In January, President Guarasci announced that he will retire next June, setting in motion a search for the 19th president of Wagner College.
“Having just celebrated my 72nd birthday, I strongly believe it is time to turn over the reins to the next leader of Wagner College,” Guarasci said in a message to the College community on January 30. “After carefully conferring with our trustees on an orderly succession plan, and with the support of my best friend and cherished partner Dr. Carin Guarasci, I am announcing today that I will step down as president effective June 30, 2019.”
In February, the Board of Trustees appointed a presidential search committee that includes representatives from the trustees, faculty, administration, and students. The board also selected the firm Academic Search to consult on the search process.
In June, a national search was launched. The search committee plans to begin reviewing applications shortly after September 15, with the goal of naming the new president by the late fall of this year. Names of candidates will not be made public. A search process that guarantees confidentiality is necessary to ensure that candidates who hold key positions at other institutions will apply.
Richard Guarasci holds the record as Wagner’s longest-serving president, and his tenure has been groundbreaking. He came to Wagner in 1997 as provost and established the Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts in 1998. President since 2002, he has increased the Wagner endowment from $4 million to $100 million, built the first new residence hall on campus in 40 years, oversaw a major renovation of Main Hall, and helped to found the Port Richmond Partnership, among many other accomplishments.
“Thank you, Richard, for your creative vision, your leadership and above all your collaborative friendship with us,” said Board Chair Warren Procci ’68 H’17. “You have secured an unforgettable spot in Wagner’s history. You have been ‘beautiful upon a hill.’”
- Information about the presidential search and the nomination process
- “Five Facets of Leadership”: Emblematic moments during the 21 years President Richard Guarasci has served at Wagner College.
- “Gentleness and Grit”: The contributions of First Lady Carin Guarasci.