Student Conduct Information

A conduct process has been established to address any instance in which a student violates the basic standard of community living by endangering the safety of other students or by violating any of the policies outlined by the Student Handbook.  A detailed description of the Community Standards Review Process, Range of Possible Sanctions, and the Appeals Process may also be found in the Student Handbook (p. 164-174).
The following are examples of the expectations set forth by Residential Education for behavior within the residential community. The examples may give rise to a charge of violating the Student Handbook. These examples are not exclusive and are provided to illustrate prohibited conduct.

Harborview Hall and Foundation Hall have central air. Parker Towers Hall and Guild Hall are not air-conditioned. Students are not permitted to bring personal air conditioners due to the electrical systems those halls.

a. Students under the age of 21 may not consume alcohol.
b. Alcohol may not be possessed or consumed in the presence of individuals under the age of 21. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the ages of the other people with whom s/he is socializing.
c. Students under the age of 21 may not be in the presence of alcohol consumption in the residence halls at any time.
d. Alcohol consumption is not permitted in public areas unless otherwise authorized by the College. Public areas include: 1.) Parking lots, 2.) Sutter Oval, 3). Classrooms, 4.) Residence hall common areas, lobbies, hallways, elevators, lounges and bathrooms, 5.) Fraternity, sorority and special interest group lounges and 6). Any land owned or operated by Wagner College (including Grymes Hill Apartments)
e. Consumption from a “common source” such as a keg, beer ball, large amounts of mixed drinks, or any variation of a bulk capacity container is strictly prohibited.
f. Drinking games of any type that promote the excessive consumption of alcohol are prohibited.

a. Impaired behavior due to alcohol is prohibited. It can be described as behavior exhibited by an individual that requires the attention of a staff member and may be out of the ordinary for that individual, including, but not limited to: slurred speech, inability to walk properly, erratic, belligerent or overly aggressive behavior.

If a Wagner College staff member believes an individual under the age of 21 is transporting alcohol on or into any Wagner owned or operated property, that staff member has the right to check any packages, book bags, etc and confiscate alcohol and/or other items that may be in violation of College policy.
a. Students less than 21 years of age may not possess alcohol.
b. Any resident (or guest of a resident) bringing alcohol into the residence halls must show appropriate identification to verify her/his age.
c. Possession or transporting of alcohol in an open container anywhere on College property except in private residential rooms is prohibited. Open containers are defined as
bottles with broken seals, container tops off or unsealed, cups with alcohol, bottles in brown bags, and the like.
d. Possession of a “common source” of alcohol such as a keg, beer ball, large amounts of mixed drinks, or any variation of a bulk capacity container is prohibited.

a. Providing alcohol to any person who is not 21 years of age is prohibited.
b. Sale of alcohol is prohibited, except where authorized by the College.

a. In all Wagner College operated residential facilities, alcohol is ONLY permitted in those residential suites and rooms where a student is 21 years old or older. If the student lives with a student under the age of 21, alcohol may only be possessed in the student's room.  In suites, alcohol can ONLY be in the common area if the student when all members of the suite are 21 years old or older.
b. Guests visiting the residence halls who are of legal age to consume alcohol may only do so if their host (the registered Wagner Student) is 21 years of age and does not live in Harborview Hall.
c. Possession of alcohol is restricted to a resident’s room ONLY. Of age students are permitted to possess one of the following: i. One (1) case of beer; OR ii. One (1) gallon of wine; OR iii. One (1) case of wine coolers; OR iv. One (1) liter of liquor
d. Hosting or attending a gathering of ten or more people in a resident’s room or suite
where alcoholic beverages are present is prohibited.
e. Harborview Hall is substance-free; no students are permitted to have alcohol, including those that are 21 years of age.

Alcohol paraphernalia is strictly prohibited. Alcohol paraphernalia may be defined as any material or equipment that promotes, enhances or magnifies the rate of consumption of alcohol. This includes but is not limited to the following: Beer funnels, empty alcohol containers, and beer pong tables, beer balls, structures resembling bars, alcohol signage and the like.

Candles and/or incense are not permitted in the residence halls, even for decorative purposes.

