
Below are commonly used forms for the Registrar's Office. Simply download the form you need, complete it, and it will be automatically sent to our office. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to us at or call 718-390-3173 for assistance.


Academic Forms

Enrollment Management Forms

Course Forms


Please avoid submitting duplicate requests for add and drop. Allow faculty 24-48 hours to respond to your inquiry. If you don't receive a response within that time frame, please consider the course closed and select an alternative class. This is an electronic form that will be automatically sent to the registrar's office upon submission.


Graduation Forms

The deadlines for signed graduate applications are February 1 for the August graduation date, June 1 for December, and November 1 for May.

Personal Information Forms

Transfer Credit and Study Abroad

Office of Academic Advising and Accessibility Forms

Please click here for the Office of Academic Advising and Accessibility website.

The following forms can be found on their homepage: