
For emergencies, contact 718-390-3148.

The Residential Education Professional Staff is composed of full-time professionals and graduate student staff members. The goal of the office is to help students be as successful as possible during their experience at Wagner College! If you have any questions, please feel free to review our contact information and reach out to one of our staff members.

Residential Education Professional Staff


Reilly Schaefer

Deputy Chief of Staff for Student Support

718-390-3109 Office of Residential Education, Towers Hall B

Reilly (she/hers) oversees the NEST and is currently overseeing Residential Education.

Nicole Ntumba

Assistant Director of Residential Education

718-390-3441 Harborview Hall

Nicole (she/hers) serves as the Assistant Director overseeing our residential student experience in all 4 residence halls.

Andriann Andreone

Administrative Assistant

718-390-3712 Office of Residential Education, Towers Hall B

Andriann 'Ann' Andreone (she/her) oversees the central office, including support for the Director and supervising the DA program.

Graduate Residential Coordinators


Samantha (Sam) Marquez

Graduate Residential Coordinator for Harborview Hall

718-390-3742 Harborview Hall GRC Office, Lobby of Harborview Hall

Kevin Roach

Graduate Residential Coordinator for Guild Hall & Foundation Hall

718-390-4535 Foundation Hall GRC Office, 1st Floor

Morgan Hibel

Graduate Residential Coordinator for Towers Hall

718-390-3495 Towers Hall GRC Office, D Tower

Front Desks


Harborview Hall

718-390-3442 Harborview Hall provides housing, primarily, to our first-year students. Graduate students also can find homes in Harborview!

Guild Hall

718-390-7359 Guild Hall is home to upperclass students!

Foundation Hall

718-420-4536 Foundation Hall is home to our upperclass students and our BRIDGES program!

Towers Hall

718-390-3161 Towers Hall is home to a mixed population of our upperclass and graduate students. Plus, Greek life has floors for their organizations!

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