All residents of the room/apartment shall be held accountable for the cleanliness of the room/apartment. Residents in the room/apartment may be assessed cleaning charges during and/or at the end of the semesters if regular cleaning is not performed. If the cleanliness of a room/apartment is not sufficient, the residents will be required to clean the room/apartment immediately, or be subject to cleaning charges.

Residence Hall computers need to be registered with Wagner College in order to access the Internet and other resources. The registrant is responsible for all network activity originating from the registered computer regardless of any individual operating the computer, either directly or remotely, at the time.
Wagner College strongly urges residence hall computer use to maintain a current update virus checking system on their computers. Any computer found propagating viruses or works via network or email would be disconnected from the network at the sole discretion of the network management. Any student responsible for this may be referred to the
Dean’s Office.
User Certification
Use of any computer or network resource of Wagner College will constitute agreement to be bound by these computing policies. Any person who uses the College computer facilities, communication systems or online systems, agrees to be bound by this posted and published policy by logging on to any part of the system (with or without authorization) and will be bound hereby.
Use of the College computing facilities in violation of the above restrictions, in violation of applicable law, or in violation of other college rules and regulations governing conduct by members of the college community may result in suspension or termination of access to computing facilities, and to other disciplinary action as may be appropriate. Users agree that the College is not responsible for the loss of any data or files including losses due to the failure of College owned
hardware or software.

It is expected that all Wagner College students treat the property of the College, of its members
and any other property, including that of visitors to the College, with respect. Vandalism, damage
or destruction of College property or any other property off-campus is prohibited.  Any policy violation occurring in a community space will be charged to all persons present in that community space.

Pictures, posters, and other items used to decorate rooms can make residents feel more at home. Decorations are encouraged as long as they do not create health or fire hazards or damage the room. Decorations must adhere to the following standards:
  • Adhesive LED lights are prohibited.
  • Live cut Christmas trees are prohibited.
  • Traffic and street signs require proof of purchase.
  • Tapestries, wall hangings, and posters that cover more than 50% of the wall or ceiling
    space in a room or obstruct a doorway, light, smoke detector, and any wood structures.
  • Shelves and other structures may not be attached to room furnishings, walls, ceilings, or
    floors. Any item hanging from or attached to the fire sprinkler pipes or sprinkler heads.
  • Privately purchased loft beds, building lofts or any wooden structure not approved by the
  • Nothing can be attached to the wall with any item that would puncture the wall surface. (i.e. picture frames, mirrors, shelving, speakers, bulletin or wipe boards, etc.)

Emergency exit doors and exterior doors may not be propped, held open, and/or left open. Emergency exit doors may not be opened unless an emergency exists. Residents are also prohibited from allowing unidentified persons to enter a secure building by having the person(s) follow in behind them after they have opened the door (also see Safety and Security Standards). Side stairwell doors are exit only.
Deadbolts may not be used to prop any doors. Propping the door open with the deadbolt may damage the lock mechanisms. Residents will be held financially responsible should the lock mechanism be damaged due to door propping.
Wagner College and Residential Education are not responsible for lost or stolen items if your door is left open or propped.

Passenger elevators located within the residential community are provided for use by residents, their guests, and Wagner staff members. In order to keep elevators in safe working condition, the following actions are prohibited:
  • Intentional damage and/or vandalism to the elevators, such as prying elevator doors open, jumping, etc.
  • Overloading elevators.
If trapped in an elevator, sound the alarm and wait for help to arrive before attempting evacuation. The person trapped in the elevator should remain calm and comply with College and emergency personnel.

