
(Undergraduate students are required to complete 36 units for graduation)


Below are resources to understand and help with the Advisement process at Wagner College.


Please click here for the  2023-2025 Bulletin

Academic, Advising and Accessibility Forms

Academic Forms


Academic Policy FAQs


General Questions

Wagner offers courses during fall and spring semesters, a winter session, and two summer sessions.

The fall semester typically begins in the last week of August.

The spring semester begins in January and ends in May.

Each semester lasts 14 weeks, including a final examination week.

Classes are scheduled continuously, from approximately 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. Summer courses are scheduled from May through August. Both graduate and undergraduate courses are offered in summer sessions.

Instructions for degree audit under the new Key Skills Knowledge areas

To get you started before you contact the Registrar’s Office, we want you to do some of these steps first:

  • Go here to print The Wagner Plan and Key Skills  & Knowledge BLANK worksheet located at the top of this webpage, please note the descriptions on the back on what these courses are:
  • Under your Unofficial Transcript, there is a PDF form of your transcript, which will have a second page with all  the listings of the courses that transferred in and how they were evaluated.  Print those pages.  Your advisor has the same access to this as well
  • Have both sheets in front of you to be ready to review and check against the Bulletin Course Designation look up, found here:

Bulletin Course Designations for Key Skills

  • Go through each of the courses that are Wagner’s course number and start with the direct equates first. Like  PH101, you will note the designations on the left hand side of C, H, Q, and R.     You can also click on the +Legends at the top of the page. Write this information on your transcript next to the number.
  • On your worksheet, plug in PH101 into  the worksheet.    PH101 is a practice creativity,  Humanities, practice quantitative thinking and critical reading.  So put PH101 in each of those four boxes in the front.   Gray out boxes are ONLY for INTENSIVES (CC) , the white boxes are for practices or you can have them be all intensives, however,  three practices will not fulfill the requirement. Do this for each course, and plug in the information where it fits.  Do it in pencil so we can make changes.
  • For courses that do NOT have a direct equate like MUELEC, this will require a conversation with our office or a faculty designee from the general education committee, on what you did in that course and how it could satisfy some of the key requirements.  We will need to know want you did so if you have samples of your work or course descriptions, the better.  Any courses that will sit within the major, you will need to have this done with your faculty advisor or the department chair.  This information can be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office and we can add the areas to your transfer courses, so it is remembered.
  • Please note that some courses may not have anything associated with the course outside of the Knowledge areas of Art, Humanities, Science and Math and Social Sciences –this will be a given; so the MU course above would fit the ARTS knowledge area but nothing else, and that is OK.  Please note that courses without key requirement may be major requirements or very interesting courses to take, so we hope you will not ignore them for their value.  We are also getting updates on some of these courses and our hope is to have things settled by the end of the semester with all the edits.
  • Once you have filled in as far as you can, then schedule an appointment through the mailbox and give us several days and times that are good to meet and we will go over what you have worked on.


We understand it is a learning curve to get this all in your first semester, but it will make sense once you start filling in the boxes.  Just so you know, many of these boxes will fill up and then you are done with the Key Skills and Knowledge gen ed.

A unit (or proportion thereof) represents satisfactory completion of course work required for 3.34 hours a week or, in the case of science courses with a lab, 4.4 hours a week over a 13 week semester.

  1.  You MUST have 36 overall completed units which include your general education and major and/or minor requirements and any electives to get you to that number
  2.  You MUST have a 2.0 or above in Cumulative GPA sometimes the major course may be 3.0, as in education,  if required

Class standing is determined by the number of units completed.

  1. Freshman: Standing with less than 8 units completed
  2. Sophomore: 8-16.5 units completed
  3. Junior: 17-25.5 units completed
  4. Senior: 26 or more units completed
Students who repeat a course or courses in which a “D” or “F” grade was received should be aware that the original grade of “D” or “F” remains on their transcript for the semester in which the “D” or “F” grade was received. By repeating a course, only the most recent grade received will be calculated in the student’s cumulative index. Successfully completed courses can generally be accepted toward degree requirements once.
A student may repeat courses in which a “D” or “F” grade was received subject to the following conditions:
The course in which a “D” or “F” was received may be repeated only once. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the department chair and the Registrar.
All course grades for which a student has registered will appear on the student’s transcript including course with “D” and “F” that are subsequently improved. When a course is repeated, the most recent grade earned will be calculated in the student’s cumulative index.
Since no quality point value is assigned to a grade of “Pass”, a student may not improve a letter grade of “D”: or “F” by repeating a course on a pass-fail basis. An undergraduate student may retake up to seven courses in which grades of “D” or “F” were received.
Courses that are to be repeated must be taken at Wagner College. When the original course has been dropped from the curriculum, or the original course is not offered again during the student’s tenure, the chair of the department will make the decision on an acceptable substitute in which the original course was offered.


