Standing Committees

Faculty can access all internal committee minutes and forms on Moodle here. One selected member of each committee will have access to edit and upload the Moodle page.

Faculty Standing Committees, 2023-2024

  • To investigate allegations of academic dishonesty against students enrolled at the College.
  • To conduct academic honesty hearings.
  • To determine appropriate sanctions for students who have been found to have violated the College’s policy.
  • To define the College’s policies towards academic honesty.

Committee Members

*Amy Eshleman
*Rita Reynolds (Chair)
*Jing Chen
*Melissa Lamanna

Academic  Honesty Committee – Membership Criteria

The AHC is composed of five full–time faculty members, typically from different divisions, and the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. (If the College has no Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs or his/her designee will fulfill the responsibilities of the Associate Provost.) Each faculty member will serve a three–year term, and no more than two terms will be served consecutively by any faculty member.

For hearings, the committee chair recruits a pool of non-voting student representatives proposed by the Associate Dean of Campus Life and/or the President of the Student Government Association. Eligibility for this student participation is limited to full-time students in good standing with no prior violations of academic honesty or community standards policy. Of the five faculty members, one of them shall be nominally considered to be the chair of the committee. This will be determined by a mutual agreement among all of the voting members of the committee.

Committee Members

*Steve Thomas
*Heather Cook (Chair)
*Edward Ai
*Sarah Scott
*Larry Nolan


The Academic Policy Committee is responsible for:

  • reviewing current academic programs
  • reviewing all recommendations regarding faculty position requests based upon curricular needs in collaboration with the Priority and Budget Committee
  • conducting initial reviews and making recommendations for new programs
  • reviewing all courses for meeting distribution requirements
  • evaluating all course changes in existing programs
  • evaluating course changes needed to implement new programs reviewing all new course proposals
  • receiving reports from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding workloads and visiting positions

Membership Criteria

The Academic Policy Committee consists of five voting members of the full–time faculty, one from each of the five Divisions. The Provost, or designee, and the Registrar serve on the committee as non–voting members. Other members of the Administration or Faculty may regularly attend with permission of the Committee.  In addition, one student may serve as a non–voting member. The Committee elects its own chair. An Academic Policy Committee member must be a full–time member of the Faculty who holds the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. Except in unusual circumstances, normally the majority of committee members are tenured members of the Faculty. The Committee of the Whole elects members to the Academic Policy Committee at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year. The elections are staggered to prevent more than three persons from beginning their committee service in the same year. The term of service is three years, with the possibility of re–election for a second term.


Creativity APC Application

Critical Reading APC Application

Information Literacy APC Application

Intercultural Understanding APC Application

Oral Communication APC Application

Quantitative Thinking APC Application

Technological Competency APC Application

Written Communication

Committee Members

*Penny Brandt
*Michelle Romano
*Katherine Moccia
*Margaret Wilkins


The Committee is charged with reviewing, each semester, the academic records of students to determine those students to be placed on Probation or Academic Suspension, and to review the records of students previously placed on Probation or Academic Suspension to determine if continued Probation or Suspension is warranted. A report on the Committee’s activities will be made once each semester to the Faculty.

Membership Criteria

The Academic Review Committee consists of the Registrar, the Dean of the College, The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and three faculty members elected from the Committee of the Whole. The three faculty representatives must come from three different Divisions. There are no rank or tenure requirements for faculty representatives. Faculty will serve three–year staggered terms.


*Eric Dean Wilson
*Yana Kosenkov
*Emma Li-Ore
*Thomas Juneau (Chair)
*Steven Snow


The Wagner College Faculty has committed itself to using a systematic learning assessment plan to address the following two questions:

  • Does Wagner College present courses/formats/settings that allow students to meet the learning goals as found in the Wagner College Undergraduate Bulletin?
  • Do Wagner College students achieve the learning goals?

To serve this end, the Committee for Learning Assessment is responsible for:

  • serving as a resource function and
  • assisting academic Departments and other policy–making bodies in coordinating the assessment of all academic curricular and co-curricular programs.