Student safety and security are of utmost importance in the Wagner College residence halls. In order to promote safety in the event of a fire, the Office of Residential Education only permits personal furnishings that meet fire retardant standards. The furniture provided by our Office meets all fire codes; therefore, Residential Education will provide fire retardant furniture in all common areas and suites.
Effective beginning August 2012, Wagner College only permits authorized, fire retardant furniture in the on-campus residence hall rooms and suites. Fire retardant furniture is also recommended in the Grymes Hill apartments.
Furnishings that are permitted in the residence halls:
  • Upholstered furniture that complies with California Technical Bulletin 117 fire code (furniture must have an attached tag with the fire code listed)
  • Futons that comply with California Technical Bulletin 129 or BFD 1x-11, as evidenced by a tag attached to the futon mattress and indicating the fire code
  • Small organizational systems
  • Metal shelving units
Furnishings that are not permitted in the residence halls:
  • Waterbeds
  • Upholstered furniture and/or window treatments that do not comply with California Technical Bulletin 117 fire code
  • Personal non-upholstered furniture made of bamboo or rattan
  • Futons that do not comply with California Technical Bulletin 129 or BFD 1x-11
  • Halogen lamps
California Technical Bulletin 117: A standard developed by the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation stating the “Requirements, Test Procedures and Apparatus for Testing the Flame Retardancy of Resilient Filling Materials Used in of Upholstered Furniture”.
California Technical Bulletin 129: Also developed by the State of California, a flammability standard for mattresses used in public occupancies.

The presence/storage of any gas and/or fuel, including but not limited to, propane tanks for grills/stoves, gasoline, or fuel for lighter refills, is prohibited within the residence halls.

All students are responsible for the actions of their guests and visitors anywhere on campus. All guests and visitors should sign in at the front desk of all residence halls and may need to sign
in to events or programs sponsored by the College and/or student clubs/organizations. Guests and visitors of the College must adhere to all Wagner College policies and procedures and must
remain with the host at all times, without exception.
Every resident of the college is permitted no more than 2 guests at a time. Guests are permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls for a maximum of 2 nights within a given month. Upon arrival, each guest must be signed in by the host at the respective front desk of the residence hall by presenting a valid and current photo ID. Guests will be issued a guest pass upon sign-in and must carry this with them at all times.
If a student/guest of any building is in possession of improper identification, that identification will be confiscated. Guests may not be signed into more than one residence hall at a time. Roommates
are required to check with one another to confirm that guest/visitors are not an inconvenience to their living environment Visitation during exam weeks is limited to current members of the Wagner College community.
During Wagner College Break Periods, students remaining in housing may only have guests in the halls between 10 am and 8 pm; no overnight guests are permitted. Summer sessions for resident students operate the same as the academic year. The Office of Residential Education reserves the right to modify guest privileges at any time as determined by the needs of the community
and will notify residents in advance if changes are made.
As per the alcohol policy, hosting or attending a gathering of ten or more people in a resident’s room or suite where alcoholic beverages are present is prohibited.

As with the abuse of alcohol, the College recognizes the adverse effects the use of illegal drugs can have on students’ overall health and ability to achieve their personal best. However, unlike alcohol, non-prescription, illegal substances and dangerous drugs are not permitted at any time, and discovery of such may warrant the involvement of police authorities. Students who have been prescribed controlled substances should use only as prescribed by their doctor and should store these medications in their labeled containers. Verification of use of a prescribed controlled substance may be requested by a College official at any time.
  1. The policy on illegal substances and dangerous drugs prohibits:
    1. Use of illegal substances or otherwise dangerous drugs.
    2. Possession of illegal substances or otherwise dangerous drugs.
    3. Distribution or sale of illegal substances or otherwise dangerous drugs.
    4. Presence in or on College property under the influence of illegal substances or otherwise dangerous drugs.
    5. The manufacture or cultivation of illegal substances or otherwise dangerous drugs.
    6. Possession of drug paraphernalia or items commonly associated with the consumption of drugs (i.e. hollowed-out cigars, bongs, blow tubes, inhalant devices, hookahs, bongs, water pipes, etc.).
    7. g. Misuse or abuse of prescription drugs.
    8. Distribution of or sale of prescription drugs.
  2. Impaired behavior due to the use of illegal substances or dangerous drugs is prohibited. Impaired behavior is described as behavior exhibited by an individual that requires the attention of a staff member and may be out of the ordinary for that individual, including, but not limited to: slurred speech, inability to walk properly, erratic, belligerent or overly aggressive behavior.
*For more information about how specific drug convictions affect financial aid and student eligibility, please review the Drug Conviction Policy within the Financial Aid section of the Student Handbook.

