Registrar’s Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

New student password lookup:

Then login to your email: to accept terms and conditions.

Here is how you can retrieve your Wagner ID Number:

  1. First login to myWagner
  2. Then, at the top of the page, click Personal Info
  3. Then, click on the Biographical Info tab
  4. You will see your ID number on the right hand side.
  1. First login to myWagner
  2. Then, at the top of the page, click Personal Info
  3. Then, click on the Academic Info
  4. At the top of the page it will say  No Holds if you do not have any hold on your account. If any holds are present they will be listed here.
  5. Please see the Bursar’s Office for any REG holds.   Please call 718 390-3122 or email

Billing takes place through our Student Account Center, which is accessed via the BILLING tab in MyWagner. Student Account Center provides live, online access to student accounts. The summary screen will show your most current balance, taking into account pending Financial Aid and any scheduled payment plan payments. Please allow one business day after registering for charges to be posted.

To request a Leave of Absence please follow these steps:

  1. Please click here for the Leave of Absence form

To withdraw for a semester or completely from Wagner College please follow these steps:

  1. Please click here for the Student Withdrawal Form

Please click here for the Declaration of Major

Please click here for the Declaration of Minor

Please remember that if you decide to double major only ONE degree is handed out for the 36 units.   If one major in the position of Major1 is a BA and your second Major2 is a BS, you will only get the BA.

Major1 is also where the student satisfy the SLC -Senior Learning Community work.

Double Major may not share more than 4 individual units.

Minors can not have more than 2 transfer units and can not fulfill other requirements in a major or a second minor.

Normally the student would complete the senior learning community in the primary major; however, some departments may require it in the second major as well. If the student is not required to complete the senior learning community in the second major, they are still required to complete the number of units required for the second

To request a verification enrollment letter:

  1. First, please click to visit our Forms page
  2. Next, look for Enrollment Verification
  3. Then, fill out the request form.
  4. Please note there is usually a 3 to 5 days turnaround and we ask that you give us the best address for where the letter should be sent.
  5. Please send to with one of the following the subject lines:
    • Full time enrollment verification
    • Graduation verification

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

FERPA is designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data. The College is permitted to provide directory information without the student’s consent unless she or he requests, in writing, that such information not be disclosed. Students also have the right to file complaints with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act. Copies can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. It is also printed in the Student Handbook and the College Bulletin, and can be found on the Registrar web page. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

At Wagner College, the following is considered “Directory Information” and may at the discretion of the administration, be made available to the general public and individuals requesting the information: Student’s name, local address, permanent address, phone on record, e-mail address, college major, minor and/or concentration, honors, awards, classification, enrollment status (full- or part-time), dates of attendance (current and past), degrees conferred, dates of conferral, graduation distinctions and digital imaging (photo or film).  For athletics, additional permission is given for their participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, and hometown. Students may refuse to have the directory information listed above, or some of the categories, released to third parties by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office by the fourth week of any given semester.

Every individual has a right to request that their directory information be kept confidential. Requests by faculty and staff are handled by Human Resources and requests from students are handled by the Registrar’s Office. When someone’s data are marked as confidential, the information is highlighted in the system so that anyone who calls up an individual’s ID record and sees it highlighted knows that they are not to give out that information (in the HR module, the confidential information has a red circle with a line through it next to the information). Students are also asked whether they will allow the institution to speak with their parents about their academic record (FERPA). These records are maintained by the Registrar’s Office.

The following codes will be placed in the priv_code field within the profile record. The Registrar’s Office will maintain this table.

FD = FERPA + Directory (we cannot discuss the student’s academic record; we must keep their directory information confidential)

FN = FERPA + No directory (we cannot discuss the student’s academic record; their directory information is not confidential)

ND = No FERPA + Directory (we can discuss their academic record; we must keep their directory information confidential)

NN = No FERPA + No directory (we can discuss their academic record; their directory information is not confidential)

Students who wish to change their FERPA coding, please go to the Registrar’s Office under Forms/Instructions and then Personal Information Forms toward the bottom of page.

