What’s Outside
When Wagner College announced plans for an on-campus semester last fall, one of the big …
When Wagner College announced plans for an on-campus semester last fall, one of the big …
Pia Wilson ’93 finds her personal connection to Adrienne Kennedy, Wagner’s 1963 Stanley Drama Award winner.
Suzanne Hevner, actor and adjunct professor of theater, died on January 4, 2019.
Al Wagner ’58 died on December 6, 2018. For 34 years, he provided audio and visual services, and assisted student theatrical productions.
In 2018, I checked in with a few students I had written about in 2007–11 and found out where their Wagner Plan education had led them.
Stanley Drama Award-winning playwright Ben Marshall teaches his craft at Wagner College.
The emeritus professor of theater, former music director, and chair of the Wagner College Theatre department died on July 7, 2018.
Many years before the founding of Wagner’s top-ranked theater program, Wagnerians used Main Hall’s stage for dramatic productions.
The Wagner College Theatre family celebrates at a Golden Jubilee Gala in May 2018.