grade in Psychology 101. Each half hour unit of learning is worth 1 research credit. You must earn 3 credits to successfully complete the requirement.
Fulfilling the Requirement Through Participating in Research Studies
You may select to participate in psychological research studies if you are 18 years of age or older. If you select to participate in psychological research studies, you will use the Experiment Management System to schedule appointments for research studies. Please see the attached guide for using the Experiment Management System.
You will earn 1 credit (0.5% of your final grade) for each ½ hour of research-based experiential learning. Engaging in up to 30 minutes will earn 1 credit, 31 minutes to 60 minutes will earn 2 credits, 61 minutes to 90 minutes will earn 3 credits.
You must attend all scheduled research appointments. You may leave a study at any time for any reason without penalty. If you leave, you will be awarded credits based on the amount of time you participated.
If you know that you will not be able to attend a scheduled research appointment, you must cancel the appointment through the Experiment Management System at least 2 hours prior to the appointment. (Log in to the Experiment Management System, and you will see an option to cancel an appointment you have made.)
If you are absent for a scheduled appointment for research, you will lose the privilege of being able to participate in research as a means of earning research credits. You must then earn research credits through reviewing selected papers or reviewing selected events hosted by Academic and Cultural Enrichment. To request to re-enter the research management system, you may appeal in writing to Dr. Amy Eshleman (, at least two weeks before the first Reading Day after the final day of regularly scheduled classes. Appeals will be evaluated and a decision will be sent to you by email.
Fulfilling the Requirement Through Reviewing Research Papers
If you choose to review psychological research papers, you must go to the PS 101 Research Requirement site on Moodle. All students enrolled in PS 101 should see it when they log into Moodle. You will find a selection of articles that you may read and review for credit. Each completed review of a research article will be worth 1 research credit. All reviews must be submitted on the Moodle site. The deadline for submission will be posted there (Please feel free to submit completed assignments any time during the semester.)
Consent Agreement
for the Psychology Department Participant Pool
If you decide to participate in research studies, you will be asked to indicate agreement with a Consent to Participate statement upon first enrolling in the Experiment Management System. Indicating your agreement with this statement will provide formal consent to participate in the Psychology Department Participant Pool.
The first part of the online form repeats information listed in the handout on Meeting the Research Requirement, the Consent to Participate section presents a new statement regarding consent. Please read the entire form online prior to indicating your formal consent to participate in the Participant Pool.
Consent to Participate
All students enrolled in Introduction to Psychology (PS 101) are required to complete the Research Requirement. One of the best ways to learn about research and fulfill this requirement is to be directly involved in research investigations. Students aged 18 years and older are eligible to fulfill the research requirement through participation in research.
The Department of Psychology at Wagner College supports the practice of protection for human participants in research. For each research study, information will be provided for you to decide whether you wish to participate in a particular study. You should be aware that even if you agree to participate in a study, you are free to withdraw at any time.
Your participation in research studies is solicited although strictly voluntary. We assure you that your name will not be associated in any way with the research findings. Although we will request some demographic information about you, your responses will be kept completely confidential.
If you would like additional information concerning participation in research, please feel welcome to contact the faculty administrator of the Participant Pool (