Welcome to the Psychology Department Participant Pool Information Page
Participant Pool Coordinator
Dr. Laurence J. Nolan
Dr. Carolyn Taverner
Student Participant Pool Coordinators
Alanis DeJesus
Kaitlyn Reilly
If you have questions such as when studies will be offered, please email the pool coordinators. Researchers can only answer questions about their own studies.
If you see a study you cannot sign up for, you are either ineligible or that study is currently not accepting participants. Please check that you completed the demographic survey, which is required for some studies. Check the system again at a later date to look for more opportunities.
The Participant Pool is available for research projects of advanced psychology majors and psychology faculty only.
Access to Experiment Management System (Sona Systems)
- Note that there is smart phone app: search for "Sona mobile" by Sona Systems in Google Play or iTunes App store.
For Pool Participants (PS 101 Students and volunteers)
- Rights and Responsibilities of Participants
- How to Complete the Requirement for your Psychology 101 course
(including non-research participant options) - Experiment Management System Instructions
- Additional information can be found on Moodle on the page labeled PS101 Research Requirement
For Researchers
Experimenters may not use the participant pool without approval of the HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION REVIEW BOARD (HERB). No exceptions.