Curriculum FAQs


The Key Skills and Knowledge curriculum at Wagner College promotes in students:

• critical thinking skills that enable them to analyze information and develop approaches that are new to them and lead to a better understanding of their world;

• an appreciation of different modes of inquiry that aid in the continuing search for knowledge, understanding, and truth;

• competence in the skills of listening, speaking, and writing, to promote effective communication and self-expression;

• competence in scientific reasoning and quantitative analysis;

• an ability to understand the relationship between the individual and the world, based on a knowledge of history and sociocultural dynamics;

• competency in “learning by doing,” where ideas and field-based experiences are related, reflected in writing and discussion, and applied in ways that improve their world;

• an appreciation of and sensitivity to the arts;

• recognition of the values that shape moral, ethical, and spiritual judgments, including an understanding of the importance of these principles in their personal and social life;

•familiarity with the individual’s own culture and other cultures in a global context;

•knowledge in depth and skill in a scholarly discipline.

  MDS 106 or 107
  MDS 103 or 109

Index of courses by skill
The items below display the Key Skills fulfilled by courses. Intensive designation is
indicated by double letters (XX) and text in all capitals. Practice or exposure designation
is indicated with a single letter (X) and text in title case.

Intercultural Understanding (UU/U)
Intensive (UU): Courses with an intensive designation focus on differences among
individuals and groups (vis à vis social positions, practices and power relations) as seen
in the intersection of major elements of identity such as ethnicity, gender expression,
language, nationality, immigration, race, religious belief and practice, sex, sexuality,
ability/disability, and socio-economic status.

Practice or exposure (U): Courses with a practice/exposure designation include
discussion/application of intercultural understanding, but do not make it a central focus of
the course.

Creativity (CC/C)
Intensive (CC): Courses with an intensive designation focus on artistic creativity from
conception to end product. Students will be exposed to artistic traditions and analytic
approaches, will develop skills through studying and practicing techniques and formal
strategies, will be encouraged to develop personal responses to the traditions and genres
in which they work, and will create art by synthesizing the ideas, concepts, and
techniques in original expressions, such as writings, visual arts, musical compositions,
and performances.

Practice or exposure (C): Courses with a practice/exposure designation develop creativity
and/or focus on understanding creative processes in any field.

Critical Reading and Analysis (RR/R)
Intensive (RR): Courses with an intensive designation focus on sustained instruction in
the critical reading of academic texts, literary works, historical documents and other
kinds of material culture. Students learn to move beyond a superficial understanding of a
text to notice critical details and underlying positions, question assumptions, consider a
range of interpretive possibilities, draw out the implications of the observations, and put
interpretations in conversation with relevant texts and contexts.

Practice or exposure (R): Courses with a practice/exposure designation deeply engage
students with texts of varying levels of complexity.

Technological Competency (TT/T) & Information Literacy (LL/L)
Intensive (TT): Courses with an intensive designation focus during class or laboratory
time on creation or instruction of technology with active student involvement (beyond
word processing, presentation, and classroom management programs).

Practice or exposure (T): Courses with a practice/exposure designation use technology to
support course content (beyond word processing, presentation, and classroom
management programs).

Intensive (LL): Courses with an intensive designation dedicate a substantial portion of
instruction during class or laboratory time to helping students develop a comprehensive
information literacy skill set. Courses begin with how to effectively identify a need for
information, and move through how to locate, evaluate, utilize, and responsibly share that

Practice or exposure (L): Courses with a practice/exposure designation require students to
critically analyze information to support course content.

Oral Communication (OO/O):
Intensive (OO): Courses with an intensive designation focus on sustained oral
communication instruction, including feedback and revision, and culminate in formal oral
presentations. Students learn how to prepare a presentation with an audience in mind,
including increasing knowledge of the audience or persuading.

Practice or exposure (O): Courses with a practice/exposure designation use public
speaking and verbal interactions to support course content (beyond normal lecture or
Q&A interactions).

