‘The Most Important Year of My Life’
An Austrian author brings Wagner College, circa 1967, back to vivid life in a new book.
An Austrian author brings Wagner College, circa 1967, back to vivid life in a new book.
“I can only truly become the president through listening, learning, and practice,” says President Martin.
Pia Wilson ’93 finds her personal connection to Adrienne Kennedy, Wagner’s 1963 Stanley Drama Award winner.
The Seahawk Marching Band made its debut in a genuine summer blockbuster in 2019.
Suzanne Hevner, actor and adjunct professor of theater, died on January 4, 2019.
Donald Krug, who taught sociology and anthropology at Wagner from 1964 to 1996, died on January 26, 2019.
Al Wagner ’58 died on December 6, 2018. For 34 years, he provided audio and visual services, and assisted student theatrical productions.
Nursing alumna Evelyn Lindfors Spiro ’49 H’92 died on March 23, 2019. She was 90 years old.
President Martin is an expert on Native American history and religion, and he has written and edited a few notable books on these topics.