Giving Back by Teaching
In the Department for Lifelong Learning, alumni pass along their knowledge to children and adults.
In the Department for Lifelong Learning, alumni pass along their knowledge to children and adults.
Claire P. Maher M’76 died on March 30, 2018. Her long career in education included 35 years with the Early Childhood Center at Wagner College.
Robert Hicks, who served 16 seasons (1962–77) as the Wagner football coach, died on April 7, 2018.
Jeanne Corbo died on May 13, 2018, in Staten Island. She served as director of career planning and placement from 1953 to 1993.
In 2018, the College celebrates 20 years of the Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts. How has it influenced Wagner students?
The annual awards given at Reunion recognize leaders in serving the College and the community and in professional achievement.
The fall of 2018 marks the start of some very significant events in Wagner history.
How do we train ourselves to make more rational decisions?
Many years before the founding of Wagner’s top-ranked theater program, Wagnerians used Main Hall’s stage for dramatic productions.
Professor Steven Thomas co-edited a book that includes his chapter about slavery as portrayed in international films.