Quantitative Thinking (QQ/Q):
Intensive (QQ): Courses with an intensive designation instruct students to proficiently
construct logical arguments and rigorous mathematical proofs, and develop students’
aptitude to produce examples and counter-examples, with a focus on differentiating
between coherent mathematical arguments and fallacious ones.
Further, these courses teach students the difference between inductive and deductive
reasoning, including mathematical induction, and how to formulate general hypotheses
and conjectures by abstracting general principles from numerical examples and problems.
Finally, courses with an intensive designation train students how to analyze real-world
problems quantitatively, formulate reasonable estimates, apply appropriate equations, and
differentiate between valid and questionable conclusions.

Practice or exposure (Q): Courses with a practice/exposure designation help students
interpret quantitative information (both numerical and pertaining to systems of logic) and
develop arguments supported by quantitative information expressed in various formats,
such as equations, graphs, charts, tables, propositional or symbolic logical arguments, etc.
Written Communication (WW/WC):

Intensive (WW): Courses with an intensive designation focus on building skills of writing
as a major component of course content, and offer overt and sustained instruction in
writing. Students complete multiple formal writing assignments of varying length that
include at least one instructor-guided revision process, and that total a minimum of
twenty pages.

Practice or exposure (WC): Courses with a practice/exposure designation use the skill of
writing to support course content.

Academic Policy FAQs

A unit (or proportion thereof) represents satisfactory completion of
course work required for 3.34 hours a week  for in lecture/recitation weekly. or, in the case of science courses with a lab, 4.4 hours a week over a 13 week semester exclusive of the final exam.

  1.  You MUST have 36 overall completed units which include your general education and major and/or minor requirements and any electives to get you to that number
  2.  You MUST have a 2.0 or above in Cumulative GPA sometimes the major course may be 3.0, as in education,  if required

Class standing is determined by the number of units completed.

  1. Freshman: Standing with less than 8 units completed
  2. Sophomore: 8-16.5 units completed
  3. Junior: 17-25.5 units completed
  4. Senior: 26 or more units completed

The grading scale is as follows:

  1. A=4.0
  2. A- =3.7
  3. B+ =3.3
  4. B=3.0
  5. B- =2.7
  6. C+=2.3
  7. C=2.0
  8. C- =1.7
  9. D+=1.3
  10. D=1.0,
  11. D- = 0.7
  12. F=0.0


The numeric equivalents of the grades as mentioned above are as follows:

  1.       93-100
  2. A-      90-92.9
  3. B+     87-89.9
  4.      83-86.9
  5. B-      80-82.9
  6. C+     77-79.9
  7. C       73-76.9
  8. C-      70-72.9
  9. D+    67-69.9
  10.     63-66.9
  11. D-    60-62.9
  12. F      Below 60

The pass-fail option is an optional way to get credit for a course: The criteria is below:

  1. Only available for 2nd year and above. Granted by special request to registrar
  2. Can’t be course from major minor or gen ed.
  3. Declared by 4th week, irrevocable
  4. Does not count as a letter grade

Advanced Placement tests must have a score of 4 or better and a report would need to come from the College Board officially.   Nine units is the maximum allowed for transfer.  Units will be calculated for earned units which can change the classification of the student.  Here are the course transfer Equivalencies.

AP Transfer Equivalencies

International Baccalaureate Policy

Wagner College recognizes the International Baccalaureate as a challenging program of study and takes this into consideration when reviewing an applicant’s record. Students who present scores of 5 or better on the IB higher level examinations may be granted advanced standing and/or credit. Credit is offered on an individual, course-by-course basis by the Registrar.

Degree-seeking Wagner College students may register for coursework at other colleges or universities only if the appropriate academic department chair or program coordinator and the Registrar approve in advance.

Students who wish to have the credits accepted for transfer should be aware of the following:

It must be an approved program (study abroad or visiting student) and is valid for the semester and year indicated above. You must attach a full copy of the course syllabus listing the number of class hours per week to this form.

