Administrative Policies/Procedures

When checking in, residents must verify and return a Room Condition Form (RCR) to their Resident Assistant. The RCR denotes the condition of all areas of the room/suite upon move-in.
Residents who live in a room/suite with vacancies are expected to keep their room/suite in such a manner that roommates who may be assigned to the vacant room(s) may move in at any time. This matter is especially important at the Winter Break between semesters when new residents assigned to a room frequently arrive before returning residents. Residents whose room/suite require special attention before new roommates can move in may be charged for extra cleaning and for rearrangement of furniture.

When checking out of a room, residents must schedule a checkout appointment with their Resident Assistant (RA) or contact an RA during open Office Hours.  During the appointment the resident returns his/her key(s), completes a walk through of the room/suite with a housing staff member and signs the Room Condition Form (RCR). Residents who fail to follow these procedures may be assessed a $100 improper checkout fee in addition to any other damages that may be assessed.
If a resident needs to checkout when an RA is not available, they must complete an Express Checkout Envelope near the office door of their Resident Director.  The resident should return their key(s) in the envelope, seal it, and slip it into the key box. With an Express Checkout, residents waive their right to appeal any changes assessed to their room-- which will be inspected by an RA at a later date/time. He/she assumes all financial responsibility for any damages, missing items, necessary cleaning, and/or key(s) not returned.
Residents are responsible for the condition of their room/suite. When damages occur, the fees for these damages will be charged to the responsible party. If the person causing the damage cannot be identified, all residents of the room/suite will be charged for the damage. Residents must leave their rooms/apartments/suite in a clean condition when they checkout. Failure to do so may result in an extra cleaning charge.
At the end of the contract, residents must vacate the room/suite within twenty-four (24) hours of their last final exam unless this exam is on the last day of scheduled exams, in which case residents must vacate their room/suite by the published close of that semester. Residents withdrawing from the College prior to the end of the academic year must vacate their room/suite within twenty-four hours after such withdrawal and must follow the proper checkout procedures as listed above.
Students who fail to move out of the proper day will be charged a $100 per day rate.

Residents who have problems with their rooms or roommates should bring their concerns to their Resident Assistant (RA).  The RA may then refer the resident to the Resident Director (RD).  In situations where residents feel  uncomfortable approaching their RA, they may bring their concerns directly to the RD.

All mail must be sent to the Postal Center at:
Mail sent to the residence halls will not be signed for by Residential Education staff.  Wagner College assumes no responsibility for loss or theft of items left at residence halls reception desks.

Laundry is found in the following locations within the residence halls.
Guild -- Laundry Room
Foundation -- 1st Floor South Laundry Room
Harborview -- Laundry Room
Towers -- C Tower Basement, near the elevator in the laundry room
In addition, there are off-campus laundry services.  If you are interested in this service, complete the application or contact External Programs at 718-390-3221.

Harborview Hall & Guild Hall
Students are considered locked out of their rooms when they have exhausted all possibilities for locating their room key, including waiting for roommates to return home if the key was left in the room. If a student is locked out, they should go to the RA office in the lobby of their building. If an RA is not in the office, they should call the Campus Safety booth at 718-390-3148 and ask for the RA on-call.
Although Harborview and Guild Hall use identification cards to gain access, Residential Education can help if the card is not available. Lockouts are done at all times. Monday through Friday between 9am-9pm, the cost for a lockout is $10.00.  On Monday through Friday between 9pm-12am the cost of a lockout is $25.00, from 12am-9am the cost is $50.00.  On the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), lockouts between 9am-9pm are $25.00 and between 9pm-9am are $50.00.  Lockout charges are not appealable and are billed to a student's account. When the college is not in session (e.g. Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, etc.) the lock out policy will be the weekend policy. 
In the event a student loses their identification key card, students should go to the Campus Safety office Monday-Friday, between 8:30 AM-4:30PM, to obtain a replacement identification card. There is no charge for the first card, but students will be charged a $30.00 fee for any replacements after the initial card is issued. Campus Safety no longer issues temporary cards.
Towers Hall & Foundation Hall
Students are considered locked out of their rooms when they have exhausted all possibilities for locating their room key, including waiting for roommates to return home if the key was left in the room. If a student is locked out, they should go to the RA office in the lobby of their building. If an RA is not in the office, they should call the Campus Safety booth at 718-390-3148 and ask for the RA on-call.
Lockouts are done at all times. Monday through Friday between 9am-9pm, lockouts are done for residential students at no cost.  On Monday through Friday between 9pm-12am the cost of a lockout is $25.00, from 12am-9am the cost is $50.00.  On the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), lockouts between 9am-9pm are $25.00 and between 9pm-9am are $50.00.  Lockout charges are not appealable and are billed to a student's account. When the college is not in session (e.g. Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, etc) the lock out policy will be the weekend policy. 

Residents are issued keys to their rooms at the beginning of each semester. Upon losing a key residents should report the loss immediately to the Residential Education Staff of their residence hall. Residents who lose keys will be charged the full amount of materials and labor for a lock change ($75).

Wagner College expects that students will inform their family members of any changes in their status at the College. The College, however, reserves the right to notify parents and/or guardians when there is a change in student status, or when continued enrollment at the College or residence in campus housing is in jeopardy. This includes, but is not limited to: behavior that presents a real danger of substantial harm to self or others or substantially disrupts the learning environment and activities of the campus community, accident or injury requiring medical treatment at a hospital or other off‐campus facility, prolonged inactivity in coursework, or disciplinary action such that removal from housing is imminent. A letter will be sent home to parents/guardians if a student is placed on disciplinary probation.

The College reserves the right to enter a student’s housing assignment at any time. Generally, College staff members enter for routine or emergency maintenance, requested repairs, health and safety inspections, when there is evidence or suspicion of activities that violate the College’s Community Standards of Conduct, or when there is evidence or concern for the health, safety, or welfare of the student or the community.