Undergraduate Employment
SEA is proud to offer several College Work Study positions within our office. If you are interested in working as an Office Assistant, Intramurals Facilitator, or Coffeehouse Staff member, head over to the Financial Aid Office's list of available work study positions. Positions fill up quickly at the start of each Fall semester, so be sure to stop by Financial Aid first thing when classes begin.
Graduate Employment
We will soon be accepting applications for Graduate Assistant positions in Co-Curricular Programs for the 2020-2021 academic year. The position descriptions are linked below. In order to qualify, candidates must gain acceptance into one of Wagner's Master's programs and submit a general graduate assistant application through the graduate studies website. When you have completed these steps, you may send your resume, cover letter, and 3 references to Marjorie Cross at marjorie.cross@wagner.edu.
We will continue to review applications until the positions are filled.