Must get a final grade of “C” or better and may count toward the student’s Wagner degree but is not calculated in the cumulative or the major.

Students who enter Wagner with transfer credits may transfer in additional credits according to the following table:

Transfer units awarded upon entry Additional transfer units allowed after entry (General/Major)
0-7.5 units 4/2
8-16.5 units 3/2
17-25.5 units 2/1
26 units and Above 0/0

Exceptions may be made for students participating in study abroad programs and other Wagner-approved programs. An Academic Petition would have to be submitted if not within the policy.

The approval of the Graduate Program Director is required for all transfer credits. The number of credits accepted from accredited graduate schools may vary among departments. Grades below the B- level are not acceptable for transfer. Students wishing to take courses at another college for transfer to their graduate record at Wagner College should obtain written approval from the Graduate Program Director before registering for such courses. Courses that have been taken within a ten-year period will be accepted in transfer. No 500-level course taken as part of an undergraduate program may be transferred into a graduate program.

If a student believes that there has been an error in matters of grading and attendance, after first speaking to the professor involved and trying to solve the matter there, the student may appeal to the chair of the department offering the course, or to the appropriate Graduate
Program Director.

If there continues to be a disagreement, the Registrar will review the appeal and make a determination. If there is compelling evidence of unfairness, the student may appeal to the Provost or designee. The Provost or designee’s decision is final, and is not subject to further

An appeal must be submitted, in writing, to the appropriate office as outlined in the previous paragraph no later than the close of business on the last business day of the third full week of classes of the semester (fall or spring) following the term in which the grade was given.


The cumulative index is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of graded units attempted. Units with grades of “D” and “F” will be included, and courses which carry no units or quality points will be excluded. A cumulative index of 2.0 is required for graduation. Quality points are granted on the basis of the grades earned in each course taken at Wagner. Units completed in courses that do not have letter grading, e.g., student teaching, proficiency examinations, courses under pass-fail option, as well as courses transferred into Wagner, carry no quality points. Quality point equivalencies are as follows:

A = 4.0 B- = 2.7 D+ = 1.3
A- = 3.7 C+ = 2.3 D = 1.0
B+ = 3.3 C = 2.0 D- = 0.7
B = 3.0 C- = 1.7 F = 0.0

For the Major:

The major index is determined in the same manner by dividing the number of quality points earned by the total number of graded units in courses designated as major courses, including courses with grades of “D” or “F.” A major index of 2.0 is required as a qualification for graduation. For some academic programs a higher index is required. Courses which are considered major courses and are used to calculate the major index are specifically indicated by major in the Courses of Study section. The computation of the indices is subject to the conditions governing the pass-fail option, repeating of courses, and transferring of credit.


  1. Transcript:      Get on MyWagner and print a copy of your transcript
  2. Program requirements:
  • For undergrads:       Go to CACE and pull down the major check list  edu/cace/files/2012/12/Major-Checksheets.pdf

For graduates:       See the department chair of the program

  1. Identify your major coursework
  2. Set up in an Excel spreadsheet (sample included)

Multiply calculated credits by numerical equivalent of grade.

Ex:      q.p = (Quality  Points)

For undergraduate work:   1 unit x        3.0      (B)            =            3.0   q.p.
For graduate work:            3 credits x        3.7      (A-)          =             11.1  q.p.

Do this for each course. This is the most accurate procedure. Although it’s easier to add all the calculated units/credits, all the grade equivalents and go from there, it’s not as accurate.

Add calculated units/credits. Add quality points.

Ex:                          1        (units)           B         3.0     (quality points)

+        1                           A-       3.7

1                            A        4.0

1                            B-       2.7


4                                     13.4

Divide quality points by calculated credits.

Ex:      13.4 divided by 4 = 3.35 which presents the GPA

NOTE: Do not average ‘P’ grades or ‘W’ grades, but do average ‘F’ grades.

