Residential Guest Registration & Policy

Commuter students will be permitted in the residence halls as long as they are accompanied by a residential student.

Residential students are approved to have 2 (two) overnight guests for 2 (two) nights per month. Per our policy, no person under the age of 16 is permitted to stay in the residence halls. Per our policy, guests will not be approved to stay overnight more than 4 (four) nights consecutively.

Guests must be registered by Thursday at 9am for the upcoming weekend and week. Registration after Thursday at 9am will be denied. A Residential Education staff member will respond and notify the student if it has been approved.

Students who do not complete and/or comply with the guest registration processes will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include removal from campus housing and permanent revoking of guest privileges.

Residential Students: To register your guest, please go to and login using your OneLogin information. Once logged in, click the menu in the top left corner. Under Forms, you should see a Guest Request Form you should complete to request your guest. You and your guest will receive a confirmation that you will be expected to keep on you at all times.

The Residential Guest policy is as follows:

  • All students are responsible for the actions of their guests and visitors anywhere on campus.
  • Guests and visitors may need to sign in to events or programs sponsored by the College and/or student clubs/organizations.
  • Guests and visitors of the College must adhere to all Wagner College policies and procedures and must remain with the host at all times, without exception.
  • Every resident of the College is permitted no more than 2 guests at a time during the day (9am-9pm).  Guests are permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls for a maximum of 2 nights within a given month.
  • Guests under the age of 16 are not permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls.  Upon arrival, each guest must have already completed the online Guest Pass and received approval.
  • Each guest should present a valid Guess Pass that is emailed to students after the competition of the Guest Request Form along with a valid and current photo ID. Guests may not be signed into more than one residence hall at a time.
  • Roommates are required to check with one another to confirm that guest/visitors are not an inconvenience to their living environment.
  • Visitation during exam weeks is limited to current members of the Wagner College community.  When classes are not in session (during academic year holiday breaks), students remaining in housing may only have guests in the halls between 10 am and 8 pm; no overnight guests are permitted. However, students living on campus during the summer session follow the academic year policy.
  • The Office of Residential Education reserves the right to modify guest privileges at any time as determined by the needs of the community and will notify residents in advance if changes are made. Hosting or attending a gathering of ten or more people in a resident’s room or suite at any time is prohibited.
To register a guest, please go to and login using your OneLogin information. Once logged in, click the menu in the top left corner. Under Forms, you should see a Guest Request Form you should complete to request your guest. You and your guest will receive a confirmation that you will be expected to keep on you at all times.