Residents are issued keys to their rooms at the beginning of each semester. Upon losing a key residents should report the loss immediately to the Residential Education Staff of their residence hall. Residents who lose keys will be charged the full amount of materials and labor for a lock change ($75) Once a lock change has been completed, the charge cannot be reversed. Charges vary depending on the type of key lost and the location of the room/apartment. See fees section for a list of costs.
Residents may not:
  • Duplicate University keys
  • Alter locks
  • Loan/give their key(s)/access cards to another individual (including, but not limited to, roommates, friends, family, or other students).

Students are considered locked out of their rooms when they have exhausted all possibilities for locating their room key, including waiting for roommates to return home if the key was left in the room. If a student is locked out, he or she should go to the front desk of the hall, and the front desk will contact the RA on-call, who will do the lockout. Lockouts are done at all times. Monday through Friday between 9am-9pm, lockouts are done for residential students at no cost.  On Monday through Friday between 9pm-12am the cost of a lockout is $25.00, from 12am-9am the cost is $50.00.  On the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), lockouts between 9am-9pm are $25.00 and between 9pm-9am are $50.00.  Lockout charges are not appealable and are billed to a student's account. When the college is not in session (e.g. Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, etc) the lock out policy will be the weekend policy.

Animals or pets, other than aquarium fish, are not permitted in student rooms/apartments. Fish tanks larger than a 2-gallon capacity are not permitted. If prohibited pets are found in a room/apartment, the student will be required to remove the pet within 24 hours and disciplinary action may occur.
No dogs of any bread are allow on campus premises. If stray animals are found, contact Public Safety.

All posters and flyers must be affiliated with a recognized Wagner student club, organization, or a Wagner department.No posting may not exceed 22” x 28".
All flyers must be approved by Student Engagement and Activities (SEA). SEA Staff will stamp only 1 flyer, which can then be photocopied. Number of Copies 
Residential Education will accept a total of 65 copies (50 for residential floors and 15 for lobbies). Residential Education only accepts copies delivered by SEA.
All flyers should be delivered to SEA  (Union, 2nd floor) between the hours of 9am-12pm on Wednesdays.  Flyers dropped off after 12pm to SEA will not be delivered to Residential Education until the following Wednesday. The date of the event should be at least 2 weeks away from the Wednesday they are dropped off. A SEA staff member will deliver them to Res Ed on Wednesday afternoons.  Residential Education will then distribute the flyers throughout the residence halls.
Homecoming and Songfest
Any temporary modifications to this policy for Homecoming and Songfest will be communicated to students prior to the events by SEA.
Unauthorized postings will be removed and the individual students or organization may be referred to the Student Conduct process.

A reasonable noise level in the residence halls must be maintained at all times. Reasonable is defined as not loud enough to be heard outside of the room. All residence halls have 24-hour courtesy hours, every day of the week. This means that students are encouraged to communicate with one another and request quiet from their peers; all students are expected to respect and comply with those requests, within reason.
The following hours have been designated as quiet hours for all residence halls:
Sunday through Thursday, 11 PM – 10 AM
Friday and Saturday, 12 AM – 11 AM
During the final exam period, 24-hour quiet hours begin two days prior to the College’s first scheduled exam and extend through the closing of the residence halls. During this period,
noise must be kept to a minimum and should not be audible in the hallways and in other resident’s rooms.
Speakers directed to the area outside of the halls are prohibited.