Ex:      1.66 u. x 0.00 (P) = 0.00

0.00 u. x 0.00 (W) = 0.00

1.00 u. x 0.00 (F) = 0.00 still = 1 unit in the calculation for credits which is different from earn

Have fun!

Course Questions:

Courses in which you received a D or F may be real retaken at Wagner college only. The original grade will remain on your transcript however, the most recent grade will be the one factored into your GPA. Undergraduates can repeat a course only once and can repeat a maximum of seven courses. Both grades will remain on the transcript.

Please note that the unit/credit will not be counted twice for earned unit/credit so students should plan to make sure they make up the units to meet the graduation requirement of your program.

The student must obtain approval from their advisor to carry an additional unit during the academic year, which would result in increased tuition. Additionally, the student is required to maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.2.

If you are in your freshman year, approval will not be granted until after the first semester, once final grades have been entered, allowing the advisor to verify whether the GPA requirement has been met.

A student in the last year of the bachelor’s degree program may take a maximum of nine credits of graduate courses toward a master’s degree, subject to all of the following conditions:

  1. Students must have completed the junior year.
  2. To apply , the student must file an application for permission to take graduate courses with the Office of Graduate Studies. This application must be approved by the chair of the department in which the student is enrolled and by the Graduate Program Director.
  3. This written approval must be granted before the student will be permitted to register.

Students are permitted to take a maximum of nine credits of graduate (600 level or above) courses in the senior year, with no more than six credits of graduate work in a given semester.

The credits will be over and above the 36 units needed for the bachelor’s degree and may not be applied to that degree.

Graduation/Commencement Questions

You can view your graduation date by following these steps:

Review your unofficial transcript in your mywagner account then calculate your projected graduation date based on how many units you have left and requirements needed to complete major, minor and  skills and knowledge.

36 units are required for graduation which consists of your general education (skills and knowledge) and your major and/or minor requirements.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office if you have any further questions

In order to apply for graduation:

You have to meet the Graduation Requirements:

For graduate students, please contact the Department Chair to review and to have the graduation application completed, which is also the degree audit.  Please go to FORMS for the application.

For undergraduate students, please do the following:

Please follow the following steps to see your degree process and remaining requirements:

  1. Go through the requirements for your specific major, and check off any courses you have completed. Click here to find out requirements for your major.
  2. Go through the General Education requirements and check off any courses you have completed. Click here to see the General Education Requirements 
  3. After reviewing the checklist and marking off the courses you have completed, contact your advisor to review and/or call the Registrar’s Office at 718- 390-3173 to make an appointment.
  4. Please bring both requirement sheets with you to the meeting.

After determining you are eligible to apply for graduation, you would need to fill out a Application to Graduation Form. Please click here for an Application to Graduate Form

For the determination of eligibility for Latin Honors, indices are based on all courses taken by the student at Wagner.  To be eligible for a degree cum laude, the student must have an earned cumulative index.  (Policy change approved Fall 2019)

  • Cum laude (with honors) 3.50
  • Magna cum laude (with high honors) 3.75
  • Summa cum laude (with highest honors). 3.90

Diplomas are ordered after commencement and your degree application asks you to PRINT your name AS YOU would like on your Diploma.   So confirm that your name is request at the time of the final degree audit.

If we receive requests for a change in the diploma name, you will be charged a replacement charge and it will take up to 4 to 6 weeks to receive.

Any graduate who has a Bursar’s hold will not be able to receive the diploma and/or transcript until the balance is paid in full

To order a replacement diploma:

Diploma Replacement Order form

  1. Pay the $50 fee and obtain a payment confirmation number.
  2. Once you have paid and completed the form, please email the form to

 You must earn 4 units with no incompletes or Pass Fail and a semester GPA 3.7

Independent Study and Internship Questions

Please follow the following steps to apply for an internship for credit.