The grading scale is as follows:

  1. A=4.0
  2. A- =3.7
  3. B+ =3.3
  4. B=3.0
  5. B- =2.7
  6. C+=2.3
  7. C=2.0
  8. C- =1.7
  9. D+=1.3
  10. D=1.0,
  11. D- = 0.7
  12. F=0.0

The numeric equivalents of the aforementioned grades are as follows:
A       93-100
A-     90-92.9
B+    87-89.9
B       83-86.9
B-     80-82.9
C+     77-79.9
C       73-76.9
C-     70-72.9
D+    67-69.9
D      63-66.9
D-    60-62.9
F       Below 60

At the end of each semester, students may access their grades via MyWagner.

The pass-fail option is an optional way to get credit for a course: The criteria is below:

  1. Only available for 2nd year and above. Granted by special request to registrar
  2. Can’t be course from major minor or gen ed.
  3. Declared by 4th week, irrevocable
  4. Does not count as a letter grade

If a student believes that there has been an error in matters of grading and attendance, after first speaking to the professor involved and trying to solve the matter there, the student may appeal to the chair of the department offering the course, or to the appropriate Graduate Program Director.

If there continues to be a disagreement, the Registrar will review the appeal and make a determination. If there is compelling evidence of unfairness, the student may appeal to the Provost or designee. The Provost or designee’s decision is final, and is not subject to further appeal.

An appeal must be submitted, in writing, to the appropriate office as outlined in the previous paragraph no later than the close of business on the last business day of the third full week of classes of the semester (fall or spring) following the term in which the grade was given.

Advanced Placement tests must have a score of 4 or better and a report would need to come from the College Board officially.   Nine units is the maximum allowed for transfer.  Units will be calculated for earned units which can change the classification of the student.  Here are the course transfer Equivalencies.

AP Transfer Equivalencies

To order your test score to be sent directly to Wagner, please go to the College Board.   Go to their website:


Wagner College recognizes the International Baccalaureate as a challenging program of study and takes this into consideration when reviewing an applicant’s record. Students who present scores of 5 or better on the IB higher level examinations may be granted advanced standing and/or credit. Credit is offered on an individual, course-by-course basis by the Registrar.

IB Transfer Equivalencies

The academic limit is nine units a year, including the transfer you are requesting.     Students who wish to have the credits accepted for transfer should be aware of the following:

  • It must be an approved program (study abroad or visiting student) valid for the semester and year indicated above. You must attach a full copy of the course syllabus listing the number of class hours per week to this form.
  • Must get a final grade of “C” or better and may count toward the student’s Wagner degree but is not calculated in the cumulative or the major.
  • Students who enter Wagner with transfer credits may transfer in additional credits according to the following table:
Transfer units awarded upon entry Additional transfer units allowed after entry (General/Major)
0-7.5 units 4/2
8-16.5 units 3/2
17-25.5 units 2/1
26 units and Above 0/0

No more than 4 units of identical course work in a single academic discipline may be applied to fulfill requirements for both majors.

No more than  2 transfer units may apply to a minor. No more than 2 units of a minor may be applied to fulfill other requirements of the College major or a second minor.

Academic Probation Questions

While on probation, the student should repeat as many “D” and “F” graded courses as are available on the course schedule. A maximum of seven courses can be repeated in an effort to earn a higher grade. Part-time students may take 1 to 2 units during the semester. Full-time students may take 4 or 5 units during the semester.

Students on probation are not permitted to register for tutorials, independent studies, internships not required by their major, or Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) courses. Individuals on academic probation are not eligible to hold office or a leadership position in any student group or organization. Appropriate additional restrictions may be imposed. Placement on probationary status may affect a student’s financial aid package. Please click here for the Financial Aid Office’s web page to view the policy on satisfactory academic progress and aid eligibility. The academic progress of every student placed on probation will be closely monitored by the staff of the Office of Advising and Accessibility. A student who has been suspended from the College may not enroll in the College either as a full-time or part-time degree student or as a special student. Suspended students registered for an upcoming semester will be removed from courses. Suspended students may not participate in any activities of the College until such a time as they have been readmitted.

For degree seeking undergraduate students you will be placed on academic probation if your cumulative or semester GPA falls below a 2.0. For non-degree seeking students, if a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is not achieved by the completion of 8 units, the student will placed on academic probation. Students who achieve 2.0 semester and cumulative indices will be removed from probationary status at the end of the fall or spring.

Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 and above for all courses and cumulative GPA.

Appeals of a suspension may be made to the Office of the Provost; however, a student is considered suspended unless an appeal is granted and the student is readmitted.

A suspended student may be considered for readmission upon formal application to the Office of Admissions after the lapse of at least one year. Such an application should provide information about increased maturity, as well as enhanced academic skills. If the application is approved, readmission will be probationary for a period of one semester only. If good academic standing is not achieved and maintained, the student will be expelled.