Wagner College recently completed a self-study for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, part of the accreditation renewal process that occurs every 10 years.
A team of evaluators from Wagner's peer institutions, led by University of Scranton President Scott Pilarz, reviewed the self-study and visited the College in March. Their report found Wagner to be in compliance with all 14 standards of excellence set by the commission. They also offered quite a few commendations, highlighting these areas for special notice:
- The Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts.
- The College's strengthened financial position.
- Inclusion of students in institutional governing bodies.
- Effective administrative reorganization.
- Co-curricular programs supporting the Wagner Plan.
- Academic departments' clearly stated learning outcomes and assessment procedures.
- The College's multi-disciplinary approach to learning.
- Its focus on ethics and values in learning communities.
- Its emphasis on communication skills throughout the curriculum.
- Its culture of academic assessment.
“In all my years in higher education, I have never seen such an encouraging and positive review,” says President Guarasci. “This report is a strong confirmation of the good work our faculty, staff, and students have been doing and of the College's direction as a leader in higher education.”
A copy of the entire report is available upon request. Wagner's self-study is available at https://wagner.edu/academics/provost/