  1. Visit the Center for Academic and Career Engagement (CACE) to initiate the internship for academic credit process. Please click here for the Internship for Credit Forms.
  2. Then, have your faculty advisor, department chair, and site supervisor approve and sign the necessary internship paperwork.
  3. When all signatures have been obtained, submit the internship paperwork to the Registrar’s Office during the registration period for the semester you are seeking to obtain credit.
  4. Once the Registrar has reviewed and approved the request for the internship for academic credit, the student will be enrolled in the internship course.
  5. Please note tuition charges apply as for any academic course. Students are advised to initiate the internship location and registration process at least one semester prior to desired enrollment in the internship course. 

Academic credit internships are also available to students who have earned a minimum of four units with a minimum 2.5 grade point average. Typically, an internship taken for one unit requires 105 work hours while an internship taken for two units requires 210 work hours; however, specific degree programs may require more, such as Arts Administration. Please consult the department chair to verify the required number of work hours prior to registering for the internship. Not including internship requirements of major programs, a student may apply no more than two units of internship credit toward the 36 units required for the bachelor’s degree

Students who have demonstrated a capacity for individual work at an advanced level may, with approval, register for Independent Study in place of a regular, non-core course

Each student must have both a minimum of 5 earned units and a grade point average of 3.0 in the department in which he or she is doing the independent study. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the Registrar, the chair of the department, and the faculty mentor.

For all undergraduates, independent studies have the following college-wide minimum requirements:

  1. Each student must have both a minimum of 5 earned units
  2. Each student must have a  grade point average of 3.0 in the department in which he or she is doing the independent study.
  3. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the Registrar, the chair of the department, and the faculty mentor.

Graduate students who enroll in an Independent Study course must have both a minimum of nine credits earned and a grade point average of 3.0 in the department in which they are doing the independent study. Students are permitted to count no more than six credit hours of Independent Study courses toward their graduate degree. Students are required to register for an Independent Study by the last day for adding courses.

No student is permitted to count more than two Independent Study courses toward an undergraduate degree. Students are required to register for Independent Study by the last day of the Add/Drop period.

Transfer Questions

We are using the TES – Transfer Equivalent Website to see if a course has already been evaluated to see how it transferred in.

At this time there is no course equivalency catalogue. All courses for transfer must go through the pre-approval form which is located on our FORMS page.

In order to have a Course Pre-Approved for Transfer:


Incoming Students:  Upon review with the Admissions Office, incoming students should have all official college transcripts sent to Admissions for evaluation.  Please contact the Admissions Office for further instructions on this process.


Current Students:

Review of transfer courses has to go through the pre-approval process.

Please discuss with your advisor then complete the preapproval of transfer credit form found here


Please go here for information pertaining benefits:

Veteran’s Benefits and Resources

Your contact is:  Theresa Weimer, Director of Financial Aid  who can be reached at: or 1-718-390-3183



Registration Questions

  1. Once logged in to myWagner, click on the Academics Tab
  2. Then, click on Course Schedule and Planner, which is located on the left side bar
  3. Then, click Course Registration
  4. Use the Course Search field to search for a course. (Be sure that all criteria, such as Semester, Course Code, Title, etc are correct)
  5. Once the criteria is correct, click search.
  1. Once logged in to myWagner, click on the Academics Tab
  2. Then, click on Course Schedule and Planner, which is located on the left side bar
  3. Then, click Course Registration
  4. Then, click on the Add by Course Code tab
  5. Once you have added the courses, be sure to click Course Registration. The courses you added by their code should be listed below.
  1. Once logged in to myWagner, click on the Academics Tab
  2. Then, click on Course Schedule and Planner, which is located on the left side bar
  3. Then, click Course Registration
  4. On the bottom half of the screen, you will see the courses you are currently schedule for. Click the courses you wish to drop and click Drop Selected Courses
  1. Once logged in to myWagner, click on the Academics Tab
  2. Then, click on Course Schedule and Planner, which is located on the left side bar
  3. Then, click Course Registration
  4. On the bottom half of the screen, you will see the courses you are currently schedule for. Click the courses you wish to swap and click Swap.
  5. A course search page will load. You may enter the course code directly OR enter a criteria to search and swap a new course.