Membership Criteria

The Committee for Learning Assessment consists of five full–time faculty. The Provost, the Associate Provost for Assessment, and the Dean of Campus Life and Engagement serve on the committee as non–voting members. Wagner faculty elect to the CLA one member of each academic divisions.

A CLA member must be a full–time member of the Faculty who holds the rank of Assistant Professor or higher. The terms of office are staggered to prevent more than four persons from beginning their committee service in the same year. The team of service is three years, with the possibility of re–election to a second term.


*Katica Urbanc
*Greg Falabella
*Frank DeSimone
*Philip Hickox
*John Esser
*Zohreh Shahvar


It shall be the responsibility of the FHA to hear and make recommendations on faculty appeals concerning significant personnel issues where a substantive violation of the normal operating process is alleged. In each case, an effort shall be made to resolve differences with the assistance of the Provost, if appropriate, prior to initiating a formal appeals process. If the differences cannot be resolved, the Provost will convene the FHA which will at that time elect a chair. Appeals regarding appointment and tenure may only involve substantive procedural irregularities or application of improper criteria. Substantive violations are defined as serious considerations that could result in a different outcome in the reappointment process. The evaluation of the merits of appointment and tenure lie with the process of reappointment (outlined below).

Prior to the convening of the Hearings and Appeals Committee the appellant will prepare:

  • a brief description of the events leading up to the appeal and/or the situations providing its context
  • an account of the nature of the appeal which specifies what it is the faculty member is grieving and the reasons he/she considers it an injury.
  • reference to the policies or procedures in the Faculty Handbook which have allegedly been violated.

Normally the faculty member shall be notified within one month by the committee chair from receipt of the appeal whether the Committee considers it to fall within the range of its jurisdiction and, hence, whether it will hear the case or not.
If the Committee decides to hear the case, it may require further information from concerned parties and, consequently, may wish to call the faculty member as well as others involved for a hearing.

The findings of the Committee shall be conveyed to the President, the faculty member and all other involved parties in the form of a judgment about the merits of the appeal together with any recommendations for the action that the Committee deems warranted. Final disposition of the grievance rests with the President.

The Faculty Hearing and Appeals Committee also hears cases involving faculty discipline according to the procedures specified in the Faculty Handbook.

All deliberations and conclusions of the Committee shall be held in the strictest of confidence with the exception of those most directly involved.

The Faculty Hearing and Appeals Committee shall meet as needed.

Membership Criteria

The Faculty Hearing and Appeals Committee (FHA) consists of five tenured members of the full–time faculty. The Committee of the Whole elects to the committee one member from each of the Divisions and one alternate, representing the faculty–at–large, with no more than one member from an Academic Department. The committee elects its own chair.

Members of the Faculty Personnel Committee are ineligible to serve on this committee and any member personally involved in a case under consideration must absent him/herself from the deliberations. The elected alternate shall then participate in the deliberation of the case.


Kayhan Koleyni


The Faculty Marshal shall perform the customary ceremonial duties at commencement baccalaureate, and official convocations.

Membership Criteria

A Faculty Marshal is elected annually by the Committee of the Whole upon nomination of the Priorities and Budget Committee at the last meeting of each academic year. The Marshal so elected shall serve throughout the academic year in which he or she is elected.


John Esser

Membership Criteria

A Parliamentarian is to be elected annually by the Committee of the Whole.


*Dane Stalcup (Chair)
*Don Stearns
*Edna Aurelus
*Shaohua Hu
*David Schulenberg
*Racquel DeCisso (Alternate)


The Faculty Personnel Committee is responsible for:

  • evaluating faculty members for reappointment, promotion, and tenure and forwarding its recommendations to the Provost
  • receiving and evaluating faculty requests for sabbaticals, leaves of absence for scholarly purposes, Faculty Aid Funds, Faculty Research Funds, and funds to attend professional meetings, and evaluating the written report of such activity
  • with the Provost and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, receiving and evaluating applications for Faculty Exceptional Performance Awards and selecting the awardees

The Provost shall meet with the Committee to discuss its recommendations, which will be subsequently forwarded to him/her for decision.

