Paralegal Certificate

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the job outlook for paralegal staff to increase 12% between 2018 and 2028, much faster than the national average for all occupations.

The national median earnings for paralegals is currently $50,940/year and freelance paralegal professionals average significantly more across the board.

This program is designed for beginning as well as advanced legal workers. You will be trained to interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law, prepare legal documents, and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation. The instruction is practice-oriented and relates to those areas of law in which paralegals are in most demand. There are no prerequisites to take the course, but you will be expected to complete a significant amount of homework for each session. This program will help you to increase your office’s efficiency, productivity, and billable hours as well as learn new marketable job skills. Visit Center for Legal Studies or Call 1-800-522-7737 to order textbooks. 

  • Session 1 
  • Session 2 
  • Session 3 
  • Session 4 
  • Session 5 
  • Session 6 
Legal Terminology, Documents, Ethics, and the Litigation Process focuses on the history of American jurisprudence, the theory of law, the legal process, and the nature of litigation. Discussion will cover pre-trial, trial and post-trial procedures as well as an in-depth coverage of legal ethics. You will know how to prepare a Complaint/Petition, Answer, Third Party Complaint/Petition, and Motion for Summary Judgment. 
Introduction to the Evidentiary Predicate covers the rules of evidence and civil procedure. Basic interviewing and investigation techniques and the development and use of demonstrative evidence will also be explained. You will prepare discovery matter such as Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents. 
Identifying Relevant Authority covers how to identify relevant law, determine the differences between primary and secondary authority, and between mandatory and persuasive authority, and learn how to find and apply authority through the use of hypothetical situations. 
Introduction to Legal Research will teach you research techniques for use in legal memoranda, motions, and briefs. Primary and secondary source materials will be discussed, and a concise approach to legal research will be developed including an introduction to Westlaw Online Legal Research. 
Legal Research Practice & Document Preparation develops research skills with emphasis on statutes and case laws. Numerous research assignments will be given, discussed, and critiqued. You will learn how to prepare legal documents relating to real property, corporations, partnerships, wills, trusts, bankruptcy, and domestic relations. 
Legal Writing and Appellate Procedure will concentrate on the preparation and critique of legal memoranda, including an Interoffice Memorandum of Law and Appellate Brief as well as principles of appellate procedure. 


Course Delivery, Schedule and Registration

  • Course content is delivered online and completed at your own pace from March 10 – June 20, 2025.

    Tuition: $2,095

    Enroll Online

  • Course content is delivered remotely live via Zoom according to the schedule outlined below:

    February 3 – April 1, 2025
    Mondays and Wednesdays, 6pm – 9pm and Saturdays 8:30am – 1pm
    Tuition: $2,195

    Enroll Online

  • The new format allows students to complete the course at their own pace, within a 6-month time frame. Guided by recorded video lectures, formative assessments and interactive quizzes, this format takes all the best aspects of the traditional 14-week, instructor-led course, and provides flexibility to students looking to complete their coursework at a faster or slower pace based on their learning preferences.

    All students will have access to an instructor for questions or need more support. Upon successful completion of the course, students will earn a Certificate of Completion and a Digital Badge to verify and market their job-ready skills.

    Tuition: $2,095

    Enroll Online

Tuition and Materials

Monthly Payment Option Available Through Affirm
Affirm is a financing option method available to U.S. residents and territories, excluding Iowa and West Virginia. Using this payment method allows you to make easy monthly payments. For more details, visit

Visit Center for Legal Studies or Call 1-800-522-7737 to order textbooks. 

Prices as of Fall 2020

$20        Paralegal Career for Dummies
$49        Paralegal Certificate Course© Workbook
$179      Introduction to Paralegalism, 8th edition
$50        Uniform System of Citation
$49        Legal Document Preparation Manual for the Paralegal Certificate Course©
$25        Federal Civil Rules Booklet
$89        WestLaw ( Student subscription fee )

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