In order to ensure the safety of all individuals in the Wagner College community, the following are prohibited:
  • Any candle, incense, or appliance with open face heating coils or elements such as hotpots, coffee pots, electric grills, toasters, air fryers, crockpots, rice cookers, and hot plates. Coffee makers that use pods to make individual servings are permitted.
  • Fireworks, firecrackers or any other chemicals, which are of an explosive or corrosive nature are prohibited on College property or at any College function.
  • Firearms, ammunition, offensive or defensive weapons, paintball guns, BB guns, sling shots, water guns, swords, stun guns, knives, and any other item that may be determined a weapon by the College.
  • Halogen lamps, lava lamps, and flexible multi-head lamps
    • Halogen lamps are prohibited because their bulbs reach high temperatures quickly and their small bases are often unsteady, increasing potential for tipping over.
    • It is important not to leave bulbs bare – they must be covered with an appropriate lampshade to avoid fires. Lamps should never be placed on beds or lofts where the lamp or a frayed cord could ignite the bedding.
  • Gasoline and any other flammable liquids.
  • Kerosene heaters, oil lamps, immersion coils and space heaters not provided by the College.
  • Non-UL approved power cord or extension cords.
  • Over-utilized electrical sockets.
  • Oversized refrigerators taller than 4 feet high (in residence halls).
  • Live cut Christmas trees.
  • Air conditioners.
  • Microwave ovens over 700 watts.
  • 50% of the space on each wall in the room must be left uncovered.
  • Shelves and other structures may not be attached to room furnishings, walls, ceilings, or floors.
  • Any item hanging from or attached to the fire sprinkler pipes or sprinkler heads.
  • Privately purchased loft beds, building lofts or any wooden structure not approved by the College.
  • Charcoal or gas grills (prohibited both in campus facilities and on the grounds.)
  • Furniture that does not comply with the Fire Retardant Furniture Policy.
  • Any pet or laboratory animal except fish (no dogs are permitted on the campus grounds)
  • Fish tanks larger than 2 gallons.
  • Pet equipment, food, supplies or paraphernalia. 

Residents are not permitted to assign, sublease or allow the use of the assigned space to another person and/or guest(s). Residents may not use their rooms/apartments as a place of business.. Residents are assigned a specific room for their use. Entering and/or using a vacant room for personal use may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to, restitution.

Wagner College promotes safety throughout the campus community however, safety is a shared responsibility between the College and the students. In order to promote the safety and security of building occupants, the following behaviors are prohibited:
  • Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, other weapons, or chemicals which are of an explosive or corrosive nature on College property or at College functions.
  • Tampering or playing with fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, exit lights, emergency lights or other emergency equipment.
  • Tampering with and/or disabling smoke detectors.
  • Blocking fire lanes near and around any building on campus. Vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense.
  • Hanging items from sprinkler heads and/or smoke detectors.
  • Tampering with or covering security cameras.
  • Tampering with or pulling a fire alarm under false pretenses.
  • Removing or damaging fire/evacuation maps/instructions from the back of the doors.
  • Obstructing hallways, stairwells, elevators and/or sidewalks with furniture, debris and other materials.
  • Tampering with room/apartment circuit breakers.
  • Leaving food cooking unattended.
  • Failure to report a fire to the proper authorities.
  • Creating a situation in which a fire alarm is activated due to smoke or fire conditions.
  • Failure to evacuate in a timely manner from a building during a fire alarm.
  • Refusing or failing to vacate a building during an alarm.

Smoking is permitted only in designated areas on campus
Wagner College is concerned about the health of the members of its community; subsequently, all Wagner College facilities are non-smoking. The smoking ban applies to all Wagner College facilities including the dining hall, Hawk’s Nest, lounges, lobbies, hallways, offices, rest rooms, workshops, classrooms, laboratories and any other interior spaces. In addition, any outdoor sports arena, such as our football stadium, is designated as a non-smoking area. Smoking in any areas of the four residence halls is prohibited.
Residents or guests who wish to smoke outside of the residence halls should do so at least 50 feet outside of the residence halls and use the smoking receptacles provided. Smoking in any public areas or within 50 feet of any campus facility is strictly prohibited. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas on campus.

  1. Unauthorized entry into or use of College facilities is prohibited.
  2. Access to residence halls should be limited to the front door; students should not enter or exit through windows. Students may not enter any residence halls through fire doors.
  3. Students wishing to gain access to residence hall suites or rooms other than their own, or if they are a commuter visiting the residence halls, should only gain such access with the permission of occupants in the room. Borrowing or lending of keys or another student’s ID are not permitted and are not considered permission to gain entry.
  4. Roofs and balconies are not permitted for student use unless approved by the Dean of Campus Life Office.
  5. Students may not sit or hang out of the windows in the residence halls.
  6. Safety stops and security bars on windows must not be removed or damaged. Window screens are to be kept in the window frame. No objects may be thrown from a window for any reason.
  7. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys or ID card to gain access to Wagner College premises is prohibited.
  8. Unauthorized use of an ID to enter College facilities or premises is prohibited.
  9. Resident students and guests must present a valid ID card upon entering the halls

See "Unauthorized Entry or Use of College Facilities"