Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research (CTLR) serves as a central hub for the discussion and dissemination of effective pedagogies focused on the enhancement of deep learning.  The center serves teachers, learners, administrators, and staff in this common mission.


The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research exists to support Wagner faculty in becoming better teachers and scholars. With a focus on inclusive and equitable practices, the CTLR works to help teachers develop high quality curriculum, deliver content to students using high impact educational strategies, and then measure the results.

  • The Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research is available for various one-on-one services to support Wagner Faculty directly.

    • Syllabus Review and Consultations
      • Need help building a syllabus and course schedule from soup to nuts?  The CTLR can aid in holistic curriculum development at any stage in the process.
    • Lesson Plan Review and Consultations
      • Want to sharpen a particular lesson plan? Looking for innovative strategies to deliver a particular piece of content?  The CTLR is available to review and improve individual lesson plans to achieve greater depth of learning.
    • Classroom Observations
      • Get tips and feedback based from an in-person classroom observation, or prepare in advance for formal classroom observations that come as part of the Tenure and Promotion Process.
    • New Faculty Orientations
      •  Help with navigating Wagner and getting to know our students.
    • Tenure and Promotion Consultations
      • Looking for an informal conversation around what to expect during Tenure and Promotion reviews?  The CTLR is available to discuss case statements, teaching observations, reflective pedagogical essays, and more.  (Disclaimer: The Faculty Personnel Committee is always the best source for advice on Tenure and Promotion.  The CTLR is a resource for preliminary and informal information.)

    For one-on-one support in these or any area related to Teaching, Learning, and Research, please reach out directly to

  • August 21, 2024, 1:45pm: Lesson Plan Lightning Round

    Brett Palfreyman, Felicia Ruff, Paul Barretta, and Celeste Gagnon will share some of their favorite lesson plans at the Summer Faculty Institute

    Fall 2024 Learning Lunch Series (All meetings in the Faculty Dining Room)

    Tuesday, September 3 1:00p-2:00p Outside the Classroom: The Co-Curricular Life of Wagner Students

    Ange Concepcion, Thomas Tressler-Gelok, and Stephanie Peguillan

    Ever wonder what Wagner students do when they’re not in the classroom? Members of the Campus Life team will share their insights about today’s students and all the other opportunities and pressures that compete for their attention.

    Wednesday, September 18 12:00p-1:00p Incorporating Voter Education and Engagement in Your Class

    Bernadette Ludwig

    This interactive workshop offers participants practical strategies for incorporating voter education (through lectures, readings, activities, and assignments) into their classes, and thus fostering students’ critical thinking. Faculty will walk away with hands-on tips and resources on how to contextualize voter education within their fields to help their students understand different voting patterns, history of voting, policies, etc.

    Thursday, September 26 1:00p-2:00p Teaching Job Skills: NACE’s Top 8 Career Competencies  

    Rosa Santana  

    What do today’s students need to be ready to enter the workforce?  These are the most critical skills that young people will need over a broad variety of careers, from critical thinking to teamwork to professionalism and much more. 

    Wednesday, October 16
    1:00p -2:00p
    Navigating Accommodations at Wagner

    Danae Chocquette

    How best can you support your students who receive accommodations? Discuss challenges, work-arounds and best practices regarding accessibility at Wagner.

    Thursday, October 31
    Teaching Difficult or Sensitive Topics

    Amy Eshleman

    A discussion about discussions—tools for leading meaningful, but respectful, conversations on issues where people passionately disagree.

    Thursday, November 21 1:00p-2:00p Who are Gen Z and How Do We Teach Them?

    Thomas Tressler-Gelok

    How do we meet this generation? Tik Tok, ChatGPT, and social reform are just some of the things that are impacting this new group of students’ experience. Let’s chat about some of the trends and ways to engage them in their experiences at Wagner.


Wagner College is a member of the Faculty Resource Network (FRN) at New York University.  The FRN is an award-winning professional development consortium that sponsors programs for faculty and administrators nationwide with over 50 colleges and universities. The FRN hosts lectures, symposia, intensive seminars, and visiting scholar opportunities to improve the quality of teaching and learning at its member and affiliate institutions.

Reach out to FRN Liaison Brett Palfreyman for more information.

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Simply follow the link below, complete a short form, and we’ll take care of the rest. 

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  • Collaborate with nearly 14,000 members to discuss issues, ideas, and share resources on undergraduate research.
  • Gain access to a Member Resource Library of over 100 resources, tips and tricks for virtual learning and teaching, and other valuable content to strengthen your undergraduate research programs.
  • A subscription to our scholarly journal, Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research.
  • Exclusive member-only programs such as CUR Conversations on evolving hot topics.
  • Discounts for event registration and publication purchases.
  • and more!

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See Tav Hawkins for more information

Brett Palfreyman

Associate Professor

718-390-3252 Parker Hall 203

Brett Palfreyman is an early American historian and Associate Professor of History at Wagner College. As Director of the Center of Teaching, Learning, and Research, he is dedicated to assisting Wagner Faculty in pursuing their scholarship and providing the best possible education to our students.