Many alumni returned to campus during the 2010–11 academic year to share their expertise with Wagner students preparing for life after college.
Richard Barratta '73, for instance, took off time in November from producing HBO's movie Too Big to Fail to visit Professor Todd Price's arts administration class, The Business of Film. Barratta has served as production manager and producer for many blockbuster movies, including all three Spider-Man films and this summer's The Smurfs. As a movie project's top manager, he told the class that when he reads a script, he thinks, “This is 108 pages of problems. Everything's a problem, and you've got to solve them.”
Beverly Hoehne Whipple '62 (pictured here) was on campus to give a public lecture and speak to classes in February. A Wagner nurse with a Ph.D. in psychobiology, she is a Rutgers professor emerita best known as co-author of The G Spot and Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality. She gave a frank and inspiring talk on “Sensuality and Sexuality: Enhancing Intimacy” to a large group of students and faculty.
Allan F. O'Connell '76 visited Wagner on March 28 to speak to biology students on his area of expertise: wildlife management. He is a research ecologist at the internationally renowned Patuxent Wildlife Research Center of the U.S. Geological Survey, part of the Department of the Interior, and author of a new book on using camera traps to estimate the abundance and health of wildlife populations. He cited his experience with animals ranging from rainforest frogs to kangaroos to the Florida panther.