Membership Criteria

The Faculty Personnel Committee consists of five tenured members of the full–time faculty who hold the rank of Full or Associate Professor. The Committee of the Whole elects to the FPC one member from each of the academic Divisions. The Faculty Personnel Committee shall elect its own Chair.

Elections are staggered to prevent more than three persons beginning their committee service simultaneously. The term of office for a faculty member on this committee is three years, with the possibility of re–election for one additional term.
A member of the Faculty Personnel Committee shall not be eligible for promotion while serving on the committee. In the event of a vacancy on this committee, the Committee of the Whole shall elect a successor at the earliest opportunity. In those cases where it is known at the beginning of the academic year that a member cannot complete the full year, a new member shall be elected to fill the position at the beginning of the academic year.


Karim Malak


The Faculty Secretary, in consultation with the President and the Provost, issues calls for regular and authorized special Faculty meetings. His or her primary function is to keep records and minutes of all official meetings of the Committee of the Whole. In addition, the Secretary informs the President of specified recognition due to faculty members for reason of length of service, retirement, and other noteworthy accomplishments.

Membership Criteria

The Faculty Secretary is elected by the Committee of the Whole for a two-year term.


*Brett Palfreyman
*Horst Onken
*Richard LaRocca (Chair)
*Patricia Moynagh
*Kayhan Koleyni
*Vacant (At Large)
*Josephine Marcantonio (At Large)


The PBC will be charged with the following responsibilities:

  • reviewing the annual operating budget of the College
  • with the Provost, designing, reviewing, and revising the priorities statement for Academic and Educational Programs
  • reviewing and making recommendations on the Strategic Plan for Academic and Educational Programs
  • making recommendations to the President and the Provost on resource allocation affecting all educational programs, including departmental budgets, library and information technology, Academic and Cultural Enrichment, financial aid, student life, and fundraising
  • reviewing all recommendations regarding faculty position requests from APC based upon budget and priority concerns
  • annually nominating a slate of faculty for election to Faculty committees and as representatives to the Board of Trustees
  • periodically reviewing and revising the Faculty Handbook and forwarding recommendations to the Committee of the Whole
  • formulating, in collaboration with appropriate administrative officers, the faculty compensation plan and reporting to the Committee of the Whole
  • monitoring student recruitment, retention, attrition, and other related issues
  • receiving reports from the Provost regarding workloads and visiting positions
  • calling special meetings of their Division to discuss important issues when necessary

The Provost will report salary (excluding overloads, independent studies, etc.) ranges and medians by rank and gender to the Priorities and Budget Committee no later than October 1st of each academic year.

The PBC will consult, as needed with the Faculty Personnel Committee, the Academic Policy Committee, and the Department Chairs Council on issues affecting academic priorities and faculty work and compensation. The PBC shall have the right to request information that it deems necessary to fulfill the preceding responsibilities.

The PBC will report to the Committee of the Whole at least once a semester and may place items for discussion or action on the COW agenda.

Membership Criteria

The Priorities and Budget Committee (PBC) consists of seven members of the full–time faculty: one tenured member from each of the five Divisions and two additional members (without tenure requirement) chosen at–large. The PBC will elect its own chair.

The Committee of the Whole elects members to the Priorities and Budget Committee at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year. The elections are staggered to prevent more than three persons from beginning their committee service in the same year. The term of service of tenured members representing Divisions shall be three years, with the possibility of re–election for a second term. At–large members serve two–year terms with possibility of re–election.

Faculty members elected to the PBC as Divisional Representatives will communicate information and act as liaisons to the faculty in their division and when necessary, serve as conveners/agenda setters for their respective divisional meetings of the five Divisions.


Paul Barretta (Alternate: Steve Thomas)


Faculty representatives represent the entire Faculty. They will consult with the Provost before each Board of Trustees meeting and together they will report substantive results of Board meetings to the Faculty.

Membership Criteria

At the last scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting of the academic year, one faculty representative to the Board of Trustees and one alternate is elected.

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