In order to be added to a course that is full or you do not have the prerequisite for,  you would need to approval from the course’s professor. Complete the DROP/ADD Form that is available online only under the registrar’s office FORMS/INSTRUCTION.  this form will be sent directly to the professor and once approved it will be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for pricessing.

If you  do not hear back from the instructor OR they have responded that the course is closed and you can not be added, please make another choice before the end of drop/add.  There has be a confirmation if the course is approved and added.

Choosing your courses before your start time will make your selections invalid.  You have to select the courses after your start time to have the system accept your selection.  If you miss your sign up time, there will be another opportunity after 3:00pm when we reopen the groups after the initial openings.

To withdraw from a course after the Add/Drop period:

  1. Click here to view the Course Withdrawal Form
  2. Fill out the form and return to the Registrar’s Office

Academic Probation Questions

While on probation, the student should repeat as many “D” and “F” graded courses as are available on the course schedule. A maximum of seven courses can be repeated in an effort to earn a higher grade. Part-time students may take 1 to 2 units during the semester. Full-time students may take 4 or 5 units during the semester.

Students on probation are not permitted to register for tutorials, independent studies, internships not required by their major, or Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) courses. Individuals on academic probation are not eligible to hold office or a leadership position in any student group or organization. Appropriate additional restrictions may be imposed. Placement on probationary status may affect a student’s financial aid package. Please click here for the Financial Aid Office’s web page to view the policy on satisfactory academic progress and aid eligibility . The academic progress of every student placed on probation will be closely monitored by the staff of the Center for Academic and Career Engagement. A student who has been suspended from the College may not enroll in the College either as a full-time or part-time degree student or as a special student. Suspended students who were registered for an upcoming semester will be removed from courses. Suspended students may not participate in any activities of the College until such a time as they have been readmitted.

For degree seeking undergraduate students you will be placed on academic probation if your cumulative or semester GPA falls below a 2.0. For non-degree seeking students, if a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is not achieved by the completion of 8 units, the student will placed on academic probation. Students who achieve 2.0 semester and cumulative indices will be removed from probationary status at the end of the fall or spring.

Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 and above for all courses and cumulative GPA.

Appeals of a suspension may be made to the Office of the Provost; however, a student is considered suspended unless an appeal is granted and the student is readmitted.

A suspended student may be considered for readmission upon formal application to the Office of Admissions after the lapse of at least one year. Such an application should provide information about increased maturity, as well as enhanced academic skills. If the application is approved, readmission will be probationary for a period of one semester only. If good academic standing is not achieved and maintained, the student will be expelled.

First Year Learning Community Questions

There are several different factors that influence how you were placed in a Learning Community (LC). First, we try our best to accommodate your top choices but you are not guaranteed a specific LC. All classes in an LC and your 4th class will apply towards graduation requirements. In addition if you are involved in other campus organizations like choir, band, athletics, etc. then your schedule will only permit certain classes.

Don’t panic, this class can be easily changed. There were a couple of questions that we asked you on the New Student Form to see if you had these credits. If this was left blank, then you were scheduled for a class.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office and we can review the situation on the best course of action.

Yes. Any course that offers a lab is required.

College is very different from high school. Not everyone will have the same classes. There are some courses that you are taking now that someone else will take next semester and vice versa due to space. We believe in getting to know our students and therefore have small class sizes. As a result, not everyone can take the same class at the same time.

One unit is equal to 3.34 credit hours. A one unit course meets for at least 3 hours per week for 13 weeks. Tuition covers 9 units per academic year (for example Fall 2018-Spring 2019). Therefore you will take either 4 or 5 units in one semester. Wagner suggests starting with 4 units in order to adjust to college level work. However some majors may require starting with 5. Certain sports that are in-season may also require athletes to start with 5. Students expecting to graduate within four years should take/earn 9 units per year. 36 units are required for graduation as well as satisfying both major and General Education requirements.

At the end of the academic year all incoming freshmen will earn 9 units (if all classes receive a passing grade), no more and no less. Tuition covers 9 units.